Amazing !

When I clicked on the YouTube link, up came an ad With Kamala Harris soliciting money.

Wonder how YouTube arranged that ? Coincidence ? Not possible. Another example of the media manipulating the process?

Over the past months, I have noticed that Comcast's email has been routing many emails from conservative sources into the "spam" file. I mark them as "not spam," which should change the algorithm's criteria, but it does not work. Last Thursday, there were 4 of these, but no true spam. Townhall, PJ media, HotAir and Erickson, all went into spam. Trying to get an answer out of Comcast was a joke. But, its clear that the fix is in.

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I don't know about your email settings, but I'm pretty sure the Harris campaign paid for that ad; YouTube's algorithm having apparently determined that you are someone who might consider an alternative to voting for a convicted felon, business fraudster, and assaulter of women.

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I fail to see how this is "a snapshot of how the left blatantly aims to manipulate you."

First of all, the American left has no role or responsibility in determining what happens at the PARIS Olympics. Secondly, this is the White House press release announcing the Vice President's role with regard to illegal immigration:


If there is another one describing additional responsibilities given to her, then do enlighten me. In this one, however, (1) what it describes are specific responsibilities, none of which involve actual border security, and (2) nowhere in it is the word "czar" used, nor is there any suggestion that the entirety of the illegal immigration issue (and I use the word "issue" rather than "problem" deliberately) was her responsibility. She might be subject to legitimate criticism regarding the success or failure of the particular initiatives described therein. However, laying full responsibility for illegal immigration on Harris would seem very unfair; especially with the Republicans having negotiated but then walked away from additional border security measures - and get this - at Donald Trump's urging. As the Nation put it in a 2/6/2024 article entitled, "Republicans Got the Border Deal They Wanted. Why Are They Disowning It?":

"Trump greeted the news of the Senate package with another TruthSocial tirade. 'Only a fool, or a Radical Left Democrat, would vote for this horrendous Border Bill . . . . Don’t be STUPID!!!' In short order, Republican senators began falling over themselves in the act of backing away from their lovingly crafted border package."

In actual fact, contrary to Erick's suggestion, half-truths, leading people to reach conclusions that are completely false happen to be the way in which the RIGHT blatantly aims to manipulate you.

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Well, you have a point. There is no government position known as “Border Czar.” However, the press told us that’s what she was. They all said “Border Czar.” Now, they are denying it. They either lied in the beginning when they called her a “Border Czar”, or, more likely, they are lying now.

Pres. Biden ran in 2020 based on the Charlottesville events. Of course, the whole press ginned up the “very fine people” lie.” Pres. Biden ran on a lie. Just before the debate, Snopes (no rightwing fact checking group) said that Trump was not referring to the white supremacists as “very fine people.”

Finally, someone admitted that it was a lie all along. In modern parlance, it called gaslighting, but really, it is lying.

More recently, at a fundraising event in Hollywood, we all saw Barack Obama put his hand on Joe’s back and lead him off the stage. The next day, we saw what was presented as the “truth” when the press gave us a very different angle. The original scene was dubbed a “cheap fake.” KJP was quite adamant about it. Yet another lie.

Frankly, I think you need to admit that the left, both in France and the U.S., are really quite over the top with gaslighting. I have given only a few examples. There are plenty more. Furthermore, Erick did not say that the left in the U.S. had anything to do with the French gaslighting. He used the French event to give example of what happens here. The left uses the same tactics everywhere. They have a gold medal when it comes to lying. The Republican Party, to the extent that they may induce overwrought fear, only has a bronze medal.

I am not a registered Republican. I am an Independent. Frankly, I despise lies from the press, the Democrats, and Republicans when they tell them.

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By relentless and incessant repetition, the conservative press (including Erick) has convinced its audience that the mainstream press is supposed to be objective. Quoting "A Brief History of Media Bias" by Bruce Thornton of the Hoover Institution, "In fact, the notion that reporters should possess Olympian objectivity is relatively recent. In the nineteenth century, most newspapers were explicitly linked to a particular political party and the economic interests of the publisher." After the press began to adopt at least a veneer of objectivity in the last century, one of the nation's three most influential papers (Robert McCormick's Chicago Tribune) was shameless supportive of Republicans, especially against FDR. And even after that, do you think the American press was ever really "objective" with respect to communism?

With the Republican Party having nominated a felon convicted of falsifying (that is, lying in) his business records, found liable for "gaslighting" those with whom he did business by shamelessly exaggerating the value of his assets, and found liable for lying about his sexual assault of a woman, what in the world does it have to do to earn gold in your view? And if you think the left is "over the top with gaslighting . . . earning a gold medal when it comes to lying," name a mainstream media outlet that had to pay almost a billion dollars to settle a case for knowingly lying to its audience?

Just one.

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Fox. I still despise lying, no matter who does it. Today, it is the MSM who does it the most.

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Yet today they're making fun of Christians, still. True inclusion IS Christianity. I think the part they have a problem with is ''go and sin no more.'

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I don’t think I’ve ever disagreed with any opinion so vehemently . No I’m not a pervert. No I’m not a post modernist. Yes I am a Christian (dare I say it or you’ll call me a bead rattler - Catholic - I hope that counts) and I’m married to a Frenchman and love France, Paris and most of the French people. I thought the dancing , the runner on the rooftops of Paris, the connections to French history and the enormous spectacle that the French do so well involving all of their treasured monuments was hugely entertaining. Did you get that word? It was entertainment, It was theater for goodness sake. Macabre at times but that’s what theater can be. I’ll say a prayer for everyone who has their cotton panties in a wad. Stay in the house for a few days and get over it.

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Kamala Harris: "18-24 year olds are STUPID"

Make this go viral:


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If they are saying this is a re-creation of an ancient pagan “Dionysian Bacchanalia,” even the ancients had problems with them. The Roman Senate banned them and the cult, in a decree issued on (of all days,) the nones of October (October 7,) 186 BC. Their reason was because of excessive debauchery, crimes and conspiracies.

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Makes me wonder what exactly was going on, when the Romans ban something for excess debauchery. The later Roman emperors virtually defined debauchery!

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👏👏👏You are so right Erick. Thanks for posting . They are telling you not to believe your lying eyes. And their non apology is completely gaslighting, they are not admitting that it was totally inappropriate , but only “sorry” that it offended some people. Even if you desire to promote inclusion of drag queens,a ridiculous objective in my view, you don’t do it by mocking another group’s religion. This is the epitome of moral decay and relativism gone wild.

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The athletes competing their hearts out had nothing to do with the political opening ceremony. Nothing. I watched the American men’s gymnastics team hug each other with the American flag after winning bronze. White guys, a black guy, and Asian guy - all Americans. You’re hurting them if you refuse to watch their once in a lifetime moment. No money in gymnastics.

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I couldn't boycott them because I have never watched the Olympics anyhow.

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Why the Hell can anybody donate to Kamala right below your broadcast on YouTube? WTF?

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The opening ceremony was a sad reflection of today's society. The depiction of the Last Supper was not necessary to demonstrate the inclusion of all types of people throughout the world. Also, since Kamala Harris is so busy courting the votes of the young college people, maybe the Trump organization might want to broadcast the video of Harris saying 18-24 year olds are stupid.

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Too late, Paris. I saw it and they can't take it back. As a Catholic, I was appalled. I typically love to watch as much of the Olympics and I can but I will not watch a minute of these Paris games.

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