There's another problem - it's the same one everywhere you look. Extreme violence, abortion, sexual insanity, even federal spending - everything - is a result of moral decay. Fair enough, right? But the left can't even countenance that as a POSSIBLE explanation. They reject "morality", insist that it's old fashioned, that morality is hurtful to certain people. And because of this we can't even openly recognize the root of all of these problems

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There is no "gun violence" there is only violence by individuals or groups. You can have a car, pot, baseball bat, knife or rock.

Only a human can create violence. Left alone these inanimate objects can't function, they just sit there until a human picks them up and and chooses to hurt other people.

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What do you think about David French's promotion of Red Flag laws?

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Erick, a thoughtful and accurate article. It is so sad when politicians choose their own power and posturing over the lives of children. Hardening of soft targets and armed resource officers would be a better use of federal funds than most of the boondoggle things Washington gives Billions to support.

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We've always known that the Democrats want the issues, and are truly not interested in any solution that might actually work. Fixing anything means they would no longer be needed to bloviate every time something happens and throw money in a problem's general direction. Any bad outcomes are obviously not their fault. You weren't smart enough to understand or it didn't work because someone else implemented their plan. It would be different if WE IMPLEMENTED our preferred fix. The IDEAS/PLANS are not FUNDAMENTALLY flawed, oh no.

We all know the schools have been turned into the softest targets in the country. It's patently obvious that the evil-doers know this. If they thought that when they showed up and brandished a weapon that they'd be shot dead on the spot, they would commit that mayhem elsewhere.

Nothing will change until people get serious about resolving this. Whatever course that answer might take regardless of people's pet positions and theories. Kick the grandstanding weasels to the curb. They shouldn't even be in the room, and get on with the problem solving.

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“Grandstanding weasels” like Beto O’Rourke at the news conference today? He was totally unhinged as he tried his best to score political points.

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WOW! I must be clairvoyant. What an awesome example for him to bring to the table. Only thing missing was his skateboard.

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Shouldn’t abortion supporters also support gun violence? In their mind, abortion isn’t murder so maybe gun violence shouldn’t be either?

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I suspect that abortion and the never ending acrimony about it sends a signal to young people that life is not precious. Couple this with violent video games and it is it any wonder that an 18 year old goes in and shoots up a school.

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That sounds logical..

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"After Sandy Hook the NRA developed a FREE program to provide security experts for schools to assess security issues and give recommendations as to what they could improve. NOT ONE SINGLE SCHOOL TOOK THEM UP ON THAT OFFER IN SPITE OF IT COSTING THEM NOTHING. Let's keep ignoring school security and keep them easy targets.

Not about gun control or bans... guns have been around for decades, in racks in cars, in houses, unlocked and without the issues we see today. There is something wrong with our current culture, parenting, coping ability, mental fortitude... these are the things we need to address and change. God bless these families!"

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I am persuaded that we can go a long, long way in eradicating this evil in our society by not only banning guns… (that’s a good start)…, but also by simply following The Science.

I’m quite sure today that with the sophisticated DNA testing that is available, The Science can identify certain gene markers that indicate probable sociopathic tendencies of the unborn child. When the tiny, yet-to-be-born , probable sociopath is identified, we may, for the good of society as a whole, take immediate, appropriate, and action: Abort

Then, at last, we may have the final solution and live happily ever after.

Quick! …Somebody bring The Band-Aid!

Stop this cancer in its tracks!

Rub that Magic Lantern harder…

Let’s go back on the attack!

* * *

See Romans 3:9-20 for further details. (But don’t stop there…)

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SSDD. No real solutions to real issues (mental health problems, the destruction of the nuclear family, you know the list) but instead create a villain they can pretend to fight, without any actual accountability. The problem is always that resources are spent without result, and is particularly insidious here because the actual result of increased gun control is to take away the ability of the citizens to defend themselves from the lawless.

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Watching politics all my adult life, and I'm called old lady now, I don't see the Democrats have solutions to anything! They just exploit Americans, especially in their victim classes, and throw money at things. All this to make themselves feel good while hurting Americans more! Republicans have policies that actually help folks but they too get caught in the throw money at things which still hurts everyone! Talking about responsibilities and maturity and morals let alone teaching these things to our kids have been vilified. We have all been woosified over the years to expect others to do the work we are all called to do. Fix our own problems! School choice is vital now! Communities need resources from their own people to find ways to protect students in schools! Why can't retired policemen help or a program that allows volunteers to learn how to be safety patrol officers? Get the solutions at the local level. Federal government will NEVER stop this problem but local communities can if they step up to do so but that means all of us helping, caring, and support!

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I am 75. There wasn’t this problem in my youth with all the westerns and violent cartoon characters. What is different now?

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Yeah, I can remember when every pickup truck in the school parking lot had a rifle rack in the rear window, usually with a loaded shotgun or rifle in the rack! We had no school shootings then.

Our school principal had a loaded shotgun leaning against the wall in her office, she used it to scare the alligators away from the playground...our school was newly built and ran alongside a little deep creek from the Hillsborough River...the gators would come out on sunny days and hang out on the banks of the creek.

Some of us kids had to walk across a little bridge crossing that creek, and she would casually walk out to the playground, fire a round in the sand dunes around the creek, the gators would scuttle back into the water, and she'd stand there and watch as we crossed the little bridge to make sure none of us decided to play in the water.

No one in that school would have even THOUGHT of touching that shotgun...if she did that now, she'd be arrested.

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I'm 66 and I agree with you. We had a society that valued God, country, and family. We learned morality and respect of persons. We feared God and were held accountable for what we did. Society has been descending into chaos, hedonism, and selfishness for years. All this leads to violence, insanity, and destruction in the end. America needs a revival of God again!!!

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I want to see hope for civilization, but the Bible's teaching on the end times is that the Holy Spirit will be removed, and Christ will come back at a time when the fear of God is absent, so His appearing will be "as a thief in the night." Ironically, it was in a sociology course at an Ivy League university that I learned the term, "anomie," meaning a culture's descent into chaos. Some of the blame for this violence must be laid at the feet of those who would redefine marriage, both inside and outside of the church.

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The insane resistance from politicians, some school administrations, and some parents to making schools hard targets is maddening. And aside from that, the answer lies in returning to a focus on stable families with a mother and father and who raise their kids knowing Jesus.

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Par for Democrats.

Salvador Ramos... will Whoopie call this white on white violence?

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