So they have laid their cards on the table. The economy is great and there is, and never was inflation, but suddenly, on January 20th, 2025 at noon the media will report OMG look what Trump did, oh the humanity (blacks and children hit hardest).

They will do with inflation what they did after the debate, we're shocked, shocked I tell you.

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I'm sure CNN and CBS knows disinformation when they see it. So, they do what they are told by the DNC.

Aren't these the same people who said that a 25% tariff by Biden wouldn't cause prices to rise but a Trump tariff would cause inflation. It is just magical when a Democrat does stuff. Amazing. My economic life has been so magical the last few years.

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Nobel prize for BS should go to these clowns because we know a Nobel prize doesn’t mean diddly Barack Obama got the peace prize and drones the crap out of people.We know what this is and the Democrats or the press can’t hide it anymore nobody trusts the media government or politicians to tell the truth. I lost 20% or more on my money since Joey from Scranton showed up don’t tell me Trump would be worse

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Economists love to give each other prizes for theories that have no bearing on reality.

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I would appreciate if all of your comments were written out. For various reasons, I seldom watch the videos. I enjoy your perspective.

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Nearly all of the media, most of the government and a frightening number of large corporations are nothing more than a progressive machine that has been being built for decades. Obama was the switch that turned on the machine and Trump disrupted its operation for a period of time. Nothing is going to stop them, especially when the majority of the people, republican party in particular, are either blissfully ignorant or in deep denial.

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or too busy sharing in the spoils!!!

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Indeed, that as well.

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You beat me to it. As soon as they get comfortable at the Table of Power, they put on the ring and join in the fleecing of the public.

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I am having a discussion with some K-Street lobbyists right now regarding how these economic "experts" were wrong regarding the Biden inflation predictions. Can you provide the source article that names these Nobel laureates (apologies if it was included into today's show notes)?

NOTE: One of the lobbyists also has one of the 51 foreign policy "experts" you referenced on their team. When I pointed that fact out, his response was "the expert said the Hunter Biden laptop 'has the earmarks' of Russian disinformation, not that it was Russian disinformation." Great way to weasel out of admitting his partner was wrong...

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Exactly, if they obfuscate the economists’ partisanship, they will have no problem trying to team up three on one against Trump. Pretty likely that Biden's team knows the exact questions that will be asked, because, why not?

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Jun 26
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It's not that Biden's not much better, it's that he's much worse. The whole green thing has destroyed our economy, and continual spending on black holes will make it worse. Someone has to stop the bleeding.

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Jun 27
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When I say green initiatives I mean the climate bill or whatever the hell it's called. Don't lecture me on what's true. You should do some research on all the harm it's done. It's just money thrown at nothing. Certain people getting rich with no actual positive results. And don't assume that I am saying that Trump's policies helped. Both were harmful and costs trillions. But I see the policies and intentions of the last term as being so incredibly destructive and there should be no argument that they have exacerbated inflation in every way. I mean, Janet Yellen was asked the other day if there was sticker shock at the grocery checkout and she said no. Seriously?

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