Hitler was actually anxious to make a deal with Great Britain to get them out of the war. However, Churchill knew that Hitler's signature on some agreement meant about as much as Russia's agreement to respect Ukraine's sovereignty when the latter surrendered the nuclear warheads in its territory after the Soviet Union broke up. Indeed after Dunkirk, Churchill had even fewer "cards" than does Zelenskyy now.

Stalin, on the other hand, took the deal. All it cost him was 27 million Soviet lives.

The problem with interpreting last week's meeting as the reason why Trump is abandoning Ukraine is that Trump blocked military aid to Ukraine last year: that is, before any acrimonious meeting took place. Then he (1) called Zelenskyy (but not Putin . . . never Putin) a dictator, (2) blamed Ukraine for starting the war, and (3) took Russia's side against that of Ukraine and our European allies in the U.N. Zelenskyy walked into that meeting knowing full well that Trump was not, and will never be on Ukraine's side; and that the best that he could do was to take this opportunity to make his case directly to the American people. (In this respect, Vance was correct in identifying Zelenskyy's intention.)

Like Churchill, Zelenskyy seems determined to fight on, with or without our help. Moreover, he refused to be cowed by the most powerful man on earth. I, for one, admire him. And for those willing to see us aligned with the Russian aggressor against people fighting for their freedom . . . I'm ashamed of you.

(For anyone inclined to respond to this post with Russian talking points about Zelenskyy's alleged corruption, please include a list of his political opponents whom he has arrested and then killed: Putin's list is pretty long. Oh, and don't underestimate those people fighting for their freedom against mercenaries and paroled criminals: people fighting for freedom have a pretty good track record.)

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"and Zelensky, not Trump, scuttled it."


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Maybe they should tell the paper straw guy to learn to code.

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On the radio you mentioned changes to LLC's, Would you please reprint it?

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Had a great debate with a liberal friend who at the end said but we voted against the Ukraine in the UN.

The main shutdown I always say. Why didn’t Zelensky bring that resolution when Biden was president? He could have very easily. Problem solved. Russia named as the aggressor.

But he didn’t.

And also what would that have accomplished? Russia didn’t leave when the UN had a security council resolution telling him to leave and stop fighting. What makes you think he would have cared?

Translation. The UN is powerless. It means nothing these days. So the belly aching about lost UN resolutions is just that. All talk.

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The U.N. has always been powerless . . . without us.

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There are reports today that Zelensky already signed a mineral deal with the UK prior to Trump's inauguration. This came from Retired US Army Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer during a Newsmax interview. It's called the UK-Ukraine 100-Year Partnership Declaration. Neither Putin or Zelensky are trustworthy so I'm inclined to want the US to remain neutral. Zelensky and warhawks in the US need to face reality that Z cannot win and he must accept the lost of some land in exchange for a European patrolled buffer zone. No US troops. No US money. We are broke and cannot afford anymore foreign wars. The economy will require patience. We lived 2 miserable years under Reagan before the economy came roaring back, sustaining us for 40 years.

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When Mollie Hemingway on “X” is your source you should really look for confirmation.

I listen to the whole thing, replaying areas where Trump may have said he “could conceivably” commit troops. Don’t find it. Do you have an approximate time stamp??

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Hey Eric . Was that OLD CLINTON BBQ ?

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Medicare Bid Rig in Georgia - You need to read article.

People in Europe have told me that most of Europe REJECTS the whole trans subject.

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The Oscar-winning "best picture" is titled "Anora". Read the plot synopsis; the Wikipedia version will suffice. Why anyone would finance the production of such a piece of trash, let alone pay to watch it, is a mystery to me. If this is what appeals to GenZ viewers, our culture is farther gone than I had realized.

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I'm glad I'm totally clueless about what hollywood is producing.

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"Anora" isn't even a B-movie....

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A continuing resolution? That is what republicans are going to give us? Then what is the point of Musk and Trump along with his cabinet picks trying to find waste, fraud and corruption? Our own side can't pull their heads out and do a proper budget?

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Trump and Vance are right.... Zelenskyy holds no cards. He is losing this thing, and badly. The only thing he will have in the future is a Ukraine in ruins with a bunch of dead Ukrainians.

I used to have some respect for Zelenskyy.. but now it's clear he's just a greedy little tin-plated despot getting fabulously wealthy off the billions that the US is sending him. He's just fine with trying to win a PR war while keeping the shooting war to a stalemate... two wars that he is losing.

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Having fought Putin to a stalemate, Zelenskyy has more cards than did Winston Churchill after Dunkirk.

Roosevelt found a way to help our friends stand up to aggression until the tide could turn. Trump has found a way to abandon them.

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I'm worried about the Free Beacon story, seems GA did "fed" style bait and switch, Hopefully the our representatives can do something about how they awarded medical contracts. They totally ignored all of Gov Kemps' laws about DEI, Trans, training etc.

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Maybe somebody can fire the corrupt state govt employees involved in that scheme.

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I only have two takes. Zelensky and the oscars.

On Ukraine there's two entities in play. The country Ukraine and its current leader. The current Leader did campaign for the democrats against Trump when he was supposed to be working on winning the war. Zelensky did go to Washington and flatly refused everything Trump said and offered. The country Ukraine is in need of help to end the war but there is two strategies to get there. Trump offered the leader of the country Ukraine to end the war and bring Peace with the US having a vested interest in preserving the country. The current leader against the best interest of his country basically told Trump to go stick it and play to the cameras. Well congratulations Mr. Leader of the Ukraine, you got your 5 stars on the liberal PR campaign, but your country will lose and more people will die. You should have come to DC with your hat in your hands and got a deal done. If your so invested on winning back territory then do it but we aren't going to endlessly fund that campaign. You have enough to do this. So get to it and your doing so alone, unless you can convince the sticklers in Europe to help.

As for the Oscars, this year was so woke and broken its beyond repair at this point. Kathleen Kennedy is leaving Disney and star wars so that's good news along with they have plans to remake the sequel trilogy. Don't know how that will work. So it appears Hollywood is trying to fix it somewhat. But two things have destroyed Hollywood movies forever.

1 - Since 2020 and Covid people realized how irrelevant these people are as these celebs told people to stay home and were a mask from their million dollar homes.

2 - All the directors and story writers have decided the world needs more gay actors, gay agendas, and gay story lines. Ad nauseam and with only very few exceptions like TOP Gun 2 and the Dune movies, its squished into every movie that is put out. Virtue signaling by adding a gay or trans character to every story line either directly showing it or hinting at it.

Remaking or redoing old classics like Snow White to be more "modern" in the lefts mind has lead to strange and unusual storylines like dwarfs now being magical gay creatures and a captain america who hates america. Oh and casting a minority actor in the lead character just because not because that's the best actor. to the point that there is now a complete switch from a majority or about equal parity of white to minority lead actors to now its swayed completely in the area of 98% of movies put out are no longer lead by any white characters or its becoming exceptionally uncommon for it to be.

All this ads up to a movie system that is not worth watching anymore. And don't think Christian movies are immune. They have now begun to add their own affirming cannonized gay characters into storylines and its putrid to say the least. Like the upcoming next Left behind movie redone with a gay actor in the lead role. Disgusting along with rumors of a Christ movie being released with a trans actor as Jesus. These people are insane.

Movies are broken. not worth watching. Its really really bad.

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The Oscars were on last night? I didn't know.... I had to look up what film won "Best Picture"... something called "Anora".... I've never even heard of it before.

"Best Picture" has come a long way from "Gone With The Wind", "Patton", and "Forrest Gump".... In the last 15 years, Hollywood has really fallen into the crapper.

Oh well.

"Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain." -- Guns N' Roses

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I didn't watch either. Way to far gone at this point.

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There are many, many more interesting and less offensive "movies" by independent filmmakers on YouTube than there are in all America's theatres combined.

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Yes correct. and absolutely. I watch allot of them. Im talking about mainstream multi million dollar bombs put out by Hollywood. I don't know whos funding these disasters but can they really afford for movies to lose 300-400 million dollars consistently? Disney alone this year is set to lose almost half a billion on Brave new world and Snow white combined.

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When the great one Barrack Obama let Russia take Crimea then sent blankets and MREs to Ukraine the democrats lost all credibility on this. There will be no winner out of this something got to give

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Erick, respectfully - but your claim (that Zelensky was offered security guarantees) is wrong.

The entire agreement, called "COMPREHENSIVE AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE RECONSTRUCTION INVESTMENT FUND" has exactly 1 (one) mention of security guarantees. Here's the extract:

"The Government of the United States of America supports Ukraine's efforts to obtain the security guarantees necessary to create lasting peace. Participants will endeavor to identify any necessary steps to protect mutual investments..."

This is nothing but "agreement to agree". That's what Pres. Trump wanted Zelensky to sign. Is there any wonder Zelensky, obsessed with securing his country, didn't want to sign it?

I have the full text of agreement, in Ukrainian and (translated into) English. Would be happy to share with you.

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And how many guarantees does an agreement need to say? You just posted exactly what Ukraine needed. Security to protect mutual vested interest can mean a lot from money support to militarily being involved. Trump said outwardly they would work to defend Ukraine and wanted to guarantee that with a mineral deal. Zelensky was poorly advised to reject it and put up a stone wall. Your argument respectively falls apart quickly.

We also don't know exactly was said before the now iconic on camera argument that happened. My guess is whatever was said behind closed doors spilled into that room. Biggest argument I get against this is "well what would we say if this was the US". Straw man argument wont work. Its not the US. So working in hyperbole or semantics is on the point of being nonsense. It wouldn't happen because we have a military strong enough to reject and repel foreign adversaries. Ukraine does not. But Zelensky acted like he does and just needed the US's support. Trump was right he's not holding the cards. He had a chance to end the killing and didn't. Had he signed and gotten peace. Yes he gave up territory but this is not Obama or Biden. He would have gotten that back diplomatically. Instead he's on his own. have fun.

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"...can mean a lot from money support to militarily being involved"

Exactly. What does it mean? You're just as uncertain as the agreement. What is the guarantee? Military assistance? Dollars? Boots on the ground? How many, where, when?

Private American companies will be developing rare earth metals. Is Uncle Sam going to defend them with guns? When was US military involved in protecting private companies' property being expropriated or nationalized by foreign power?

Did you see what happened to all the property of the Western companies in Russia when they left 3 yrs ago because of nascent sanctions? WSJ has a great story about just that. I quote: "Many assets, including Western ones, have been redistributed to loyalists of the regime."

I'm not saying the entire guarantee was supposed to be defined, described and signed. But in the agreement under consideration on Friday was nothing but undefined promise to develop some.

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There is no doubt in that statement. If zelensky would have signed the US would have vested interest in keeping Ukraine as the Ukraine and would have told Russia to kick rocks. Had Russia balked and not signed the treaty which they would not have, the US could have formed a coalition and pushed them out.

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