"Don't count your eggs before they're in the pudding, Mr. Calamy." - Capt. Jack Aubrey

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I chuckle when I read the report of incompetent Democratic strategy like this, but in the end, they're winning the war. I love it when little skirmishes go our way, but the big picture is pretty bleak. Unless and until conservatives vote for and support real conservatives, Washington will continue to look like the Borg Collective, changing even the decent people who go there into like-minded, self-serving politicians who get theirs while they can and then get out of town, leaving the mess for the next generation. And the next, and the next... And it's not just the politicians themselves who are causing the decay. Abortion is a winning strategy for the Dems. Incredible. Transgenderism is destroying lives, but the voting public is scared to call evil out by name because it might hurt someone's feelings. The work ethic that built America is denigrated and disappearing. Diverse thought and fairness have been traded for DEI, which is just another way to promote a new favoritism and racism. Rural America is considered the home of "domestic terrorism" instead of the bread basket that feeds the world. Church attendance is in steady decline and we seem clueless as to the cause of our moral decline. Or, even clueless as to whether there's any moral standard to begin with. Last but certainly not least, OUR natonal debt rockets toward 35T because the concept of a budget was thrown in the garbage by the Obama administation, and EVERYBODY loved that because pork is SO tasty.

I hate it, but the left is winning, the Republicans think Donald Trump is the savior, and the country that was the shining light on a hill dies a slow, pitiful death with each passing day. I know, I know. Pessimism doesn't help anything, and God is only a prayer of repentance away. That's as true for a nation as it is for this believer who's faith isn't nearly as big as a mustard seed much of the time. But reality bites. Wish I coud say with the Apostle John, "Come Lord Jesus", but I know so many people that I love who aren't looking forward to that, that I'll just pray for grace, and repentance, again. For me, and them, and our country. Keep those good reports coming Erick. I love a good chuckle.

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Your comment essentially sums up my feelings on any given day. My only difference of opinion is that both parties are winning, not just the left. Republicans aren't losing, they're playing ball and then saying "Oh, sorry folks, we tried but we just couldn't wrangle the votes." If ANY of these rat-b@stards left politics broke, perhaps I could swallow that Republicans had really tried, but lost. But, of course, they all leave far wealthier than when they arrived, and they accomplish this by preying upon the emotions of the voters who put them there. The only losers are the American people.

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Well said. I'm praying for the same things.

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"blood bath", "slaughter", we know what you mean. You want your listeners to go down to Florida and burn business and riot in the streets to make sure everyone knows they need to vote for Trump in November.

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Somehow your sarcastic response on this obscure Substack will make it onto an MSNBC show and be taken as a literal call to arms, hehe: "See, I told you the Trump supporters were violent!"

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Oh look an MSNBC news van... oh s#!t Homeland Security is knocking on my door.

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lol. I never knew you. RKelly, who?!

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Beat me to it. Dang!

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Ah Trump is the gift that keeps on giving to Democrats down ballot.

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Yours is the only post I've seen - media report or otherwise - reporting on the Florida elections. That seems significant. It reminds me of the stupidity of some Republican operatives years ago, including in 1990, when I was trying to recruit a GOP candidate to challenge Al Gore. I was chastised - TN GOP operatives said Gore couldn't be beat and opposition would drive Democratic turnout. Instead, Republicans didn't turn out as much.

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So the Dems in Florida mimicked Trump's actions in the Georgia Senate runoff in 2021 - the one where Trump told R voters to stay home - and they did - and we got Assoff and Warlock and a D controlled Senate. It appears that the brilliant minds who create political strategy cannot learn from history.

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I finally read the Jack's Magic Coffee Shop blog. Thank you for the recommendation. Since I follow Glenn Greenwald, Michael Shellenberger, and Matt Taibbi, I was aware of most of what was written in the post, but I do appreciate the clear and concise way it was laid out, and I would recommend others read it. Every American citizen should be terrified of how the US government subverts the law by outsourcing its spying. When we have a Supreme Court Justice who is concerned that the First Amendment "hamstrings" the government, we are in serious trouble.


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Fifty years ago, my elderly neighbor in Brooklyn gave me great political advice. “All politicians are whores”. She had worked at City Hall and knew the Usual Suspects and the dirt.

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Carmine, you're just who I wanted to talk to! In my morning Bible reading, I covered Psalm 51, which David wrote after Nathan confronted him about his adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband (an event you often mention, and for good reason). I found this part curious: "Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight." It's so strange to me that David admits he sinned against God but doesn't take responsibility for sinning against Bathsheba or her husband. I'm curious as to your thoughts.

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I like the OT for moral lessons. Plenty of failed people. Everyone did what was right in their own eyes (just like now). Prophets were told by God to tell the people of their sins. That didn’t make them popular and many were killed.

Many in the palace knew of David’s sin with Bathsheba. Uriah’s Commander knew of the order to have him killed in battle. He knew there had to be a hidden reason for this.

David’s lust caused the death of Uriah, the men fighting next to him, and later the child.

Bathsheba lost her husband as did the wives of the men killed with him. She also lost her child. She married David. Did she love him or saw she had no choice as before?

David had remorse, or so he says. Why did he wait until Nathan threw his sins into his face? He could have prayed for forgiveness at any time.

David was a terrible father. You can be forgiven of your sins but you have to live with the consequences. He didn’t act decisively when he should have and the actions of his sons caused him grief as prophesied by Nathan.

We all need a Nathan in our lives to remind us of our failures.

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Thank you for your thoughtful response.

"We all need a Nathan in our lives to remind us of our failures." Amen to that.

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The Prophet in your life only works if you listen to him/her and act on God’s message.

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Absolutely. When I was much younger, someone approached me with a message I believe was from God. I acted on what he said and drastically changed the course of my life. It wasn't a call to repent but giving up on a decided path and pursuing something quite different. I'm a skeptical person, and this is the only time in my life I've felt God's direct intervention through a person. I'm grateful to this day for that moment.

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Moreno in Ohio is likely to be the same as Walker in Georgia, I think. The republicans won't learn anything from that defeat either. I don't think the democrats will learn anything from Florida either. The rank and file that aren't aware how they did themselves will assume it is just a red state being a red state and call them racist. In other news the media reports frogs croaking is driving scorpions to sting so it is really the frog's fault all along.

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Being from Ohio I did not vote for Bernie Moreno. He leans in which ever way the wind blows. I don’t understand how he could be endorsed by so many so called conservative senators. He will never beat Sherrod Brown even though Brown only shows up In Ohio once every 6 years. I’m tired of politics and all of its nastiness. Excuse me while I go smell some grass.

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I don't understand how Chuck Schumer pouring cash into Moreno's campaign didn't sink it among Republican voters in Ohio. The only conclusion I can draw is that GOP voters are so locked in a cult of personality that they will vote for anyone with Trump's endorsement no matter their background or where they get their money from. That tendency to follow Trump off a cliff damn the consequences can only be outdone by the Democrats desire to break as many rules as possible to stop Trump. We live in an age where people care more about grifting that maintaining this beautiful Republic for the next generation.

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Erick covered this, the Democrats are playing Republicans and Trump himself voters. The enemy of my enemy is my friend (but not).

Democrats: "oh no Mr. Trump, please don't pick that candidate (throw us in the briar patch)"

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It did but as usual nobody was paying attention.

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Good for Florida and Chicago! It’s amazing how FL has become a GOP stronghold. It wasn’t too long ago it was the home of “Walkin’ Lawton” and many other Dems. Hopefully DeSantis can propel himself back to the national stage successfully in 2028.

It’s still hard to believe in a nation of 330 million we’re doing Trump vs. Biden, again.

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What’s hard to believe was that we(Florida) almost elected Andrew Gillum in 2018. My opinion is that was more a reflection on Trump. Lawton Chiles would not recognize the modern Democratic Party and would not be electable in the party today. Thankful I live in a safe Red State(Florida) where my believes are represented and that we have Ron DeSantis as Governor. There’s a reason that Florida has turned solid Red, people are flocking to this state where woke has gone to die!

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Florida is so fortunate DeSantis won in 2018. What’s even more amazing about FL is how many Latinos continue to move there, and the state continues to move right. Many 1st generation legal Latino immigrants I speak with, remember what government tyranny is like having lived under it, and they want know part of it in the US. I was recently in Naples, in my observation it is the most Republican place I’ve visited in my 53 years of being alive. 😀 Hopefully, the FL red will carry over into GA and we can get rid of our two proggy Senators.

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I remember how blue the state was under Lawton Chiles and even though I'm in a blue city in FL, I'm seeing more Republican yard signs than Democrat. And yes, the Latinos are disgusted by the progressive agenda. We had some legal Venezuelan laborers working on our home remodel and to a one, they can't fathom why the US is allowing undocumented illegals to come across the border and take the jobs that they have. They're proud of their work ethic and what they've achieved LEGALLY. They're all voting red for the foreseeable future.

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