and you ignore the sale of reportedly 1/6 of the US store of uranium to Russia under Obama -Biden , also netting the "Clinton Foundation 26 million in contributions from this non -free country ( your assessment herein ). As an aside , P.M. Netanyahu was not received into the WH or afforded common diplomatic courtesy in the Obama Biden era . Your credits to the Biden administration for reasonable efforts at opposing terrorism amount to political pandering at best .If anything tepid US opposition to Hamas was a green light making the current war easily predictable .

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The hard truth is that it is easy to go after Biden for the $6 billion, but this attack has been planned for a long time — far longer than the money has been available. Really? How long would an attack like this take to plan - two years or so? Remember on Sep 12, 2021 — Biden insisted he would lift sanctions imposed by President Donald J. Trump only if Iran returned to the limits on nuclear production. And we know with limits on nuclear production, Biden would strike another deal with Iran eventually to get the $6 billion of Iranian funds that had been frozen in South Korean banks to be given to Iran one way or another - just like Obama did. Prisoner release or no prisoner release. Both Obama and Biden thought they were great negotiators! Not so great - a large ego is all they have.

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If Iran already had a nuke, would they have already taken out Israel with it? Or is there a different plan because we are so unfocused on our border security? Iran is chanting “Death to America and Death to Israel “. Do we have Iranian backed terrorist cells already here that are planning the same here? I have no confidence in our government to properly handle a terrorist attack on our soil, let alone help God’s Chosen People

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Spot on once again Erick

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Tell me what government actually dog-ears funds such that those monies go nowhere else? Yes, you can assert that 6 billion lies reserved in a bank and has not been withdrawn or used to buy weapons, TODAY, AT THE TIME YOU MAKE THAT STATEMENT.

Doesn't take a genius to realize that having 6 billion banked means they can use OTHER FUNDS that might have been spent on food/electricity/etc., that you are NOT asking about, for weapons and violent jihad while you closely watch the 6 billion. They have a poverty level there that won't miss not getting 'billions' in relief or having to wait a few news cycles longer. A few weeks later, they can give 'humanitarian' aid to Hamas with any of the 6 billion you were watching, if they don't simply shuffle it around.

That's what we do every day with 'general revenue' funds, emergency funds, and the like. Just change the name of the fund and Poof!

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I am disgusted and alarmingly angry at Palestinian sympathizers today. The people protesting in support of the Palestinians and against Israel at this time, in my mind, are just terrorist supporters. Of course we have to support their ability to protest in this country because it is a country of free speech and expression.

But, I think our political leaders spouting their vile anti-Israel rhetoric are a different situation. And those that actually promote policies that enable the enemies of Israel have definitive blood on their hands today. Their party leaders must use the Article I, Section 5, clause 2 to censure any House member that has a history of anti-Israel rhetoric or legislative/policy action. The American people must cancel any President or Senator doing the same.

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As far as I am concerned anyone making excuses for the $6 billion or the attack are complicate and supporters of terrorism. Yes, I'm painting with a broad brush. I fully endorse the I Amendment and any American's desire to protest Israel's response. Let me just thank you for self-identifying as an enemy to America, Israel, and freedom when you do. Thank you.

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There is another problem with this instability in the middle east. Uncle joe has destroyed our domestic oil production industry in just 2 short years. The terrorist controlled Middle East has the power to cut the spigot off and tell us to pound sand and we have very little to retaliate or stand firm against them.

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Until a nuke lands somewhere in the US or we face a major terror attack that will make 9/11 seem like a small dumpster fire. This nations people who understand freedom won't do anything. And to that fact look what happened when we did ( J6 )?.

The truth is we are living under a tyranny at the moment. The dems are keeping everyone in line by holding the carrot of elections when in fact the results are already per-determined. No matter who faces Biden they will lose. With a strong grip on election policies in states that matter like PA, MI, and others, the republicans or any American who has a strong will to put this country first will not make it.

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Thank you for warning against disinformation. The Assistant Adjutant General of Georgia (head of the air component of our National Guard) warned our retiree group of this very thing Saturday. Our enemy craves our disunity.

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Thank you Erick for all you put down, but I would like to add that this is the beginning of WWIII and as some have all ready written, we have many of the enemy that have come in across the boarder to do similar to what the enemy just did in Israel. They will be in our homes at the same time they make the larger attacks. Get your guns and ammo. BUT most of all get Jesus in your life and follow His directions. And PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.

Blessings to you Erick

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From my perspective it looks like managerial class puppet Biden is purposely fomenting global war to support the WEF globalist agenda and Wall Street. Because o President could fail this

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Qatar may be the home of this destabilizing effort.

Whatever you may think of the pro-Trump stance of this post's author, he is very precise when it comes to geopolitics:


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Every time a talking head asks "how did...(whatever happened) happen?" every Republican needs to reply, "That's the $6 billion dollar question."

Saturday night, Mark Levin listed all the ways the Biden Admin has either ignored or abetted Iran's efforts. For him to claim Israel has our "complete" support is just another in a long line of Biden lies.

The best thing the Biden Admin can do is to just stay out of the way, keep its collective mouth shut, and let Israel take care of business.

When Progressives (as an aside, Rashida Tlaib is possibly the most vile human in this country, and definitely the most vile member of Congress) start railing againt the death of innocent civilians remember Hamas uses them as human shields, and puts guns and missle batteries in civillian neighborhoods. (Remember the alleged 'baby milk factory' thar was hit during the Gulf War was actually believed to be a command & control bunker into which civilians were herded.)

Islamic terrorists are hoping for a high body count the way the N Vietnamese did, hoping that will put pressure on the US to pressure Israel to let up.

Let Israel wipe out Hamas. Let her wipe out Hezbollah. Let her wipe out all the terrorists (they're not 'militants' - they're 'terrorists') they can find.

Then, let them go after Iran.

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"that's the $6 billion question" is fantastic. Yes. Do this.

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Hey Erick,

I wonder why Joe Biden would allow the illegal sale of Iranian oil at a discount to the Chinese.

Let's Go Brandon.

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