Two prominent members of the Presbyterian Church in America have done what so many of us expected — they’ve written a book in favor of reparations.
As I’ve mentioned before, after noted PCA theologian Tim Keller wrote a stinging critique of critical race theory, then PCA Elder Greg Thompson went on a Facebook tirade in defense of CRT. Thompson has a pattern of handwaving away any dispute of his critical theories.
He defends Marxism claiming that those who oppose critical theory have a “tendency to willfully neglect the long tradition of Christian Marxists around the world (especially in the Catholic Church) and to traffic in the demonstrably false binary of Christian vs. Marxist.”
He also claimed it is “beyond dispute” that the United States is “the longest-standing white supremacist social order[].”
Now, in a Washington Post interview, Thompson again waves his hands dismissively at critics. Sarah Pulliam Bailey asks, “What are the strongest arguments you know of against reparations? How would you answer them?” Thompson responds,
Most of the arguments against reparations fall into three categories. One is the denier, the person who says, “We’re past this. Why are we still talking about this?” I don’t consider those substantive arguments. It’s the latest in prejudicial denial. There are arguments about the complexity and application of reparations, that it feels too big and feels overwhelming. Another set of concerns come from an important group, which sometimes include African American leaders, who have concerns about political economy and identity where they ask, “Are African Americans being victims, are we reifying racial categories?” We listened carefully to them. We’ve tried to account for their concerns in our argument.
Get that? If you think we’ve moved on as a country, it is “prejudicial denial.” He has no reason to answer what many view as a legitimate question. He arrived at his conclusion a long time ago.
The Presbyterian Church in America is being invaded by critical theory and woke theologians who have epistemic certainty the United States is “the longest-standing white supremacist social order[].” Take heed. This is rapidly becoming works-based salvation. For now, it is a twenty-first-century indulgence designed by woke theologians to give them a pass on just preaching the gospel and letting the Holy Spirit work. To quote Greg Thompson, that is “beyond dispute.”
The Atheists
On the other end of the woke spectrum, the American Humanist Association is withdrawing an award to famous atheist Richard Dawkins. They gave Dawkins the award in 1996. Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist who, along with a few others, led the New Atheist movement.
Dawkins has long been known for misogynist statements, but he has run afoul of the wokes by questioning transgenderism. In his latest, Dawkins claims men deciding to be women, is like Rachel Dolezal deciding to be black. Dolezal is a white woman who was an NAACP president. She identified as black.
Woke-O Haram attacked Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist, claiming that acht’ually science says transgenderism is legit and super sciency. Like the “vaccines cause autism” crowd, the Wokes have their own scientists we are supposed to listen to.
Dawkins is having none of it. For his refusal to accept woke orthodoxy, he is now a heretic who must give back his award. The American Humanist Association statement is something to behold.
Established in 1953, the Humanist of the Year Award is conferred annually by the American Humanist Association (AHA), recognizing the awardee as an exemplar of humanist values. Communication of scientific concepts to the public is an important aspect of advancing the cause of humanism. Richard Dawkins was honored in 1996 by the AHA as Humanist of the Year for his significant contributions in this area.
Regrettably, Richard Dawkins has over the past several years accumulated a history of making statements that use the guise of scientific discourse to demean marginalized groups, an approach antithetical to humanist values. His latest statement implies that the identities of transgender individuals are fraudulent, while also simultaneously attacking Black identity as one that can be assumed when convenient. His subsequent attempts at clarification are inadequate and convey neither sensitivity nor sincerity.
Consequently, the AHA Board has concluded that Richard Dawkins is no longer deserving of being honored by the AHA, and has voted to withdraw, effective immediately, the 1996 Humanist of the Year award.
This is just another reminder that atheism is a religion with its own sacraments, orthodoxy, liturgies, and heresies.
Greta Thunberg is Back
Thunberg, the girl on the spectrum with no sense of humor who can’t be questioned because she is on the spectrum, is back. She’s been sailing the world for the BBC doing a documentary on how we’re all going to die because of climate change. Now, she’s come back to lecture us on “vaccine nationalism.” How dare you, in your country, get the vaccine, when the poor people who can’t have DDT to stop malaria and are forced to sleep under nets don’t have the vaccine. They may have to die of malaria instead thanks to the woke environmentalists. God help us all if we let them have air conditioning.
But don’t question Greta. Don’t make a joke. She might scowl and the media will harass you.
The Common Thread
All three of these stories have a common thread. Woke-O Haram won’t be questioned. You cannot question them. Their views are “beyond dispute.” If you suggest they might be wrong, you are engaging in “prejudicial denial.”
The God of all Creation allowed Job to question him.
The Wokes must not be questioned, which means the wokes cannot be trusted. Any ideology that cannot stand to be challenged is not an ideology, but a tyranny.
Ok, a PCA pastor supporting critical race theory? I don’t see how the PCA allows it. It sets up a person’s skin color as a god to be worshipped.
Also, it’s hilarious in a way. Richard Dawkins is a serious atheist who unquestionably supports biological evolution, and you’re an ignorant, dark age cretan if you think otherwise. But he’s being entirely consistent . Biological evolution has no place for transgenderism. That species would fail and get fossilized. And all the wokie, uber-liberals mostly agree, we evolved as did all life, in their view. But transgenderism doesn’t fit into biological evolution, yet it’s embraced, celebrated by the wokies. They don’t even follow ‘the science’ in their confused, twisted world view. Their ‘truth’ is manipulated as needed.
So Erick there is only one answer - push back. We need to be out front and call the racists. Call them liars. This is asymmetric war. Following the go along to get along method of the past won’t work. We need to jam the truth down their throat and keep jamming. I believe in the pendulum swing, but it will not happen if we’re not aggressive. As Mike Tyson once said, every opponent has a plan until they get punched in the face. We need to punch them in the face, proverbially of course.