Yeah, I can remember when every pickup truck in the school parking lot had a rifle rack in the rear window, usually with a loaded shotgun or rifle in the rack! We had no school shootings then.
Our school principal had a loaded shotgun leaning against the wall in her office, she used it to scare the alligators away from the playground...our school was newly built and ran alongside a little deep creek from the Hillsborough River...the gators would come out on sunny days and hang out on the banks of the creek.
Some of us kids had to walk across a little bridge crossing that creek, and she would casually walk out to the playground, fire a round in the sand dunes around the creek, the gators would scuttle back into the water, and she'd stand there and watch as we crossed the little bridge to make sure none of us decided to play in the water.
No one in that school would have even THOUGHT of touching that shotgun...if she did that now, she'd be arrested.
I'm 66 and I agree with you. We had a society that valued God, country, and family. We learned morality and respect of persons. We feared God and were held accountable for what we did. Society has been descending into chaos, hedonism, and selfishness for years. All this leads to violence, insanity, and destruction in the end. America needs a revival of God again!!!
I want to see hope for civilization, but the Bible's teaching on the end times is that the Holy Spirit will be removed, and Christ will come back at a time when the fear of God is absent, so His appearing will be "as a thief in the night." Ironically, it was in a sociology course at an Ivy League university that I learned the term, "anomie," meaning a culture's descent into chaos. Some of the blame for this violence must be laid at the feet of those who would redefine marriage, both inside and outside of the church.
I am 75. There wasn’t this problem in my youth with all the westerns and violent cartoon characters. What is different now?
Yeah, I can remember when every pickup truck in the school parking lot had a rifle rack in the rear window, usually with a loaded shotgun or rifle in the rack! We had no school shootings then.
Our school principal had a loaded shotgun leaning against the wall in her office, she used it to scare the alligators away from the playground...our school was newly built and ran alongside a little deep creek from the Hillsborough River...the gators would come out on sunny days and hang out on the banks of the creek.
Some of us kids had to walk across a little bridge crossing that creek, and she would casually walk out to the playground, fire a round in the sand dunes around the creek, the gators would scuttle back into the water, and she'd stand there and watch as we crossed the little bridge to make sure none of us decided to play in the water.
No one in that school would have even THOUGHT of touching that shotgun...if she did that now, she'd be arrested.
I'm 66 and I agree with you. We had a society that valued God, country, and family. We learned morality and respect of persons. We feared God and were held accountable for what we did. Society has been descending into chaos, hedonism, and selfishness for years. All this leads to violence, insanity, and destruction in the end. America needs a revival of God again!!!
I want to see hope for civilization, but the Bible's teaching on the end times is that the Holy Spirit will be removed, and Christ will come back at a time when the fear of God is absent, so His appearing will be "as a thief in the night." Ironically, it was in a sociology course at an Ivy League university that I learned the term, "anomie," meaning a culture's descent into chaos. Some of the blame for this violence must be laid at the feet of those who would redefine marriage, both inside and outside of the church.