I went back and read your Sept. 12th post about Critical race theory and the PCA. Elder Greg Thompson's facebook post about CRT appeared to be a mess I did not choose to wade through. PCA churches stand exclusively on God's Word and nothing else. I'd run quickly away from any church trying to teach CRT theory in any way.

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I find the whole transgender thing to be an entirely silly argument. On both sides.

Let's redesignate bathrooms and sports leagues as being for (1) people possessed of penises and (2) people possessing vaginas. Then, if someone possessing a penis wants to maintain that he is a girl, that's fine: just join the other girls with penises that are playing on the team for people sharing that completely objective characteristic.

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I guess I am engaging in "prejudicial denial" because I would DEFINATELY question!

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Erick, if you haven't a,ready, you need to trademark Woke-O Haram. Simply briliant description.

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Apr 20, 2021Liked by Erick-Woods Erickson

So Erick there is only one answer - push back. We need to be out front and call the racists. Call them liars. This is asymmetric war. Following the go along to get along method of the past won’t work. We need to jam the truth down their throat and keep jamming. I believe in the pendulum swing, but it will not happen if we’re not aggressive. As Mike Tyson once said, every opponent has a plan until they get punched in the face. We need to punch them in the face, proverbially of course.

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I agree that we must be courageous and forcefully, diligently, push back...but with a smile. That’s one issue I had with President Trump. I wish he had learned a bit from the happy warrior, Ronald Reagan. Let the left have the Maxine Waters ‘I’m Outraged - 24/7/365’ while we state the actual truth, confidently, but with a twinkle in our eye, if you will.

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Apr 20, 2021Liked by Erick-Woods Erickson

Ok, a PCA pastor supporting critical race theory? I don’t see how the PCA allows it. It sets up a person’s skin color as a god to be worshipped.

Also, it’s hilarious in a way. Richard Dawkins is a serious atheist who unquestionably supports biological evolution, and you’re an ignorant, dark age cretan if you think otherwise. But he’s being entirely consistent . Biological evolution has no place for transgenderism. That species would fail and get fossilized. And all the wokie, uber-liberals mostly agree, we evolved as did all life, in their view. But transgenderism doesn’t fit into biological evolution, yet it’s embraced, celebrated by the wokies. They don’t even follow ‘the science’ in their confused, twisted world view. Their ‘truth’ is manipulated as needed.

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Simply.....nice! Unfortunate and ignorant set of circumstances, but nice.

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I am frequently reminded of "The Emperor's New Clothes" these days.

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I am a. (Inactive) elder in the PCUSA and was often lectured by those much older that the PCA was full on intolerant republicans.

Times have changed it seems.

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Back in the old days, we all knew what blasphemy was...speaking sacrilegiously or profanely about God. Now, they're...disagreeing with the current Wokeisms of the Leftists. They change from day to day.

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In Henry VIII times, that’d get you set ablaze.

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I liked his daughter Elizabeth's views better "I have no desire to make windows into men's souls".

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1984 is here... It is a combination of government, media and the rich combining to push their faith onto the rest of us. Their is no dialog. Only compliance. Do not comply and you are cancelled.

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