- "There has been a great reluctance to release [kid killer's] manifesto after the Covenant School shooting in Nashville" last I checked, it was the parents of the victims who have opted to keep the kid killer's journal's sealed by court order, not by the mainstream media at large.

- "Likewise, the police and media rushed out Luigi Mangione’s “manifesto” after the shooting." Ken Klippenstein was the first to release that manifesto in full, and he basically stated the exact opposite is the case: the media was reluctant to release it in full.

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The media is as the media does.

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Well said

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"What is notable is that after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and the assassination of Brian Thompson, neither Biden nor any other Democrats called for gun control." Reason is; Deep State Now a lot of poo pooing and Maw mawing will arise. Selah

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Re open the mental wards because most of these shooter’s definitely have a mental problem and the parents and close friends are in denial and don’t pick up on the signs. It’s not a gun problem you can do damage with a knife a vehicle a baseball bat it’s A mental disorder

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The Dems did some of their usual tu quoqueing/playing the "hypocrite card" when Trump was shot, but that didn't last long.

Marxists gotta do something about eliminating all those contradictions, y'know...

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Amen and Amen!!!

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I don’t have access to the records of mass shootings from the 20 th century. My opinion is that the internet gave mentally challenged people a place to leave their mark.

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It's as if the Democrat approve of certain situations in which guns are used versus others. Hmmmm, weird how they tell everyone where they stand on things without telling anyone falsehoods and smears.

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It's hard to even put down in words how disgusting this is. Three families just lost their loved ones and all the president can do is make a political statement out of an extremely sad situation. The Democrats have been in control before; of Congress, of the White House, of the Senate and never passed any significant gun legislation so they need to get off their high horses now. Isn't Biden still president and Harris the deciding vote in the Senate? I don't see Harris or Biden doing any of the things they promised on the campaign trails since the election was lost. Harris proclaiming loudly: Day ONE, I will lower grocery prices and stop collusion! They doing anything about gun control? They doing anything about grocery prices? They doing anything about closing the borders? Don't think so. But they're still in control and could do something but I guess since they lost, no point in that, right? My sympathies to the families and the pain they are going through. I cannot even imagine it.

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Democrats think they are multiple steps up the civilization scale from the neanderthalic republicans.

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It absolutely breaks my heart to know that a child could be in so much distress that this is their only path out. Whether alone or by taking others with them, this is an unfathomable tragedy for which there are no good reasons. Let's step back, please, and pray for them all. Only God knows why, while we are left searching for answers.

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Once again, the killer in the incident exhibited the degree of mental illness she was suffering very publicly, yet no one appeared to notice or take action. This was a juvenile. Unlike when it is an adult, a noticeable mental illness could have resulted in compulsory inpatient treatment. Instead, we have the parents apparently ignoring the problem and it sounds like the father may even have allowed her access to the weapon. But the parents were broken and ignored the fact that their daughter was also broken and dangerous. Her online activity was a huge red flag, but no one did anything. So the go to for the political class and the media is to holler for gun control.

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Umm, didn’t Biden just pardon his own son for a gun-related conviction? Doesn’t matter how many gun laws you have if the CIC can ignore them at will because it was “unfair.”

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And as long this continues, the more we will be arming ourselves--partly to protect us from these vermin who rule the streets, and but also to make sure if the government decides to disarm us we have something to fight back with us. Although, I honestly don't believe the military would ever get involved in such a thing (sarcasm intended).

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Know them by their fruit… If anything Democrats are consistent.

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Thank you for pointing out the Obama history on this subject. I cringed when he would use the office of POTOS to display his lack of respect for suffering families and promote his stupidity. It was disgusting. These tragedies have a root cause that is far more difficult to consider than gun control.

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