I used to play D&D in organized play at Dragon Con and other conventions across the southeast. I've watched as Wizards of the Coast and the Leftists have destroyed my beloved table top roleplaying game and that hobby. I know no less than four conservative players who were actively driven from the hobby not for anything they did at any convention or while sitting at any table, but for their views held away from the game and the game environment.

The "Tolerant Left" isn't. Their only goal is The Diversity of Right-Think. Nothing less than total adherence to the party line will do. I've seen it. This extends into all facets of their lives. The ends justify the means, and they mean for us to comply.

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communist want to rewrite history .

NAZI (N) offered govt health care. Dr sent sick people to the beach to recover and be OVERDOSED. kind of like death panels on Hillary care??

N - panned to worked with Muslima in North Africa to solve the Jew Problem.

I wonder if the Anti Jew protest is a plan to eliminate Jews from collages to get their scholarships.

N eliminated unwanted gays, gypsy, jews, etc but Progressives are taking longer by pushing abortions.

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I read what this guy actually said and all I can say is he didn’t study history the way I did. This is one of my favorite periods in world history and know that he is, to quote Obi-Wan Kenobi, looking at it from “a certain point of view.” To be clear, some of his points are so bizarre to any true historian.

I feel sorry for Tucker Carlson. I used to enjoy his broadcasts, but now it seems that his cheese has slipped off the cracker.

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Utter insanity.

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I didn't take it that way. I don't agree with everything Cooper said, but a different view is interesting. He did, though, go out of his way to assure all that he did not think Hitler was a good guy. The most interesting part of the interview was about the Jonestown massacre. I don't see anyone attacking that.

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You don't understand, Erick. As Cooper explained to Tucker, after the Germans appropriated Poland in 1939, the number of misplaced persons vastly exceeded the availability of food, clothing, shelter, medicine, peace, comfort, and other amenities required for a normal life. It was a humanitarian crisis. So, the Germans built shelters. Unfortunately, there were still a lot of excess deaths.

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Maybe they should have just left Poland alone....

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Well, you see, that's not in their nature . . .

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Despicable ... just when you think things can't sink any lower....

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The difference here is that any of this junk on the right is believed by a small population of extremists while most of it on the left is adopted by the majority of mainstream Democrat ideology.

Let's stop with these unbalanced comparisons as they are best intellectually weak.

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Just another reason I don't watch Tucker much any more

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It’s odd that Erick, Tucker, Hannity, and Steyn all subbed for a Rush at some point, yet they’ve traveled very different roads.

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I think one my favorite guest hosts was the late, great Walter Williams.

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This is really pathetic. There isn't a Democrat alive today that could reach the level of statesmanship achieved by Winston Churchill.

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I’m not aware of anyone of any party. At least anyone of prominent position of authority.

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