
And if we dig hard enough into the pasts of the various members of Woke-O-Haram who got Morgan Wallen's music pulled from the airwaves, or those who casually destroyed Mimi Groves' future, the odds are overwhelming that we'd find something which could be used to destroy them. Christ told the mob of His day that in John 8:7, when He told those who wanted to stone the adultress, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Every one of us has something in our pasts which, were it known in the present, would ruin us. That is in itself a grave error, as judging the past by the standards of the present leads to bad historical scholarship, and worse moral (?) judgement.

As is almost always the case in such things, people are starting to casually destroy each other, each trying to be the most "woke". Even Democrat members of the House are engaging in the practice as regards Rep. Ilhan Omar: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/557859-progressives-rally-behind-omar-while-accusing-her-critics-of-bias The genius of the American Revolution as opposed to others through history, is that we did not start (politically) eating our young, as was the case before it, and again after it. Unleashing the supposedly moral absolutism of "wokeness" has also unleashed rampaging virtue signaling, hypocrisy, and those with the Biblical log in their eyes destroying others for the mote in theirs. The cynic in me hopes this state of affairs will continue to say, next November. The Christian in me hopes everyone will walk back from the Satanic trap being laid. Let's all hope and pray that in this struggle between the angels of human nature, the better ones will win, and soon.

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Erick (and Army of Activists): I have legitimate concerns you're being censored by big tech. I use "TuneIn" app to stream live, and the EWEricksonshow.com site to "listen live" which then directs to a radio station that streams via the "TunIn" app. Since syndication, or maybe a few days after, I've been receiving messages on the app from a "radio voice" explaining "there's a problem with our service". This same app doesn't have "problems" with Braves Baseball, or Classic Rock, or even talk shows that don't cover politics. Is anyone else experiencing this? The message talks about listening "over the airways" but that's just not as practical as streaming live. I noticed today the Mark Case show, substituting for Erick was not "having problems." Please weigh in on how you listen to Erick. It would be "shocking" if the one unapologetic Christian who pushes back against Woke-o-Harem was being intentionally censored. Thanks!

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This is getting ridiculous.

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I will never understand this. Just dont use the word period. Why is that so hard to figure out? Double standards exist in many aspects of life. Many groups have words are phrases that are fine to use within that group, but it is taboo for outsiders to use. Why is that so difficult for people to comprehend? Do you want to be able to use it that badly? Call the wrong person a N and see what happens...come on now...just dont do it.

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The young girl that lost her scholarship because of her parroting Chris Rock or any rapper, using the word to express her naughty exuberance, totally without malice, is the instance that bothers me the most. Use of the N word today is what whistling at a white woman was to Emmit Till; a transgression on the inviolable, exclusive privilege of the powers that be. It cannot be tolerated and must be punished disproportionately to show who controls the commanding heights of the culture.

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Double standards, narratives, personal experiences--all of these are replacements for what is true, honorable, and just. A culture without a moral center sees no contradiction; everyone does what is right in his (or her) own eyes.

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I have never used the "N-word" nor referred to it as the "N-word" until here and I find it as offensive as the real word itself! What absolutely jacks my jaw is the fact a white person is ruined if they use the word and yet blacks refer to themselves as such all the time in their filthy rap songs and calling each other that filthy name. And don't even get me started on the democrats and what they say.

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I loathe the euphemism of "the N-word". We all know what it means. And...people who have never said that word in their lives are going to WANT to say it, just to prove they can.

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"One of Ms. Groves’s friends, who is Black, said Ms. Groves had personally apologized for the video long before it went viral. Once it did in June, the friend defended Ms. Groves online, prompting criticism from strangers and fellow students. “We’re supposed to educate people,” she wrote in a Snapchat post, “not ruin their lives all because you want to feel a sense of empowerment.”

This is the voice of reason. Imagine someone saying that a Black youngster outed because of an episode of assault at the age of 15 should not be admitted to a college that has accepted him.

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The Left loves standards so much they have two sets... one for them and a completely different set for everyone else.

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In entertainment and sports, at least the Left are starting to "eat their own" in cancel culture. Politics is a completely different animal. The reason the Left has a double standard is because in their minds the end always justify the means....the truth be damned. Many on the Left and the entire MSM/Woke Corporate Cabal believe that conservative thoughts, values, and issues must be destroyed at any cost. In today's world this mission has gone way beyond just politics. It is now personal. These people feel so strongly that conservatism must be destroyed that they think that it is a moral imperative to lie, steal, slander, injure, discredit etc. any politician that is right of center. Many Democrat politicians and media outlets tell them this explicitly with no repercussions. The Democrat leadership have perfected the practice. There is no allowance for discussion, debate, or compromise. Thus, the double standard becomes imperative for the worldview of the Left.

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Sad that the use or even the reported use of the N word can cause such furor. I am a victim of someone accusing me of using it. It is Not nor has ever been a part of my vocabulary.

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My youngest son graduated college 5 years ago. He landed a job right out of college at a suburban Atlanta high school that is about 60% AA, 25% white and 15% hispanic. Most of the football coaching staff was AA and a little short on staff. So my son was handed the JV job with one other coach and was the WR and special teams coach. In my house, the 'N' word is considered worse than a swear word (minus the obvious one). It just isn't used in any context - period. One of the first rules he implemented was "use the N word and you run". Now you need to understand that the "N" word between black folk (especially the young) is just slang.

But at 22, my son understood the history of the word, and the purpose of using the word and he would have none of it. He gained the respect of the kids rather quickly for many reasons, including his insistence of not using this word. This carried over into P.E. classes and in the Spring, his soccer team.

I told you that to also tell you this. When the African American coaches begin to push for the word not to get used, they received push back from the same kids. It was their way of saying, we do this because my son's heart was in the right place, he just did not understand the culture. But they expected AA coaches to understand. So the work after this was to get these kids to understand the history of the word. It impacted some of the kids, it did not impact others.

The "N" word does NOT belong in society. Black, white, conservative or liberal. The history and purpose of the word is undeniable. To now be used so prevalently in the AA community sends the wrong message - period. And the fact that the liberal press is once again holding two standards when the word is used, only weakens the efforts of those, who truly would like for people to understand what an atrocious word this is, not belonging in our language in any context.

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The word can be confusing in it’s use. The same with red neck. Is it a group of people or a group with a bad behavior?

I like to use black or white trash to refer to people , who as a group, show objectionable behavior.

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