I've created a new drinking game while listening to my local public radio station (it's painful but you have to hear what the other side is saying!) - take a swig every time systemic racism and white supremacy are mentioned as the cause of the alleged social injustice being discussed. You'll be drunk before Morning Edition is over! You can even get drunk on Sunday mornings when "On Being" is aired - last week, host Krista Tippett described how she'd spent most of the last year "interrogating myself about what it means to be white and how that privilege plays out."

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“For black leaders in the age of white guilt, the problem was how to seize all they could get from white guilt without having to show actual events of racism. Global racism was the answer. With it, the smallest racial incident provided the “global truth” of “systematic racism”.” – Shelby Steele

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"It’s all Gnosticism and we should laugh at it instead of cowering before it."

Change "Gnosticism" to "B S" and I'll agree with you.

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What was the phrase offered by an ancient king? “There is nothing new under the sun.” Great analysis!

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Ding, Ding, Ding…give this man a cigar!

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Love this. Self importance comes to mind. Just like John Kerry and Barrack Obama they can't see themselves out of the limelight, so consequently the spew their propaganda. And the people that want to go along with their crap just want to belong to their club.

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Great analysis. I only disagree with your suspicion that they possess enough self awareness to know how dim-witted they are. Self awareness is rarely a trait of the truly dim-witted.

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I love the phrase “Gnostics of race” and the reference to L. Ron Hubbard. I tried to read that book many, many years ago. It’s rubbish. Perfect analogies. Well done.

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The more complex and convoluted the thesis, the more convinced I am it's a hustle. I'm no Einstein but I possess above-average intellect, and when I start seeing words and phrases that I have to dissect to understand, I immediately become suspicious. It seems obvious that it's INTENTIONALLY confusing in an effort to obfuscate while sounding intellectually advanced. My take on race? Judge not by the color of one's skin but by the content of their character. BOOM! Trump MLK, b*tches.

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The white elite wokes are so full of it. Walk into a recently gentrified neighborhood, and what was once mostly a black neighborhood is now mostly white. Yet, the wokes act of repentance is putting up BLM signs in their yard. It’s always how one lives and not what they say that demonstrates what one truly believes.

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