Thank you Erick. I needed to hear this today.

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God's Providence with me has been strange. I went to a Quaker school, especially enjoyed English literature, history, and language classes. I dropped out of Brown University and went into a more theologically Conservative denomination (from the UPUSA), but I could not get into full-time Christian ministry. So I joined the Army, because they paid me to study the Russian language (back in the 1980's). After my tour in Germany ended, I became an administrative civilian for the Army Reserve. In 2004 I was discharged from the military entirely. But I never get a job, in or out of the Christian ministry, using primarily my verbal skills. Now I have another idea, but like Elijah on Carmel, I'll pour water on it here. Perhaps God will set fire to my idea; if not, I still get a military pension and social security. Am thankful for your sharing on the radio.

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It is wonderful to hear someone talk with gratitude and respect toward the LORD God on a mainstream radio channel, not just on a Christian station (where they always ask for money).

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How does one know what His plan is and to follow?

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Thank you for sharing your story with us. God's plans are so much different and better than ours.

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Oh yes He does, but until you have immersed yourself in His word, you cannot have the confidence and relief of knowing that everything truly does “work for good to those who love God and who are called according to His purpose.” We Christians have memorized those words but mostly never truly understood them OUTSIDE the context of all the rest of Scripture. This is one important reason why we need to be part of a Bible believing, Orthodox Church, such as a PCA, where God’s word is faithfully taught every single time brothers and sisters meet.

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Caught a bit of your life story while listening to your radio program this past week. Thank you for sharing and being so transparent. Very inspiring and a great witness to the power and grace of God working in your life. Peace Brother.

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