When voting is your sacrament, politics is your religion.

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I would like to see some Catholic priests comment on her photoshop of a priest here holding up an 'early voting" card in place of the Holy Eucharist. Maybe we can ask the priest in the photo what he thinks.

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That's just plain disgusting.

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This is so incredibly ugly. Can these people be so stupid as to think this will win votes for their side? I can’t believe anyone except the irretrievably lost would see this as a good thing. And as for Abrams and Warnock (speaking of irretrievably lost) May they both be confined to the lost causes of politics.

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I've banned Kev_WDE who seems only to want to attack commenters and troll the comments.

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I fail to understand why Politico would evidently feel that someone having been a victim of a sexual assault would be somehow disqualifying that person for public office. Victim shaming is a new low, even for Politico.

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Democrats, but especially Stacy Abrams and Raphael Warnock, have a problem with Christianity, unless it is their progressive version of it. Both of them need to publicly apologize: Stacy for her offensive ad using Pope Francis, and Warnock for his attacker against against Walker’s actions when he was suffering mental health issues. Shameful. This won’t win my vote. In reality, Democrats will never win my vote. They are obsessed with abortion, trans wokeness, racial wokeness, and climate change hysteria.

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I was deployed with Jennifer-Ruth Green in Iraq, and this smear piece by Politico is utter BS as is any assertion that she was unprofessional or didn’t meet standards. I didn’t know about this particular incident, neither did I have a similar experience, but I’m also not shocked. Deployed women attracted attention just by being there. I did not look particularly sexy (it’s hard to look appealing in the Air Force uniform when you’re sweating like a pig and have Roseanne Rosannadanna hair), and I was constantly hit on by Ugandan and Peruvian gate guards (one guy was extremely pushy). One Iraqi Lt Col asked if I wanted to go back to Tikrit with him.

The fact that the party that claims to represent women’s interests and says #believeallwomen would use a sexual assault against a female candidate against her in an 11th hour smear tactic is a sign of desperation. I hope Mrvan’s campaign goes down in flames and is over in a way nothing has ever been over before.

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Thank you for your service...AND your reference to "Roseanne, Rosannadanna" hair!

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Winning by any means. So sad.

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That Stacey Abrams likens politics to salvation shows that she completely misunderstands the role of politics and religion in our lives.


An offended but not surprised Catholic

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As Erick has said, it (politics) is their religion.

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