Re: Secret Service Disaster:

Here are some of the key findings of Sen. Ron Johnson’s Preliminary Report of the attempted assassination:

1. The Secret Service did not attend a security briefing provided to local special weapons and tactics (SWAT) and sniper teams the morning of July 13, 2024. There was a 9 a.m. briefing on July 13, 2024, Butler County Emergency Services (Butler ESU) provided a security briefing for the local SWAT teams and snipers assigned to the rally. In addition to Butler County, local SWAT teams and snipers from Washington County and Beaver County were also tasked with security responsibilities. However, the Secret Service was not present.

2. Local law enforcement said communications were "siloed" and they were not in frequent radio contact directly with Secret Service. Both groups were not even on the same security channel.

3. Local law enforcement notified command about Crooks prior to the shooting and received confirmation that Secret Service was aware of the notification.

4. Following the shooting, a man in a gray suit (thought to be Secret Service, but unconfirmed) was seen on the roof of the AGR building with local law enforcement taking photos of Crooks' body; the photos were sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) for facial recognition. The ATF agent who received the photos has since gone dark.

5. Secret Service was initially not going to send snipers to the rally, according to local law enforcement.

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I am just about resigned to a Kamala Harris president and the complete takeover of our government. We always way underestimate the monumental degree to which people are uninformed, apathetic, or emotional in voting. It should be nearly impossible for Harris to overcome her multitudes of deficiencies, but we would need the population to be informed and moral for that to be the case. In spite of Trump gaining some sympathy with some possible voters, he will, no doubt, proceed to offend those potential voters. Until or unless the republicans build a political machine that can begin to match that of the democrats, they are not going to win.

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Today, Kamala was on the White House South Lawn, giving a speech to members of NCAA championship sports teams. She practically had to beg them to applaud.... while she cackled.

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Thanks for your report Joe H….

I’ll take abrasive remarks over word salad’s with cackles any day.

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From past observations, I fear that you are more right than wrong.

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For just a little bit of info Perhaps Stephanie L and Mary P might read WSJ moderate Peggy Noonan's article last week. It is informative and I am not a real big fan of Peggy;s, but she nails it. Most DT haters will assiduously continue on hating.

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In 2012, the GOP crammed Mitt Romney down our throats. In 2016, Bernie Sanders was deliberately sabotaged by the DNC and Joe Biden was pushed aside for Hillary Clinton.... because it's what the elites wanted. Trump was allowed the nomination because Hillary's election was supposed to be a sure-thing, just a formality.

It became clear to me that the primaries don't really matter.

In dark rooms behind closed doors, the elites of both parties decide who their nominee is going to be, primary results be damned.

The process is deliberately made into a shit-show to try and cover up this fact.

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I predict the GOP will overplay their hand, underestimate Harris, and allow Trump to run his mouth, thus ensuring a Harris win. They’re already doing it by focusing on Biden resigning instead of redesigning their strategy for the next few months. The assassination attempt bounce will only last so long; it may already be over with Biden quitting.

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I disagree. I just saw 4 ads on tv and YouTube attacking Harris. And they were good ads.

Republicans are going to have things in order. Trump 2024 is not 5trumo 2020.

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I have no doubt that you are correct.

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Trump just can’t help himself. It’s painful to watch. He has the lottery ticket but he can’t stop talking about himself and acting like a little bully long enough to cash it in…

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So.... Biden was forced off the ticket, and Kamala put in his place.

Joe Biden won the Democratic primary.

How many primaries did Kamala win?

Zero, that's how many.

In 2020, she received so few votes that it didn't even register above 0%.

No one voted for her. How can she be the presumptive Democrat nominee?

Is this the "democracy" they all say they love so well?

What we've witnessed here is a real coup d'état.... not just a bunch of frat boys and grandmothers running into the capitol building to take selfies..

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$46 million donated to a fool. Such a deal.

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Watching recent Congressional hearings leads me to believe that the government is run like ALOT of private companies ranging from manufacturing to aerospace. The people in charge are so busy going to meetings that they have NO idea of what is occurring in their depth. Gone are the days of 24/7 jobs where the boss never sleeps so they KNOW what is going on in their teams. Decisions, if made at all, are not researched but 'advised.' Give me a break. And she makes how much $$$??

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Decisions are "advised", and the decision-makers "reach out" to the "stakeholders".

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It’s becoming harder to get — and keep — a car...

Wow, brutally honest, the Biden/Harris economy is the worst since the Great Rescission.

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Just as an aside, it was so much easier to have a car when one was poor when cars were simple enough for most people to do some work on themselves.

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"She [Kamala Harris] has to decide whether or not to trust the Biden operation, which hasn't been doing great. "

Keep in mind the last campaign, run from a basement, was effectively an "immolate yourself, Trump" message - Biden stayed out of the limelight, let operatives work locally to gather votes, avoided the "bad press" by providing, in essence, "no press". Seems to me the Biden operation hasn't actually had to run a campaign before, certainly hasn't done it well this time when Biden was out of the bomb shelter (mostly BECAUSE Biden was out on the campaign trail, truth be known).

Kinda view this team as one that only had to berate the other person (sadly, "mean tweets" provided a pletora of material), not actually put new executable plans on the table. IMO, they knew which Starbucks near the Basement had the best latte, but didn't really run a campaign in the traditional sense.

I'm being hyperbolic to a great degree, but running a campaign nationwide vs. from hiding in a bomb shelter is a very different task. Pretty sure these folks don't know that or don't know what to do differently. Trump was stuck in NY for several months, so in a sense, got to have his own "basement campaign", but pursued public appearances as he could, stirring crowds once again. Biden is back in the COVID shelter, Dems shifting to Harris (if that's where they actually end up...), campaign starts over with an arguably more flawed candidate based on the few things she was assigned to address (e.g. border crisis).

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Trump runs his mouth when he should be quiet Kamala just runs her mouth and shows she is a complete idiot. Somewhere along the line she will have to defend the decisions and actions of this administration and there is nothing to defend

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"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it"

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

I think people are way underestimating Kamala and the democratic party here. I read about all the turmoil and gaffes, but how's this different than Trump? He literally can't help himself. He took what was heading toward a great RNC speech and ruined it. And then won't stop talking about 2020. The assassination attempt turned a lot of folks to support Trump (I'm one of them, swore I never would), but there are a lot of people out there who really, really don't like Trump and he's an absolute expert at reminding them why.

I also think people should quit with the Biden unfit to finish out the term talk too, it just looks like a pile on and it is a turn off. I don't care what side you're on, the whole thing is sad for America. The 25th Amendment is there...however unlikely "they" are to use it.

Finally, haven't we all learned by now of the Republican's unparalleled skill at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory???

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I dont think anyone underestimates that woman. Especially the dems. But Trump does have the advantage right now.

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Yes he does but he is also capable of losing it if not very careful.

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Love it how its always the republicans who has to shackle their attitudes while the dems get a pass on anything. Can't live walking on eggshells. Republicans have freedom of speech just like the dems. Look what happened with the whole "Bloodbath" thing. The only reason republicans put their foots in their mouths so often is the media shoves it in there. They take everything out of context and corrupt it.

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That's the problem with the Democrat funded Media.

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And your point is? Complain all you want but life is not fair. Trump is an adult he knows what they will do and gives them even more. Bloodbath really? His staff should be coaching him on better word choices, it is not like he has to have completely different speech’s or that the issues keep changing. We want responsibility, what you say matters to a lot of folks so he does need to be more careful. We do still need Independents and never Trump. He has been doing better but Nov long way off.

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With all the tasks you've pointed out that VP Harris has to do in a short time, adding to the fact that Biden is quite ill, who's going to be in charge of the day to day requirements of running the country? No Joe and no Ho, guess the big O will step back in, once again!

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Hmm, same question could be asked about "who was running the country?" while Biden was boning up for his disastrous debate performance for a week, or after 4PM in the afternoon when staff calls a lid.

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Dems need to watch overplaying their hand with the "Trump is a convicted felon" tag. Lawfare is causing a lot of folks concerned about democracy to think that the Dems are the bigger threat. It's also a time bomb that won't go off before the election but could go off before the '26 midterms if Trump gets his convictions overturned on appeal.


Also: Would Shapiro be ok with the anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party?

Jared Polis (CO gov) would be an interesting choice for VP, but may be too libertarian for mainstream Dem tastes.

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I only know a couple of democrats who think those felony charges are even slightly legitimate, so, it shouldn't take much to overplay that talking point but they have to push it until they see which way the numbers change...

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I hope Biden is seriously pissed and stews in it until he blows up publicly. Hopefully at their convention.

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That would be awesome!

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