The Republican Party needs leadership that will stand for doing something. Gingrich won because he put together a contract with America. What will the Republican Party do for the people of this country? We really do not know. We need a president and a Congress who will do things for the people and for this country. Not to enrich themselves on the backs of the people while selling out our country.

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The RNC needs to think and behave differently. She needs to go.

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When you control the money, you can pick and choose people who benefit you, not the candidates. I would like to know the relationship between the advertising firms and those who control the money.

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Doesn't matter, I can't see a compelling reason to donate to the Republican party as they have failed us all. Until they stop acting like feckless turds, I won't donate. Of course it's worse at the State level (Georgia). A waste of money!

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Like you said, if you can't get the basics right you will fail to get the important stuff right. Winning elections is the important thing. It doesn't matter how much money you can raise if your candidates and your message do not get the votes.

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I agree that it’s time to move on from Ronna, but I read with horror that Mike Lindell plans to throw his hat in the ring to replace her. I know there are better options (such as Lee Zeldin). What a clown show Mike Lindell would be!

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I hear that Mike Lindell is planning to run. Bad idea!

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The only thing more establishment-entrenched than the Democrat political machine is the Republican political machine. Ironically Trump came to be only because of the crappy performance of the Republican establishment... a party without constituents. Trump brought in the working class and the Christian right... and the Republican establishment could not hold their repulsion reaction. And so now the Republican establishment is back to loving themselves as it is only themselves that find the party attractive.

You have to give them some credit for staying with the old Titanic as it sinks.

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You hit the nail on the head.

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