As for the poseurs and their Covid theater: The show is already getting bad reviews and will definitely be closed on November 8th.

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I am counting the days until she "wins" again, you know, like the last time she "won."

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This photo really is a gift to the GOP both in Georgia and nationally. There she is in all her resplendent glory, Stacey Abrams, the Hungry Hungry Hippo-crite. Cheers, Stacey. Looking forward to your loss.

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November is coming and the Democrats, in their progressive enclaves surrounded by COVID Chicken Littles always afraid the sky is falling, are going to have the political sky fall on them......Let's hope!

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Just got back from Winter Park where it was 12 below and they were a little cray cray about masks. Not sure Covid lives at minus 12? It was wear your mask into the restaurant and eat, be merry and drunk once inside with your mask off. People, I’m a scientist and this is cray.

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I'm with you, Teresa. The secular need a religion; government and science have become that religion. And nothing more convincingly demonstrates the zealot's behavior than the secular's willingness to overlook hard factual evidence that runs contrary to their faith. Fauci is a saint despite incontrovertible evidence that he help fund COVID's development. Hillary "didn't intend" to share secrets with China from her personal email server despite using hammers and BleachBit to clean up after herself. We could write a book on similar examples, but I won't waste time and space doing so. Hypocrisy and corruption, while omnipresent since 1776, are now blatantly open and apparent for all to see, yet somehow the faithful don't see it. It makes ZERO sense unless and until you look at this from a spiritual context. Only then can I make sense of it.

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"Abrams wants everyone to wear masks but gets to opt-out. Instead of saying sorry, she attacks anyone for pointing out the hypocrisy."

OK. Anyone still in favor of 'affirmative action'?

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My kids are in Gwinnett Schools. It is VERY upsetting to hear that both New Jersey and Delaware are ending mask mandates in schools, but Gwinnett BOE is worshiping the mask mandate. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/new-jersey-delaware-to-lift-school-mask-mandates-and-others-may-follow/ar-AATzqDN

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"November is coming and the Democrats, in their progressive enclaves surrounded by COVID Chicken Littles always afraid the sky is falling, are going to have the political sky fall on them."

I sincerely hope so. Memories are short for many Americans, especially independents. This will be an ugly mud-slinging campaign season reminding short-sighted Americans what transpired since Jan 27, 2021. Dems will attempt to minimize their divisiveness, let alone economic impacts and damage to USA's leadership position in the free world.

Remember, remember, remember, then vote.

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Ms. Abrams states: “ her opponents continue to look for opportunities to distract from their failed records when it comes to protecting public health during the pandemic.” Would someone please ask Ms. Abrams what is the failed record in Georgia during this pandemic? GOVERNOR KEMP did not force businesses to lock down; for people to lose their business – MANY FAMILY OWNED; lose their homes; lose their livelihood and in some cases , which has been in many DEMOCRAT RUN STATES AND CITIES, TO LOSE THEIR LIVES BY SUICIDE; to watch their children suffer under mask mandates for over two years (now proven they don’t work); to bring illegal aliens into our country - MANY HAVE COVID AND BUSING THEM INTO OUR CITIES IN GEORGIA UNDER THE COVER OF NIGHT. What failed policies from the Republicans or is she DISTRACTING FROM THE REAL FAILED POLICIES OF THE DEMOCRATS AND WHAT HARM SHE WOULD HAVE DONE TO THE CITIZENS OF GEORGIA IF SHE WAS GOVERNOR.

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I think about the core problem being the media completely covers for all liberal democrats until enough of the few actual journalists, a few on the left but mostly on right leaning sites, call them out. I’ve read that most media are owned by a very few entities. Need to think about, look into, breaking up the oligarchs controlling media so actual facts can bubble up and see the light of day occasionally.

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I agree with you that we shod be concerned with a politician being in a public school campaigning plus she should have mask on regardless of her counter arguments.

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Wasn't Abrams oppressed by all those little white racists and future slave owners around her?

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...and children of color toward the back of the classroom... No "Rosa Parks" kiddos, I guess...

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Sure are!!! Wow, what is wrong with these people? Besides being Democrats... Pure evidence of them not believing anything they spout everyday as critically important. Clearly, these folks should not be anywhere close to be in charge of anything. Yikes!!!

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Agree! The absurdity of it all is overwhelming! But God...He has a plan!!

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Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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I hope you're right Erick.

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And after a crushing defeat, they’ll just talk about our racist election system. The Democratic Party truly needs to be torn down, burnt and rebuilt. They have become Marxists.

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Wonder how many masked assistants it took to get that load up off the floor?

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