The silver lining (miniscule, but still silver) is that the City of New York (not you or me) has to pay for this sideshow. Poor little NYC, already bleeding sanctuary city cash.

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Apr 16Edited
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You start out complimentary so you can sound like a legit conservative and then the rest of your rant is just dumb. Plenty of successful conservative pundits speak openly and honestly about all Trump’s cases (e.g. Andy McCarthy and Ben Shapiro). But a conservative would already know that. Also, all the cases against him are very clearly lawfare to any honest observer. Your 123 is just poor comedy. And Obama brought all that Kenya scrutiny on himself at the time, Trump wasn’t on anyone’s radar in 2008. Try your routine in the left-wing substacks, those lemmings will eat it up.

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I’m a simple man and I thought Erick presented an excellent presentation

Of why this was illegal and wrong.

I am sure the TDS crowd would have a field day as they are like wild dogs

Gnawing their teeth on anything Trump. They have been waiting so long to see him behind bars. But beware those that cherish that day will be judged by Jesus at the end of their lifetime.We pray for our leaders and let God Judge them as he decides who is office.

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