Only one mention of the puppet master who we all know is pulling all the strings, and not just Joe's, in preparation for his fourth term.

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The paid X shills were all gloating about how great the Big Boy Biden did last night. The common talking point about his missteps was that at least he wasn't talking about batteries and sharks, or Hannibal Lecter. Why is it that these people have no ability to understand humor?

It's also extremely obvious that the current mandate is to highlight Project 2025 every chance they get. I've seen or heard about it in close to 100% of current leftist commentary. Jan 6 has been pushed down the list. For the time being, anyway.

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Biden's campaign is probably saving the best for last. One potential problem with Republican attacks on Biden age is that they are coming so early that their impact could diminish over time.

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Point taken. Republicans are pretty quiet on the subject at the moment.

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I really want to sit back and pass the popcorn while the other side is spinning in chaos, but my tribe that I caucus with is still the Stupid Party for a reason...

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I know what my eyes see and you can’t hide the fact that Joey from Scranton is going down hill and is not in the game. So why do some black voters want to support him? I’m not sure but it has to be Kamala because the girl from India is now the girl from Compton.

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Kamala - VP

Katanji - Supreme Court

Karine - Press Secretary

Lloyd - Defense Secy

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Love the title for this piece - a very apt description of the situation. Your final observation concerning the open racial

divide in this issue is spot on. Always appreciate your reasoned and balanced insights. Without some very unexpected event IMHO the presidential election is now Trump’s to win or lose, and I remain concerned that he will be unable to maintain his current moderation ( for him) and go back to his style which has historically alienated swing voters. Cannot conceive of any even slightly likely Dem ticket that I could even consider supporting and that would not continue Biden’s disastrous policies.

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It is a distinct pattern of white liberals wanting him gone and black liberals defending him.

Is this correlation or causation?

What is the significance of this?

Is this Black liberals being principled and white liberals being transactional because they actually what to win?

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Considering Biden's past associations & friendships with racists and Klan members, it's ironic that the African American community is defending Biden. ( More likely, they're standing up for Kamala.)

According to the Wall Street Journal, if Bidens steps aside prior to becoming the Dem nominee, he cannot transfer more than $2,000 to ANY candidate - including Harris.

And if he steps aside after he becomes the nominee, it'll be difficult to replace him on ballots in all 50 states.

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Black folk who support Biden largely do so because we can count, and zero is such an awfully small number. In addition to his VP and Supreme Court picks, Biden has included blacks like Karine Jean-Pierre (Press Secretary) and Lloyd Austin (Defense Secretary within his inner circle of advisors. Meanwhile, out of a population of almost 50 million, Trump has not found a single African American worthy of such status: not in his business. not in his administration, and not now. And Ben Carson doesn't count: Trump took a world class surgeon and made him not Surgeon General or head of the CDC, but the head of that agency (HUD) which might stereotypically be associated with black people. Metaphorically, it's a simple matter of doing the math.

Finally, I don't remember who said this first but it bears repeating: I don't know if Trump is a racist, but what I do know is that racists (like David Duke) think he's a racist.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

If your examples are KJP (arguably the worst WH Press Secretary in recent history) a SECDEF that can be in the hospital for a week without anyone noticing, Ketanji Brown-Jackson, a legal lightweight who can't define what a woman is, and Kamala Harris, who ranked dead last in the 2020 Democrat primary, keep looking for examples.

Biden chose most of them because of their race, gender, sexual orientation or other checkmarks (like 'Rachele' Levine the first trans Assistant Secretary for Health) - not because of their qualifications.

Carson was chosen for HUD, because he grew up in public housing, and knew how it could be improved.

Based on your last sentence, Joe Biden may not be an antisemite, but people who are antisemites think he is.

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Kamala Harris, a former U.S. Senator, was picked as Biden's VP; her only official duty being to preside over the Senate. Katanji Brown Jackson was Harvard Law Review and a justice on the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (generally considered the second only to the Supreme Court in importance) before Biden elevated her to the Supreme Court. Karine Jean-Pierre was Deputy Press Secretary before Biden promoted her to the top job in the department. Lloyd Austin was a four-star general (one can't get a fifth star in peacetime) before Biden made him Secretary of Defense.

Trump made Ben Carson Secretary of the department responsible for public housing . . . because he once lived there.

Now, which of these appointments sound token in nature?

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Kamala called Biden a racist in front of millions in a debate. Which of the two gave up their principles? KBJ couldn't define a woman. Call it a gotcha question if you want, but it really wasn't if you think about it. Plus remember Obama was Harvard Law Review but never actually did a single thing- not even a single article. KJP may have deserved the promotion but has been a clown with her binder non-answers. Don't know anything about Austin other than when he disappeared nobody noticed.

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It's not a 100% guarantee, but those kind of credentials often suggest persons of some ability.

In particular concerning Austin, four-star generals tend to be pretty special.

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Like I said, I don't know anything about Austin. I will assume for all of use he is very competent and I have no reason to believe he is not, other than him being the Commander in Chief.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

I don’t care what color, race or gender a person identifies as. But when your priority is checking boxes rather than qualifications, you get an administration as horrible as Biden's.

Which one sounds token? How about these?

Kamala Harris (who accused Joe of being a racist) 'I'm going to name a Black Woman as my running mate,' (check)

Border Czar? Disaster.

Ready to take over if the President is unable to perfrom his duties? Heck... you or I are qualified 'preside over the Senate' and break ties. But take over as POTUS? No.

Why is Biden fighting so hard to stay in the race? Why are Dems looking at other canidates BESIDE her? They all feel she'd be a disaster.

KJP (aka 'Binder'): First black, lesbian press secretary. (Double check)

K B-J: 'I'm going to name a Black Woman to the Supreme Court.' (Check)

Pete Buttigieg (aka: 'Pothole Pete') - mayor of a small town in IN, but first gay SecTrans. (Check)

Rachele Levine: First transgender Asst Sec of Health. (Check) Never mind 'his' extreme views on transgender treatment of minors.

Not denying Austin's service, but he's been horrible as the first Black SecDef. (Check)

Can you honestly say that any of the people I listed have performed their jobs remotely well?

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I'm not going to do that to you, Rick. My prior post is deleted. Let me just say that some of Biden's hiring decisions might well be DEI motivated. However, any suggestion that not one of them would have his or her job, but for ethnic or sexual identity, is unenlightened in a very extreme way.

What I find ironic is that you find it ironic that black folk don't happen to be lining up on your side.

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If "remotely well" is the standard, I can honestly and without hesitation say that they have.

Moreover, not one of them is on their way to jail, like so many people from Trump's administration.

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Oops. I stand corrected. There was one black woman in Trump's administration, Omarosa Manigault. She left the administration, calling him a racist.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

You apparently miss my point, which is the big fat zero number of black folk in Trump's inner circle. Ever.

And what makes you think that growing up in public housing gives someone knowledge of how it can be improved, decades after one no longer lives there? Hell, I grew up in public housing, having left when I was age 6. I hardly even remember it.

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No... I get your point... which is 'how many black people does Trump surround himself with?'

I don't care how many POCs, women, men, LGBT+++ people he has around him. My only concern is, "Are they qualified?"

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I was responding to your original point concerning the irony of black support for Biden. It isn't, for the reasons I have stated.

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And at the very end, as Biden was shuffling off the stage, the woman said "The PERFORMANCE is now over..." says everything you need to know right there.

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What constitutional rights does she "as a black woman" no longer have? Since she is obviously counting killing babies as one, and it seems she probably lives in NY, she still has on-demand abortion. So what other ones? I wish people would ask those questions when these hyper-active women start screeching. The comment how black voters have "saved" this country multiple times by voting Democrats in incredible- the God complex she carries must be so heavy.

Speaking of screeching, let's move to the man in the second video. He knows nothing about Project 2025, and fervently believes every bug-a-boo story about DJT that's come down the pipe. His hysteria is laughable.

Many black folks have decided not to be tools of any party anymore and think like individuals. The more encouragement we can give them to wait till marriage to have children and homeschool them, hence raising them out of group-think, the better. Even single moms and dads can homeschool, they just need a strong support system. That transformation would be one the greatest things to come about since physical freedom from slavery-now they need freedom from a mental mind of slavery.

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It’s interesting to me that a very timely NPR/PBS poll shows a Biden lead of 2% head to head today - the first lead in weeks by any poll. Seems perfectly calculated to keep “Biden” in the race. He surely thinks he hit a home run last evening.

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Can Biden Pardon Hunter

And make all Illegals citizens on last action of duties?

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Those black defenders of Biden in those clips you attached, are deeply pickled in TDS crazy sauce. Trump should speak to sane people why he won’t/ can’t be a dictator, and why Project 2025 is a progressive nothing-burger.

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I’m shocked that everyone seems to be missing the key indicator that Biden is no longer with us. During the press conference, he said multiple times “I’ve been in the Senate a long time.” This means he’s reverting back to the last clear memory - when he was in the senate 20 years ago.

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Obviously Biden has let them down as he can no longer be used as their puppet leader.

Now it should be interesting how they navigate through Jill and Hunter.

I personally wonder if there will be an accident orchestrated by the Democratic Party.

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A "misplaced" sand bag, perhaps?

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How degrading of the Presidency will the Democrats sink…a “Big Boy” news conference? Not a “Big Man” event, mind you, not a “”Big Adolescent” news conference but a “Big Boy.” I guess this suggests we’re not to cry…

Can anyone imagine this terminology being used for a President Coolidge, or the Roosevelts, Truman or Eisenhower?

This is such a spectacle…both parties need to focus on the Nation, and develop and bring to the fore capable individuals to serve in national office and the Congress. The issues confronting us are serious and real.

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So, why does that pattern exist? Loyalty and an ingrained tendency to stick together in times of trouble.

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