While last night’s speech was entirely too long, one thing became abundantly clear: Democrats are on the wrong side of every major issue Americans care about.
The best description I can come up with for Democrats is spoiled, upper-class, over-educated, low-producing, tantrum-throwing, under-developed, adult-aged toddlers with a irrational and misplaced power and control addiction.
It was long but it didn't wear me down. Partly because I was working on my computer during it, but also because a lot of the human interest stuff were in the latter part of it. I understand the Dems wanting to show a unified front, but sitting on your hands for the cancer boy and Laken Riley's family, et al was a bad look. I wonder if just one of them had stood and clapped for them, would others have followed? Or would the one who did it be a pariah in the party henceforth?
Trump doesn’t get any credit from the Democrats when credit is do just like some of the people that comment on subtract that claim they support democracy and free speach and transparency
Democrats came across as petulant children. I'm not saying this because I'm a conservative; I'm saying it because it's true - when Republicans are out of power, they still behave like adults. It's called good sportsmanship. You win some and you lose some. When you lose, you put your big boy pants on and shake the hand of your opponent. I mean for goodness sakes, there are families breaking up over this because lefties won't talk to MAGA family members! Geez, just don't talk about politics at the table, ok? I used to work with a gay guy, and we became good friends. Even after he left, we still text each other. But we never talk politics. Thank goodness! What's outrageous about last night is 1) Democrat women wearing pink when they voted against keeping men out of women's sports and 2) Democrats couldn't put aside their TDS to clap for a child who's beat brain cancer for 6 years. Those round placards signs were ridiculous as well. I'll also never forget Elizabeth Warren cheering for war either. Finally, even though his speech was long, people are saying they didn't mind the length and could've listened longer. Trumps tends to speak slowly and precisely as well so don't know if the length is measured by words or actual time, including applause as someone mentioned below.
No question the speech was waaaay too long. However, there is one more thing I wish Trump had said:
‘I know that egg prices are way up, and that I have already been blamed. We know that the price of eggs has increased because bird-flu has wiped out large numbers of farmers egg laying hens, and the supply of eggs has decreased drastically. Our administration is working on both short term and long term plans to get the price of eggs back to a reasonable level.
Remember that under the Biden administration, the price of bread increased by over 50%, the price of butter increased by more than 50%, and the price of beef increased by more than 50%.
But there was no bread-flu, or butter-flu, or beef-flu! Just Bidenomics and out-of-control Dem spending!
I still don’t understand why they have to cull whole flocks of birds. Surely, some if not a good majority will survive and develop natural immunity. Maybe someone can enlighten me. Do they do this in other countries?
Hope the Dem's keep this up for 4 years. That should help the GOP get more seats and keep the White house. GOP, your job, should you accept it, is to find qualified candidates to run.
This simply demonstrates how TDS is a real mental illness. Those things aren't even policy issues, but issues of humanity. And the Dems response, "if Trump is humane, we are opposed to humanity".
Trump policy on tariffs especially against Canada and Mexico is economically self-destructive.
No credible economist disputes this.
This tariff policy is not about fentanyl or defence. It is an attempt to impair the economies of American trading partners? To what end? Annexation? The is the mentality of a predator.
As the Trump approach to the Ukraine? Allying with Russia should be antithetical to any traditional conception of what American values represent.
Democrats for all of the their "woke" failures are not this insane on the two issues that matter the most to the world.
I'm taking the Dana Perino route. Things like the tariffs may seem perplexing when trying to revive the economy, but I'll take a wait and see attitude for now. I think Trump has earned my patience at this point, if only because of the turnaround at the border.
I believe it is about fentanyl - Trump has been transparent about everything he's done so far so I've no reason to doubt him. But I also think Trump is fed up with other countries taking advantage of the US. We have had to suffer other countries' tariffs for a long, long time. There's a big list of Canadians tariffs that have been on the US for quite a while. Canadians protect their dairy 'guild'...or at least that's what my Canadian husband calls it. We have NO desire to annex Canada. Trump isn't stupid enough to add another California to our union. I think he pretty much detests Trudeau, which is why he trolls him...but he's also just saved Trudeau and the Liberal Party from being wiped out in the elections. They're all wrapping themselves in the Canadian flag while their country burns down around them right now. It's called wag the dog. I don't agree with tariffs, although reciprocal ones make sense, but I'm willing to trust Trump for the time being and see what happens. Canada/Mexico will feels the pain sooner than we do. Trudeau is still acting like the man child he is.
Trump has not 'allied' himself with Russia. He played hard ball with the pipsqueak, and now, the pipsqueak is beginning to talk peace. Trump also starts his negotiations like this. He makes a threat. If it's not responded to, he acts on that threat. He HAS to act on his threat so when he says something, other nations/people listen and take him seriously. It's like disciplining your children. They misbehave. You make a threat. If you've made that threat before and not followed thru with it, the child will ignore you - you're a paper tiger in their eyes. If you did follow thru in the past, the child will obey to avoid the consequences - you're a real tiger. This is how you get people to take you seriously.
Nope, Democrats are pretty much insane on ALL issues.
Part of me wants to lash out and agree with you, but Paul of the New Testament, was worse than them, until he encountered the Lord on the road to Damascus. 🙏
The best description I can come up with for Democrats is spoiled, upper-class, over-educated, low-producing, tantrum-throwing, under-developed, adult-aged toddlers with a irrational and misplaced power and control addiction.
It was long but it didn't wear me down. Partly because I was working on my computer during it, but also because a lot of the human interest stuff were in the latter part of it. I understand the Dems wanting to show a unified front, but sitting on your hands for the cancer boy and Laken Riley's family, et al was a bad look. I wonder if just one of them had stood and clapped for them, would others have followed? Or would the one who did it be a pariah in the party henceforth?
Trump doesn’t get any credit from the Democrats when credit is do just like some of the people that comment on subtract that claim they support democracy and free speach and transparency
Democrats came across as petulant children. I'm not saying this because I'm a conservative; I'm saying it because it's true - when Republicans are out of power, they still behave like adults. It's called good sportsmanship. You win some and you lose some. When you lose, you put your big boy pants on and shake the hand of your opponent. I mean for goodness sakes, there are families breaking up over this because lefties won't talk to MAGA family members! Geez, just don't talk about politics at the table, ok? I used to work with a gay guy, and we became good friends. Even after he left, we still text each other. But we never talk politics. Thank goodness! What's outrageous about last night is 1) Democrat women wearing pink when they voted against keeping men out of women's sports and 2) Democrats couldn't put aside their TDS to clap for a child who's beat brain cancer for 6 years. Those round placards signs were ridiculous as well. I'll also never forget Elizabeth Warren cheering for war either. Finally, even though his speech was long, people are saying they didn't mind the length and could've listened longer. Trumps tends to speak slowly and precisely as well so don't know if the length is measured by words or actual time, including applause as someone mentioned below.
How could absolutely anyone defend that spectacle? There were no adults on the democratic side of the room.
One question about the length of the speech... does that include applause interruptions?
There was one thing Trump could have said that the Dems would given a standing ovation: "I am resigning the Presidency of the United States."
Never thought of that but you're right!
No question the speech was waaaay too long. However, there is one more thing I wish Trump had said:
‘I know that egg prices are way up, and that I have already been blamed. We know that the price of eggs has increased because bird-flu has wiped out large numbers of farmers egg laying hens, and the supply of eggs has decreased drastically. Our administration is working on both short term and long term plans to get the price of eggs back to a reasonable level.
Remember that under the Biden administration, the price of bread increased by over 50%, the price of butter increased by more than 50%, and the price of beef increased by more than 50%.
But there was no bread-flu, or butter-flu, or beef-flu! Just Bidenomics and out-of-control Dem spending!
That's a pretty good line. Are you a speech writer, because you could be.
I still don’t understand why they have to cull whole flocks of birds. Surely, some if not a good majority will survive and develop natural immunity. Maybe someone can enlighten me. Do they do this in other countries?
"Butter-flu", 'bread-flu"... that's awesome
MSNBC- did they cut JOY to pay Rachael’ s salary raise from $20 Million to $30?
Hope the Dem's keep this up for 4 years. That should help the GOP get more seats and keep the White house. GOP, your job, should you accept it, is to find qualified candidates to run.
This simply demonstrates how TDS is a real mental illness. Those things aren't even policy issues, but issues of humanity. And the Dems response, "if Trump is humane, we are opposed to humanity".
Trump policy on tariffs especially against Canada and Mexico is economically self-destructive.
No credible economist disputes this.
This tariff policy is not about fentanyl or defence. It is an attempt to impair the economies of American trading partners? To what end? Annexation? The is the mentality of a predator.
As the Trump approach to the Ukraine? Allying with Russia should be antithetical to any traditional conception of what American values represent.
Democrats for all of the their "woke" failures are not this insane on the two issues that matter the most to the world.
These are negotiating points, little more.
"Hit 'em over the head with a baseball bat to get their attention" type negotiating, for which Trump is a master.
I'm taking the Dana Perino route. Things like the tariffs may seem perplexing when trying to revive the economy, but I'll take a wait and see attitude for now. I think Trump has earned my patience at this point, if only because of the turnaround at the border.
I believe it is about fentanyl - Trump has been transparent about everything he's done so far so I've no reason to doubt him. But I also think Trump is fed up with other countries taking advantage of the US. We have had to suffer other countries' tariffs for a long, long time. There's a big list of Canadians tariffs that have been on the US for quite a while. Canadians protect their dairy 'guild'...or at least that's what my Canadian husband calls it. We have NO desire to annex Canada. Trump isn't stupid enough to add another California to our union. I think he pretty much detests Trudeau, which is why he trolls him...but he's also just saved Trudeau and the Liberal Party from being wiped out in the elections. They're all wrapping themselves in the Canadian flag while their country burns down around them right now. It's called wag the dog. I don't agree with tariffs, although reciprocal ones make sense, but I'm willing to trust Trump for the time being and see what happens. Canada/Mexico will feels the pain sooner than we do. Trudeau is still acting like the man child he is.
Trump has not 'allied' himself with Russia. He played hard ball with the pipsqueak, and now, the pipsqueak is beginning to talk peace. Trump also starts his negotiations like this. He makes a threat. If it's not responded to, he acts on that threat. He HAS to act on his threat so when he says something, other nations/people listen and take him seriously. It's like disciplining your children. They misbehave. You make a threat. If you've made that threat before and not followed thru with it, the child will ignore you - you're a paper tiger in their eyes. If you did follow thru in the past, the child will obey to avoid the consequences - you're a real tiger. This is how you get people to take you seriously.
Nope, Democrats are pretty much insane on ALL issues.
Canada has a 200% tariff on us dairy products.... not a new tariff.
The old dems of yesteryear have been replaced by the party of Marx and engles and Lenin
Can’t wait for the joy of hearing more Dems have passed on to wherever there going😂 not going to judge but it’s going to be a bit warm there 🥵
Part of me wants to lash out and agree with you, but Paul of the New Testament, was worse than them, until he encountered the Lord on the road to Damascus. 🙏
They are heartless.
And they are patronizing elitists, too.
They also worship at the altar of government since they (for the most part) have rejected the true God. False gods will always disappoint.