Clooney advising Uncle Joe is about as ridiculous as Heels Up being The Commander in Chief! Obama has been running the country, not Uncle Joe. Obama stated that he wanted to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America. Most Americans either weren't paying attention or didn't understand exactly what he meant. He is using the OFA and the Cloward Piven strategy.

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George Clooney... a representative of the average American family.

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We should enjoy the meltdown of the democratic machine, but we should watch it from afar and avoid the distraction it can generate.

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The only thing shocking is the faux surprise by the media. They knew.

But who cares. It’s out now and it’s too late for Dems to replace JB Brandon.

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What's starting to piss me off about all this is the notion that the continuation of his candidacy is a decision that is Biden's alone to make. Things have changed since voters were able to weigh in through the primaries. Were Biden to defer to the decision of some collection of party leaders and then they were to say he's still our guy, I could accept that. But if the leader makes the decision and we all just fall in line, we're no better than Republicans.

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I am disagreeing with you . How can you honestly say that that babbling, incoherent, stumbling fool is making decisions for our country. He can’t even remember who or what he is talking about. I don’t believe Biden is making policy. Someone is telling him what to do and what to say. All the crap that has happened over the last 3 and a half years in my estimation is Obama leaning. Just call me crazy.

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Upon review I am beginning to think that Biden set all of the parameters of the CNN debate think Trump would not accept due to all the odds being set against him

Then Biden could claim Trump was afraid and never offer to debate again. What none of the democrats and media won't admit, President Trump does not need this job for power, wealth, or happiness. He appears to actually seem concerned for the country! Biden and Democrats and the media only want America to run their way because the rest of us are ignorant, dirty, and"deplorable" and don't realize they know best.

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The press has created this with their willing accomplices in the American Progressive Left. You all have sown this deceit. Reap what you have sown in chaos and disarray. Pass the popcorn. This is fun to watch.

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Remember the 2016 Clinton commercial of the phone ringing?

It is 3 am in the White House. Who do you want to answer the phone?

Trump needs to play that often.

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What Mr Biden is doing now is perfectly consistent with his actions in the past. In 1988 he was determined to stay in the race until the public furor grew so great he was forced out. After numerous, and I mean numerous excuses, he finally said his "honest mistake" was overshadowing his candidacy. Pure fantasy. He stole 100% of someone else's speech and passed it off as his own.

Plagiarizers believe: a) they're smarter than you; b) can say anything and you'll believe it, and; c) they're positive they can escape the consequences of their actions by talking their way out of it. The vast majority have fragile egos, are prone to aggrandisement, and cover their lack of accomplishmenrs with brashness. (like claiming they graduated in the top 5% of their law school class or have a 6 handicap in golf...no. it was the bottom 5%).

All of them believe, if caught, they can ride out the storm. To put it simply, they are singularly unencumbered by reality.

In the movie, "Harvey," Elwood P. Dowd announced that he struggled with reality for thirty years and was happy to say he finally overcame it.

Sound familiar?

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Win or lose, Biden will be sleeping with his fathers in four years (biblical term for dying) so who will be president? Harris is the wild card. In 1944 Truman replaced Wallace as the VP candidate and no one has ever mentioned why except that he was communist leaning. She can’t be replaced without giving her a golden parachute. Supreme Court seat?

I can see her leaving and (your choice) being the VP and then President when Biden dies or is so incapacitated that he has to retire. Who?

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If Kamala is given a parachute, the black community among others will quickly sniff it out. Only Moochelle as a replacement will soothe their anger.

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Never. I believe Michelle doesn’t want it.

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Her only achievement was the vegetable garden that the staff maintained.

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The Lightbringer deserves credit for success for fundamentally transforming this nation. He subjected the USA to his own disastrous policies; he wove not-so-subtle racism back into the fabric of American society; he and Eric Holder weaponized the intelligence community by buidling on Shrub's Patriot Act powers; he created the preconditions that put Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

This absurd situation we are enduring today, where a demented 81 y/o likely pedophile is competing with a bloviator to lead what once was the nation that served as a beacon of hope and freedom, is entirely on Obama.

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When I see the clip of Obama saying that from today on he will transform America with the Useful Idiots cheering, I think of the Star Wars scene when the evil Dark Lord is given dictatorial powers with cheering in the background and someone remarks, “Is this the sound of freedom dying?”.

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The question that should be asked of all Democrats and complicit media is "Are you that obtuse, or self serving to retain access to power"? In layman's term, "Why the hell not"?

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Erick - Assuming that Biden is pushed out, what do you think are the chances that Michelle will run? After all, they will need a black female.

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I can answer that. Michelle O, our next president. Trump can’t beat a black menstruator.

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Moochelle has accomplished nothing (unless we count destruction of the school lunch program), because she has never attempted anything. (would still love to know why they surrendered their law licenses).

That said, she would be hard to beat. Having done nothing that could be attacked, its hard to criticize her. any attempt would be called raaaciiissst and mysogynistic. She would get 100% of the black vote and most of the female vote.

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The Democrats are not going to throw over Kamala. Al Sharpton has already come out and said she is deserving and highly qualified to be president.

Michelle is going to have to wait for her turn.

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In the end the Democratic Party exists to keep itself alive. If that means sacrificing and eating its own, so be it. Republican Party ain’t much different, sorry.

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Biden is still coherent enough to go tell Obama to commit an anatomical impossibility.

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