You have a clever and thoughtful way of getting the history and truth out - especially to X and negative X folks who cannot think for themselves! Love your notes and am very grateful for them because I cannot listen to your show anymore since your broadcast is during my normal work hours.

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Again, thank you for all the clarifications. I wish someone would explain to me why the unvaccinated are so vilified . If you are vaccinated and trust the vaccine why do you care who is unvaccinated? Still asking.

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Appreciate the background on the vaccines. I've been vaccinated, but am more and more skeptical of the original and continuing hype and fears engendered. In Oregon the breakthrough rate has risen from 18.9% of Oregon COVID patients to 24.4% in five weeks. https://www.oregon.gov/oha/covid19/Documents/DataReports/Breakthrough-Case-Report.pdf

Even though Oregon says not to pay much attention to it because they don't have all COVID cases reported, in September 17.5% of COVID deaths were breakthrough cases. I expected much less given the 96% rating for Pfizer and Moderna and the 85% rating for J&J just regarding getting COVID, with much lower rates for dying from it (for example, only 4% with J&J). Apparently all a lie, or at best wishful thinking parading as medical expertise.

Am I glad I got the vaccine? Yes, in terms of personal health. But, sorry that my vaccination is a factor in the demonization of those who haven't been vaccinated and are now being forced to choose between having a job and their concerns about the vaccine. Knowing what I know now, I would not have been vaccinated or helped 12 other people get vaccinated to help fire the wave of persecution sweeping the nation.

At this point, I will no longer give my health provider any information about my vaccination status and will get no vaccinations through them in the future since they are responsible for firing about 8,000 medical professionals--including one of my favorite healthcare providers.

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Should read: "firing about 2,200 medical professionals"

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Thanks for this.

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$7 is less than a meal at CFA... as long as your daughter didn't have it delivered to her school.😁

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See? I DO listen! 😉

Have a great weekend.

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Oh wow, another rona post that 99.5% of the population won't be affected by, must be a slow news day.

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Thank you.

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Erick: A very thoughtful take on this (as usual) -- thanks for that! However I think there is a bigger point that I would really welcome your take on. Yes the use of fetal cells for medicines of many types has become common / standard. We can (and should) argue the morality of that. It is sad to me that we are not and have accepted it. But the extent of use of fetal cells overall -- and many of the CURRENT uses in medicine and health research & development (including those that are getting taxpayer dollars from NIH and others!) -- is the broader framework for this debate. The use of cells in COVID vaccine development and testing sits within this context and in my view makes it part of a much broader moral corruption. Would love you to expand your thoughts.

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I hate abortion with every fiber in my being. Having said that, the point about being nearly 40 years removed from the death of the child is a good one. It's a similar argument about the use of HeLa cells (if you aren't familiar with Henrietta Lacks, look up her story). The difference here is that the babies lost are unnamed. I also think your connection to Joseph and the evil perpetrated on him (by his brothers, Potiphar's wife, and the baker) being used to save millions is a good parallel.

However, the plea for nuance in argument is not as strong as it could be. Nuance is important; we live in a reality of grays, not black and white. But nuance doesn't strike the heart of the matter, at least among believers. What we (meaning the Body of Christ first, then the rest of the world) is GRACE. Grace dialogues. Grace listens. Grace even agrees to disagree. With grace, even X and negative X can coexist.

The old song says, "What the world needs now is love..." Our current world needs reason and grace. Not as catchy, but so important.

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Where are not where we were a year ago. There were no vaccines this time last year and people were dying. Very bad decisions were being made at federal, state and local levels and in hospitals. We know that a drug is given to those while in the hospital (that need it) that stops the growth of the virus, that helps the body fight back quicker. We know that steroids are good and Ventilators are only used if absolutely needed. There is a new pill coming that if taken within 5 days of symptoms that apparently is very-very effective in nipping this. We know that outdoor verses indoors is a good thing. We know that mask are not as effective as we originally thought, but can't hurt - right? We know that if you get a vaccine, and get the virus that of the people who do end up in the hospital (important distinction - not get the virus - people who end up in the hospital) that only 5% have been vaccinated. So the odds are very-very low of you being hospitalized, if you have gotten the shot or shots.

So with all of this information at there - what are these people fighting about? YOU have a decision to make. And that is NONE of my business. If you choose not to be vaccinated and want to wear a mask - then wear a mask. If you choose to be vaccinated and still want to wear a mask - then wear a mask. If you choose not to be vaccinated and choose not to wear a mask - cool. You are fully aware of the risk. If you have an issue with how the drugs originated - then don't take the drug - cool.

I have a sales show coming up in February in NY (provided it holds). And have to make two decisions. Am I willing to wear a mask on a plane? Am I willing to show proof of vaccination (basically papers) to get in the building. Honestly, those decisions haven't been made yet. But here is the great part... It's MY decision...

As my wife says.. "you do you boo-boo and I'll do me"

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Apologize for the typo's - didn't check my work... LOL

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I've been trying to get a credible answer on this issue for months. Thank you.

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This is great, Erick! Just brilliantly stated.

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So clearly and beautifully stated. Thanks again, Erick!

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