We need to stop the election fraud. I know many of you doubt the fraud accusations, but I keep seeing articles like this one in Georgia. https://westvirginia.forums.rivals.com/threads/georgia-nerds-are-a-group-of-data-analysts-that-work-for-free-across-the-state.317408/

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I urge everyone to read this by Substacker N.S. Lyons. https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/britains-foxes-are-beset-by-wolves

It is about the UK, but it has universal application.

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"With that being the case, when does the GOP do what the Democrats did, and ditch their octogenarian candidate who is fading in the polls?"

Oh give me a freakin' break. This is a childish analogy... a non sequitur.

If the GOP would simply support their leading candidate like the Democrats do, that would be it. Trump would have won a contiguous second term if all those establishment GOP never-Trumpers had not voted in the Democrat vegetable. These are the same people that put up the losers Romney and McCain.

The GOP does not have to lie like the Democrats do, just get behind the leading candidate with solidarity and fight aggressively to win. The Republican party is the party of the wolves, and it is consistently outmaneuvered by the party of basement-hiding foxes and their flock of sheep.

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Had you tuned in you'd find I actually agree with your point.

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If ANYONE thinks the press will be fair to Trump or Vance then check out this interview of J.D. Vance on Face The Nation. The reporter is belligerent to Vance and he holds his own. You will NEVER see this type interview of Harris. Funny thing is that Walz and Vance can BOTH handle this type of rapid fire challenging questions while Harris won't try, and Trump gets too easily distracted. https://youtu.be/pK1V2q05Zi8?si=14MHCAyYjgheCVon

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Margaret is an A-1 B*tch! I was very impressed with JD Vance. He held his own. He was respectful to the interruptions from Margaret and carried on. He never once raised his voice to get a point across. The man did well. I look at this ticket of Trump/Vance more closely to Vance and his leanings because God forbid, should something happen to Trump, Vance becomes our President. If God lets Trump serve out the full four years, I pray that it is His plan to have Vance run for President, now for one term but two. And, oh by the way, if Trump could not finish his 4-year term, Vance comes President, he could STILL be nominated as President for TWO terms. Something that is important to think about.

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Watching the Olympics where there is a robust performance filtering process to bring the best people in the world to compete against each other, I was thinking of the Democrat and media political strategy applied to the Olympics where the athlete is protected from any story of loss from the performance filtering process and yet is expected to win the final events.

From my perspective this explains to some degree the 3rd wave feminist design of DEI... a cultural and societal mechanism to put unqualified people on the winning podium having never succeeded in the performance filtering process.

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Erick I would like you to do an analysis on what the media actually covers on Trump.

Take his recent press conference or rally or public speaking event. They omit the parts of him talking about policy and only focus on the sentences where he said something mean about Harris.

I do occasionally. I actually watch the whole speech and begrudgingly but analytically watch it on MSNBC. Then do the same for a Harris speech. MSNBC spends about 5 minutes on Trump and 30 minutes on Harris. The 5 they talk about Trump using vid snippets of everything bad he is saying. Not one thing on policy.

You can say all you want and think Trump isn’t saying the right things but would that even matter? Trump could come out and give the best speech in the world and you won’t hear about it.

This is part of the manipulation. Dumping Trump now would be sort of ridiculous but I dont think that’s what you’re saying.

Me I said that way back In Jan. Told them it’s their party and if they didn’t want trump they could simply bar him or force him out like they did with Biden.

I will say this.

I will vote this election but if Harris wins i probably won’t vote ever again. There’s no point. There is no legitimacy in the vote if Harris wins and it’s all rigged. That’s the only way she could win. Not saying illegally rigged. Just no stop gaps for stupid voters or uninformed ones.

There’s no getting past that. And we won’t have a nation to vote in if Harris wins anyway.

So that’s my take.

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You nailed it!

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Anybody notice how my country just kicked a** and took names in the Olympics? America not just survives, but dominates this planet; and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future . . . come what may.

And you think we won't have a nation anymore unless we elect a proven swindler, serial liar and convicted felon as our next President.

Vote or don't vote if you like, but don't bet against us, pal.

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“ and you think we won't have a nation anymore unless we elect a proven swindler, serial liar and convicted felon as our next President.”

Incorrect. Has nothing to do with Trump. He’s just the nominee. It has to do with policy. Harris and waltz are basically and somewhat literally holding up a sign saying they are socialist will kill this nation and yet people vote for them.

Unfortunately some people are like you and say “I’ll never vote for xxx candidate because he’s a this or that…”

Such a ridiculous way to think.

In the old days before 2008. Liking a candidate mattered because both parties policies were relatively the same. And it honestly didn’t matter who the president was. But after Obama. A vote now can directly be a threat to someone’s life. The person voting next to me voting dem is literally handing ammunition to kill of my kids and shackles to imprison me.

It’s simple.

- Dems given the power would burn down and shutter every church in America that didn’t accept gays.

- would burn the constitution and lockup every republican politician or any opposition to maintain power.

- they would given the power, outlaw any opposition party and stifle free speech.

And of note. Given the power they would absolutely outlaw things like “the gathering”.

If Harris is elected it’s a green light to those policies and practice I just mentioned. Because the dems will feel they can do anything and get away with it.

Elections won’t matter after this year if Harris wins. Primaries will be eliminated as will voting as a means to enact change. Voting will still be around but like in countries like South Africa it’s just for show.

And there will be a bastion of people who will cheer for it with flappy hands like a seal.

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And I don't think it ridiculous at all that someone not vote for a candidate "because he's this or that," when the "this" is the likely requirement that he periodically check in with his probation officer, and the "that" is his previous failure to peacefully surrender power for the first time in the entire 230+ year history of this Republic.

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But . . . aren't Democrats in control of the White House now? Why has none of this yet come to pass?

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Yes but not the full power. They don’t have a decent majority in the senate and nothing in the house.

If they had majorities and the president. You would see a stacking of the courts an elimination of free speech. And several limitations on rights all over the US.

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Democrats had simultaneous control of the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives just two years ago, though of course constrained by the Senate filibuster. And besides, conservatives are in firm control of the Supreme Court.

I understand how one might have to believe the Republic to be in extreme peril in order to support a proven swindler, serial liar and convicted felon for President. But still, you might want to dial it back just a bit.

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Good luck moving Trump off the ticket.

With Biden, Democrats had a man who desperately wanted another term, but nevertheless realized that he and his opinion were not the only things that mattered. At the end of the day, he could be convinced to put aside personal interest and do what was best for his party and the Country. Compare that to 2022 when Republicans were urging Trump to delay the announcement of his candidacy until after the midterm elections. Notwithstanding the adverse effect that just about everyone could see coming, Trump ignored all such considerations and announced anyway, slowing what was expected to be a "red wave" to barely a trickle.

Trump is a paranoid narcissist who doesn't care about anything but himself: not the country, not the Party, and most definitely not you and your opinion. This is why, as people urge him to stick to the issues with which he might win, he keeps talking about crowd size and being cheated in 2020. It's all about him! Nothing else matters.

Republicans who have not completely lost their minds have had multiple opportunities to stand up and refuse to go along with this MAGA madness: most notably after January 6th when Trump defiled the proud history of this country by refusing to peacefully surrender power. Republicans could have offered America a legitimate and formidable candidate in Nikki Haley, who quite accurately predicted that the first party to move its too-old candidate aside would win. But you didn't. You all know good and well that Trump isn't going anywhere. No way. No how.

And now ye shall reap the whirlwind.

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I fully agree with your every word. Trump is the uninvited guest who dominates the conversation, makes everything about himself, and won't go away. But it's no exaggeration to say the fate of the Republic rides on him: Kamala = 2 new (Democrat) states + 4 new (liberal) Supreme Court justices + 10,000,000 new (illegal) voters. The total is 0 for the USA.

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Not if Republicans take the Senate, which is where I think they should devote their money and effort. This is incredibly self-serving advice, as I freely admit that I detest Donald Trump, relishing the thought of his defeat and humiliation. But there will come a point where Trump is imploding to a point where the wisdom of this alternative course will become apparent.

And before I fear 10 million illegal voters, someone is going to have to show me at least 50 or so who have.

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You should fear them, unless you're a Democrat. My point about the 10 million illegal voters is that Kamala will make them legal by the wave of her magisterial hand. Fractal though his faults may be, at least Donald Trump is a patriot, unlike Obama, Biden, Harris, and their ilk who want to "fundamentally change" America.

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My point is that if you want to stop all this that you complain of, you had best focus on gaining a Republican majority in the Senate, because Harris is about to wipe the floor with Trump.

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I don’t think he’s seriously saying dump Trump. I think it’s a comparison story to use as to why we shouldn’t desire to be like the Dems.

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You know, Chaz, I think I agree. Erickson can make political advocacy an art form at times. A flipping of the script wouldn't surprise me a bit.

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Thank YOU, Erick, for all you and your team did to make this weekend a success! It was an outstanding experience, one which I will long remember. Beyond the jammed packed lineup on Friday, there were also some remarkable guests on both Friday and Saturday who surprised me. How fortunate are we that our country has people like this working behind the limelight. My husband and I left feeling uplifted and excited for the future, regardless of what happens in November. For us, mission accomplished.

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Local events are a great idea. More people can talk and participate in them.

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I hope you will consider an event in NEngland. Worcester would be perfect. It is the region's 2nd largest city w/ good access to both urban and rural areas - meaning a full range of political philosophies in play. NB remember Massachusetts' reputation as a solidly blue state is partially facade created by expert gerrymandering of its Congressional and state legislature districts. Since Gov Dukakis led the Bay State in the 1980's, there have been five GOP governors and only two Democratic. Yes, they are all regarded as RINO's in the eyes of the Mass GOP's MAGA-wing but several have had national exposure like Wm Weld, Mitt Romney and Charlie Baker.

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I don’t think those were RINOS. They were actually Dems pre- 2008. The dem in the 90’s with Clinton was largely middle road with a balance of extreme and centric views.

Clinton was against gay marriage although he was for abortion.

Romney and the others are kind of opposite. Against abortion but do not enact laws to ban it.

Romney is not as bad as people make him out to be. He just speaks to much against his own party. It’s funny he laughs at Trump and speaks on how he loses. But Trump at least won a presidential election. Mitt did not.

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It should be noted that Romney ran against a popular, charismatic incumbent while Trump ran against an unpopular (outside of her own party) weak candidate.

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I have lived on and off in Massachusetts since 1959 when it was a rock-solid "purple" state w/ both strong Democratic and Republican party engagement at both the federal and state levels. Three House speakers - two Dem and one GOP in the Ike thru Reagan years. It is also my contention that if Romney had gotten the GOP presidential nomination in 2008 (he was certainly the best qualified GOP candidate) he probably would have beaten Obama and then been re-elected in 2012.. Here in the Bay State, John Kerry would be the sr. senator, Sen. Warren would have remained an unknown and unheralded Harvard Law professor and former Gov. Deval Patrick would have been the jr senator. And always moderation is the name of the game so when a party faction strays from the middle - particularly on the GOP side, it remains a small splinter in the larger scheme.

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I'm an amateur Republican in that I've never ran for office. All the way down to my level in the party, we need to be our most aggressive in 1) presenting our platform, 2) articulating the critical importance for maintaining our Constitutionally protected Rights and our American Values and 3) exposing the now-suddenly-obscured (read "lying") anti-Constitutional agenda of the Democrat Party as embodied by Harris/Walz. Being aggressive, not being ruthless, not being lawless, like the Dems. In the 1950's and 1960's as I was growing into adulthood, my Mom often said to me "just because everybody else is jumping off a cliff doesn't mean that you have to be foolish too!" I frankly don't want to be like the Democrats, i.e., being in the far-left negative column of integrity; but I am capable of getting outside my comfort zone and being smarter in my truth-laced aggressiveness on behalf of Trump/Vance than they are in their lies-based ruthlessness on behalf of completing the dismantling of USA via Harris/Walz.

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Problem: we are already doing that.

Won’t hear about it on the news media.

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We thoroughly enjoyed the weekend; really enjoy the format. I am always amazed at the guests that impress me so much that I was not expecting; this year that would be our own A.G. Chris Carr and Insurance Commissioner John King.

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I’m concerned because my Democrat friends are posting anti-Trump drivel multiple times a day. Crickets from my Republican friends. We’re going to lose if we don’t get as ruthless as the Dems are.

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Go to yahoo.com which is flooded with liberal biased and you will see the comment section is very much against Harris.

Dems aren’t as behind her as it seems.

Compare 2022. Go to Decatur, I know not a scientific measure, in 2022 you saw several Stacie Abrams signs. Allot of them. This year. Another black women is up for election and I don’t see a single Harris sign.

When I asked around, most said they would vote for Harris but it wasn’t the same enthusiastic response I would expect. I doubt any of these people would vote for a republican even if it wasn’t Trump. But that to me says allot.

This feels allot like 2016.

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Politics is not for sissies. We are wired to believe that our current battle is more important than any other in the history of the Republic and even the earlier colonial period. There have been two major civil wars and many wars of conquest on the North American continent in the half-millenium since the European occupation of the continent began in the late 1400's.

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Because a "Dump Trump" movement would be ridiculously futile and career killing for you I am going to assume that you will spend time discussing how republicans should be better than democrats, and then focus on winning issues, etc.. Problem with that is Republicans can't be better than Democrats, not in an election cycle where they nominated a narcissistic criminal who spent months trying to illegally end democracy from the Whitehouse.

- Sorry Pence your Trump/Pence Admin policy wins don't do sh_t for me when the guy at the top of the ticket tried to illegally stay in power after losing an election. Also quick note on your "created several million jobs" line, the Trump Pence presidency actually lost jobs. Look at the numbers and its clear as day - Please don't give me the "but Covid bs answer" if Biden/Harris can't give the same lame excuse for inflation than neither can you and Trump. Speaking of inflation, I am beginning to believe that Trump will be much worse for inflation if he wins, high tariffs and control of interest rates (AYFKM) If Trump really gets control of interest rates we are in for the highest inflation this country has ever seen.

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I just KNEW the negative Nellie would be you.

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I hate to be that guy (who am I kidding, I love being that guy) but I always thought it was nervous nellie, and negative nancy.

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Whatever, you get both.

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I don’t typically listen to you live. But now you have my attention. How would that happen? Why would that happen? What would be the precipitating event? September 10 debate? Or was it his bonkers idea to allow the president to have a say in setting interest rates that set you on this path??

Which Republican Party leader would be willing to commit political suicide and suggest such a thing?

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Thank you Sir for all that you do.

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