May 22Edited

Oh Lord yes, the USPS is awful (everywhere) . Since COVID the mail takes forever even to just go across town. I no longer mail anything because of it (and the rampant check-stealing and washing that is going on in some areas from post boxes, too).

My personal examples are 1) early last December (first week) I mailed a letter with a sensitive document from my new home in Alabama to my son in Austin, Texas. I sent it certifed, return receipt requested, which I've done many times in the past for work documents. I paid extra for this service. That letter bounced around between Alabama, Oklahoma and Texas for SEVEN WEEKS, continually looping around without being delivered. I could see this because of the tracking on the return receipt request. One time they tried to deliver it, but no one was home so they left a note saying when they'd try again. They never tried again. The note they left didn't even say what post office someone might try to pick it up from. It continued to loop around. They finally delivered it at the end of January 2024. And no, I never got my return receipt/proof of delivery THAT I PAID FOR.

2) During the 2022 tax season I mailed a state tax return and a check for a small amount due to the State of North Carolina for one of my kids whose taxes I completed. Any time I have to mail a return versus filing electronically I always send it certified, return receipt requested, so I have proof I sent it. It took twelve weeks to arrive, and the return receipt was finally returned six months after I sent the documents and 3 months after they were received in NC.

3) Back in my former home state of Pennsylvania they are having problems with absentee ballots being delivered and/or returned on time, which dates back to COVID and has persisted ever since. I was a Judge of Elections there during both primary and general election cycles, and I can't tell you how many provisional ballots we had to issue every election because people didn't get their ballots, or they were not marked as received on time in their tracking, and came into the poll to vote in person if they could.

There is a LOT of people's money being wasted on services they are not receiving. And they're raising the price of stamps AGAIN! It's time to privatize this useless waste of government spending once and for all. Put FedEx in charge of it. Hell, put the people who keep the drive-through lines at Chik-Fil-A moving in charge of it. NOBODY could possibly do any worse than the USPS is! UPS and FedEx are getting my business now. They cost more, but at least I know things will actually arrive and in a decent amount of time.

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I am surprised that Michael Cohen isn’t Biden’s Speech writer as they are both very talented at dishonest storytelling.

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Another new mysterious incident in Iran!!

The head of the Iranian intelligence service of Lorestan province in Iran was murdered!

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There are multiple elites; leftist elites, traditional conservative (classical liberal)elites and right-wing nationalist elites. The only ones still embracing common sense are the classical liberals. They are a minority but they are our political salvation.

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Great- Video - we are getting close to the LEFT (socialist) controlling us

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Last I checked, corporations and universities were dumping DEI and ESG garbage? Or do I have that wrong?

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As it pertains to the U.S. government reactions to Iran, why should I be surprised, it further illustrates their total lack of moral clarity and cultural ignorance. Unbelievable.

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If your mail-in ballot hasn't been processed, what happens to your vote? Can you still vote in person? Or is your vote disqualified courtesy of the USPS?

I sent my mother a gift for Mother's day on May 3. It still hasn't arrived in CA.

As for the elites, they don't care. They have their money and lifestyles. Why should the rest of us matter?

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Erick, one name to contemplate when considering USPS service in Georgia:


There's a gynormous new postal hub there, down near Peachtree City, which *may* be staffed by DEI hires. Palmetto loses, delays, destroys mail. For a period last month, semis loaded with unsorted mail were re-routed from Palmetto out to Michigan and Illinois to be sorted and reinjected into the delivery system. You are not alone in your complaints; you should hear what the Blairsville PO employees have to say about Palmetto!

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This could be the most overtly racist comment that I have ever encountered here. Regardless of the ethnic composition of its workforce, a bad manager heading the Palmetto branch is just one of many alternative explanations for its poor performance.

Moreover, why would just one branch of the post office be staffed by DEI hires and not others?

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what is racist about acknowledging that government entities are making diversity hires? They are! They brag about it themselves! The DEI effort is about placing people (of any color or race, as long as they are judged to be a minority of some sort) ahead in line of consideration for jobs over others who may not be a minority but may be as competent or the most competent. I see this going on at my own employer. There are some hires that are obvious DEI hires that are not working out and I suspect it's because they weren't the best people/fit for the job.

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One definition of racist is "characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against . . . people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group." Prejudice has been defined as a "preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience."

This commenter didn't just acknowledge that government entities are making diversity hires. While knowing nothing about the quality of its management, state of automation or anything else that could also be to blame - and in particular, knowing absolutely nothing about the background, skills or job performance of the particular non-whites who are working there - he suggests that they must be the problem. That is, he (1) prejudged a situation with which he has no actual experience, and (2) did so on the basis of those workers' ethnicities.

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May 23Edited

interesting. Government entities are well known for having low qauality of management and state of automation ... isn't the IRS still using a system implemented in the 80's?? They can least afford to be making less-than-optimal hires.

And my own supervisor at my employer (a huge woke Fortune 500 company) just told me yesterday that a) a coworker is getting laid off tomorrow (a minority) for performance issues; and b) that they should have hired their other candidate (who happens to not be a minority). This is third time a minority hire made in my department in the last year has been let go for performance issues This on the heels of laying off a bunch of white employees in the six months prior to make room for these hires. If the shoe fits....and one doesn't need 'experience' (not sure what kind of experience you are referencing) to see what is going on right in front of our faces.

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You can speak from experience with respect to whatever is happening at your own company. Something else is going on with regard to your view of that postal hub.

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No offense intended; I agree that there likely are multiple causes, which is specifically why I set off the term *may* with asterisks. The same scenario seems to apply at Boeing's SC assembly plant.

It is demonstrable that DEI guidelines at times trump merit and experience in hiring criteria. It is equally known that US government agencies of late have been major proponents of DEI criteria.

BTW, you may want to eyeball Tucker Scofield's cmment, below, about Delta Airlines.

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Thanks. Explains a lot. I see mail coming close and then going back out and coming back.

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If the global order is changing (no longer lead by the US idea of free market Capitalism) and the Us has decided to disentangle itself from the global order, then the US needs to disentangle itself from the large Federal Administrative state.

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I believe boycotts of companies pushing out an agenda are also part of the free markets. If a company feels they need to push out left wing talking points, as a part of the free markets I can choose to take my dollars elsewhere. That is another way of forcing businesses to hear opposing views. Blacks used the power of the purse quie well in the push for civil rights. Those people who feel the agenda being expressed by companies have the right to let the company know their views. One way to get a companies attention is with the power of the purse. As a side note, Target jumped on the progressive left bandwagon long before most companies by embracing bathroom selection by people's feelings, I feel male today but tomorrow I may feel/identify as female. Target made a choice to allow little children to potentialy be exposed to males in females bathrooms. Target has suffered from the power of the purse. They deserved it.

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I'm doing the same with Delta. I'm sick of their DEI and ESG virtue signaling to the point where I'm choosing Southwest when and where I can. I don't know much about SWA's corporate position, but their gate and onboard culture strikes a polar opposite compared to Delta.

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The whole idea is we shouldn't know what a corporation's positions are on anything even remotely political. I don't want to know and if I do I'm annoyed by it (same for teachers/educators). It used to be businesses intuitively knew that if they took sides on political (and/or cultural) matters they were automatically going to be offending a good half of the population who might take their business elsewhere. Many smaller/local businesses still practice this common-sense approach, which makes even more sense in a time of 'cancelling' anyone/anything the elites/lefties don't like.

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This is what I have been saying for years. Ever since Colon Kapernic (not a misspelling) and why I tell people you need to keep watching sports if that’s what you enjoy.

You see establishments like Coca Cola, the NFL and baseball are all foundational cultural institutions of Americanism. The left hates that. So they will make you hate them.

They flooded it with woke messaging and cultural references to the lefts agenda. Hoping you tune out and these institutions go away so they can implement their own version of those things or replace it completely.

Sports also is an avenue for minorities to uplift themselves out of poverty. The left really hates that too. So they want those things gone so they can control who is rich and who isn’t.

It should be well understood that this is what is happening.

I grew up in a house where you didn’t bother father on Monday night. Unless you were watching. We would go to church come home sometimes have friends or family over to watch a game. My family lived in LA but we were hardcore redskins fans. Don’t ask I don’t know why.

When I grew up I did the same.

The left doesn’t want this. They want you to tune out not watch stay home not buy Coca Cola or fly delta or give your money to these places so they go bankrupt and fade away.

Except for Budweiser, don’t fall for it.

If you watched football before this mess watch it still. Drink Coke. Watch baseball. Ignore the virtue signaling and watch.

Doing so enrages the left. Having a BBQ outside on a charcoal grill with family. Enrages the left.

Going to a wholesome real Christian church that doesn’t fly the rainbow flag and rejects the gay agenda, enrages the left.

And that is always a good thing.

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Seriously? Speaking as probably the most left-leaning of the commenters here, do you really think I give any more of a damn whether you watch TV sports than you give a damn what I watch? Except for my participation here, just about everyone with whom I interact politically is on the left and I swear to you, but for a few chuckles when conservatives undertook to boycott certain sports leagues for embracing the notion that black lives matter, the subject of whether conservatives are watching sports on TV has never come up.

Not even once.

Of course, I do wish conservatives would boycott a certain cable news channel that was forced to pay almost a billion dollars in damages for lying to us.

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I didn’t say you. I didn’t say voters did I?

I said liberals. That’s liberal elite politicians and leaders of activists groups. These are the ones shuffling policy and working behind the scenes to enact a solid socialist government and eventually a totalitarian communist gov not unlike chinas. With total complete control over human rights and activities.

They hate everything American, everything.

Given the chance they would burn down every non conforming church and synagogue. Imprison every white Christian American for re education. And impoverish every single straight family in the nation.

You won’t do all that nor do you have the power to. But it will be you that will be bent to comply. Yes you even a dem voter. Because you have free choice.

These are the people I’m talking about not you.

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There are people on my side of the political spectrum who think folks on the right are racist, misogynistic homophobes who want to kill everyone who doesn't look like them and whose only interest in the abortion issue is to exert control over women's bodies. They view any love that you have for our country as being for an America that no longer exists; meaning that YOU are the ones who hate America.

And they would be just as wrong.

Indeed, control over other people's behavior would seem inconsistent with the general worldview most commonly associated with being "liberal." Is the notion that people should be allowed to marry whomever they want, irrespective of gender, a liberal or conservative view? Which side favors "choice" on the abortion issue, or the legalization of drugs like marijuana? Whereas conservatives are more often associated with religious beliefs that tend to constrain free choice, liberals are generally associated with a moral relativism where depending on the circumstances, anything goes.

Even if I am wrong about all of the foregoing, trust me: absent some financial interest in the matter, NOBODY gives a damn about whether or not you watch television sports. It has nothing to do with anything that even liberal politicians would care about.

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While I get your saying I look at proof and evidence. There is overwhelming evidence dem politicians and the powers that work behind them want to do everything I said. As I mentioned I wasn't talking about voters or supporters I am talking about the policy makers, like Biden like Obama like Soros. Those people truly would, if given the opp, to do everything I said.

Evidence is full and mounting and I don't need to go that far back. Just rewind to 2020. Dem lawmakers took that as an opportunity to shut down churches to seize control and even manipulate an election. They arrested people for going to church and some of them got real jail time, others got beaten and others were made to vanish.

There is little to no evidence that any Republican lawmaker has enacted any type of racism or discrimination. While Dems have repeatedly pushed legalized racism in the form of DEI, cancel culture, and the mainstream media.

Show me were, anywhere were a republican has enacted a law that silences free speech. That has uplifted a group of people based on race? No where. Not in recent history at least.

Lastly, they ABSOLUTELY do give a damn about what I watch and how I watch it. Otherwise why would I see all the "end racism" marquees in the end zones and back of helmets, kneeling players, Commercials with not a single white person in them but plenty of gays and alphabet people. Shaving companies using trans people to push their products. Movies with a required level of wokism added to every single plot line with few exceptions. They wouldn't do these things if they didn't care and didn't intend to corrupt, discolor, or trash them. Its like Erick said. "You will be MADE to care". Which is very close to "Kneel or you will be knelt". These people, not you specifically, ARE in fact very hateful of American way of life. Erick has shown many many examples and Biden expressing mourning loss for a proven murderer and despot in Iran is further proof of their hate.

its not really an opinion or discussion topic and many of them would openly admit to it. They do not like the America that is. The vision of Trump or his intent. They dont like MAGA, they hate religion and would gladly happily with excited fervor rip up the constitution and re-write it to their own like. Again, I am not speaking of you. I have family who are motivated Dem voters. They are not bad people and they are not hateful of America. Ask Soros if he would do the things I mentioned.

IM sorry but your side is tainted and you can't proudly say they love America. You cant stand up and say "I am fully behind AOC because she loves America.." Nope can't say it. Im sorry but your side, the side you choose to vote for is as evil as it gets. Its just a fact. IM sorry you don't see that.

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>My daughter mailed her graduation announcements on April 16th. We have friends who live within two miles of us who just got them this past weekend.<

I’d bet there are many of us who’d be tickled to send your daughter a check for her graduation. Is there an office address we could use to mail it?


I recently sent an important item to a client in Portland, ME. Priority Mail ($10.95) from OKC to Portland took 15 days. Priority used to be worth it in certain circumstances (and when it was $3.95). I read a piece about troubles in the Atlanta post office.

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Randall, please see my comment above about the Palmetto, GA hub.

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The “elites” of today remind me of the “popular groups” in high school- they’re all actually very insecure, none of them live as they preach and in actuality the majority of the people can’t stand them… They’re only elite and popular in their own minds.

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I believe you are correct somewhat but, if you don’t like what the company is preaching you move to a company that has your values. Isn’t that utilizing the free market? I would also like to ask that since Obama was president isn’t our government sort of holding a gun to the heads of companies until they comply with their leftist agenda?

On a side note we paid our state tax on April 15th and had it stamped at the post office. A week later we got a delinquent notice with a fine attached. Two days later we got a notice of payment but still owed the fine.

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In Fortune 500s that make consumer products, DEI is so pervasive that it’s hard to find a company that at least doesn’t actively go against your values. Most people don’t have time to research every single thing they purchase at the grocery store. Also, there are a lot of people who work for these companies who don’t agree with DEI who are trying to pay their bills and save for retirement.

The LGBT part of DEI started in the 1990s with activist groups threatening boycotts and bad publicity if large companies didn’t support it. Laws have changed, especially regarding LGBT issues: Obergefell, and Harris Funeral Homes vs EEOC. There are aspects that are part of the law, but Anheuser Busch didn’t have to hire Dylan Mulvaney to advertise Bud Light to meet a legal requirement.

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DEI= Didn’t Earn IT

LBGTQ=Lets Get Biden to Quit

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Which is exactly what the so called "far right" "populist" people have been saying for years, with the left and the establishment republicans ignoring the call as if we were a bunch of nut cases. Does this mean that some of the establishment is going to pay attention now? Is the light bulb going on? Can we do something other than demand we go back to "polite politics"?

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