The 7th Grandchild what’s a grandfather to do when the smartest son he knows keeps humping to please and won’t man up to his Responsibility .

The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Just lie about anything and you’re party will back you.

God Won’t.

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Good takeaway from the notes today. NY former Mayor is weird. Ben and Jerry would never say something so ridiculous in person to veterans... a couple of twerps. Likely to never know when brought the drugs in the WH.

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Correction: Who brought the drugs in the WH

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My wife and I have a comfortable life with a family business that is just now, after 5+ years including significant harm from the COVID shutdowns and mandates, starting to turn a profit. We talk about what we are going to do with the returns as the trends of profit continue. We also have that "what would we do if we won the lottery" conversation.

This gets my to the Ben and Jerry's story. One thing we agree we would never do is use the money to become activists for cause... any cause. What would more likely do is fund scholarships and education services that offer alternatives to the standards that are so corrupted with BS... and that truly help people achieve a self-sufficient good economic life. We would consider investing more in real business that hires. These are things we already do, but we would do more.

Frankly, people like Bill Gates and Ben and Jerry are pompous, egotistical asses that virtue signal their superiority and "higher purpose" to shine the spotlight on themselves. The really care not for the subjects of their activism... they care about themselves. They are empty tubs of cream.

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Well, Colorado is week on its way to destroying itself as a functional state. Federalism is wonderful and demonstrates what works and what doesn’t. Sadly, GA has had an influx of Dems. It’s nuts we have two very liberal Dem senators and Biden carried GA - there was some

Trump effect, but that’s also new GA voters making us purple. At least Abrams lost…

I’ll buy Ben and Jerry’s again when Ben and Jerry give up their residences and offices to indigenous people. 🥳🙃

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I wonder how much of an effect the movie industry has on relocated CA people voting in GA now. Also I can't get over how people who escape oppressive blue governments to come to GA continue to vote blue. Makes no sense at all.

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In October of 2020, I distinctly remember an idiot 20-something girl behind me in line at the farmer’s market in the city of Atlanta (yes I live in blue lib country) who mentioned she and her BF had just moved from SF because it sucked (my words, but pretty much what she said) and she was here to make GA “Joe”gia. 🙄So yes, anecdotally, there is a CA effect in our once pretty conservative state. Also a NY and IL effect. Dummies destroy their former state and converge on the fine red states like locusts.

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The most troubling link was to the article about Red states getting redder and Blue states getting bluer. We are separating into two different camps with two diametrically opposed worldviews. I would submit that the separation is a Judeo-Christian worldview versus a secular, pagan worldview. Both sides see each other as existential threat to each other. I don’t see a compromise happening at the national level, but I pray that I’m wrong.

In the short run, the Blue pagan states will do better because they are richer, have more cultural power/influence than the Red states in addition to be having more access to international trade. However, in the long run the Red states will prevail because they are based on God-based principles such as not killing their next generation of children or mutilating them as well as approaching the building of society on a merit basis instead of racial/sexual orientation spoils basis.

Perhaps some Blue states will begin to see the differences and adopt the needed changes.

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The WH Library has 24/7 video recording, from two cameras that sweep the room from corner to corner. The video stream is recorded, along with all such surveillance video captured on the grounds. Should anyone be interested in reviewing the footage for the day prior to the discovery of blow in a bag on the library floor, so as to discover who dropped it, that would not be a difficult task.

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"Georgia becomes a top state for early voting turnout."

Boy... that "Jim Crow 2.0" election law REALLY suppressed voting, huh?

Looks like Erick needs to come out with another 'Where does Brian Kemp go for an apology ' post. First one was for his Covid response. The 2nd one will be for the election lie.

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If GA's voting procedures aere so secure, why did Mr. Raffensperger declare that ^all^ precincts must use the Dominion system? I understand GA is the only state in our union that has such a legal requirement. One would think that every state would have a similar mandate: Best practices and all that.

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I made no claim as to election security, etc. My point was the GA Election law did nothing to supress voting - contrary to claims by the Left.

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MLB still owes GA an apology and "reparations" for the loss of business revenue.

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Lots of people (and companies) owe Kemp & GA an apology.

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Mail in ballots and ballot drop boxes are still very much allowed in GA as is ballot harvesting and much more. I witnessed a guy wearing a Biden T-shirt walk into a library while I stood in line for early voting and drop 10 ballots into the box and walk out. its not hard to figure out that GA still has a huge problem with Voter Fraud.

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Just proves my point that the law did not suppress voting.

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My wife bought two pints of Ben and Jerry’s. I asked her if she knew they were progressives. She did not. It was on sale.

I ate one of the pints, reluctantly. What’s left of the second one is going down the sink. It upset my stomach. 🤢

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It oughta go down the toilet. That's a more fitting end.

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Unfortunately, anybody who might be inspired to boycott Ben/Jerry ice cream has been doing so for some time.

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I used to buy them all the time because of all the decadent flavors. Then I learned about them and haven't bought a thing since, maybe 10-15 years.

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It has only been 23 years that I started to bypass them.

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Gunman arrested for Philadelphia mass shooting that left 5 dead is BLM activist who wore women's clothes. DA Krasner and Mayor Kenney never described the "shooter", nor did they mention the 210 people who were killed this year in Philly. Why no mention of the shooter or the other homicides - fess up!

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Secret Service agents found cocaine at the White House. Do you get the feeling that out front the news media, Dems are praising Biden's policies, his ability, that he is cognizant and aware of his surrounding, but secretly planning to take him out leaking bits and pieces. My prediction: He will not run for second term and Pocahontas will throw in her War Bonnet!

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Biden retires. Harris is sworn in and picks Newsom as her VP. After a short fifteen minutes of fame, she is pressured to resign. Newsom is sworn in as president and (you fill in the doomsday scenario).

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Good point Carmine. I'll give you a 10.

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Fifty years ago my old neighbor in Brooklyn gave me great political advice. “ All politicians are whores”. Clinton was the chosen one for the Democrats and Jeb Bush for the Republicans. Then like the “Mule” in Heinlein’s Foundation story, a joker popped up to spoil everyone’s plans. That was Trump.

If the Democrats destroy Trump, there are other qualified candidates. They can’t take the chance of losing the White House for one or two terms. With Newsom as President, he can use the alphabet agencies to control everyone. If a justice dies, he can appoint a true believer in the position.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts all facets of life. Look how the political life changed in Germany after 1932. The Jews weren’t the only ones.

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"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."

-PJ O'Rourke

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*... eliminate any back child support debt for black residents... end "public disorder offenses" such as public urination."

Wait, does the elimination of child support only happen if the woman is white? Or is this like Biden's student debt plan to simply transfer the payments to the public sector.

Not surprisingly these fools don't see the racism in the proposals. If you've are black and support this you are agreeing with the racist, white liberals.

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What could the possible logic in this be? I'd really like to know.

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Liberal policies are racist. Intersectionality is inherently racist. They see the world through a kaleidoscope and are consistently turning it trying to make everything line up.

The irony is your average Democrat voter is not raciest, they have been told a story that sounds goods and explains the superficial while also being told any other explanation is raciest. They are ignorant.

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My thing is. Why would there be a need for this in the first place? Isn't saying something like that racist and implies that black men abandon their children at a higher rate than whites?

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It's racist because the logical conclusion is that just how blacks are, they can't help themselves.

Thinking you are man because you can make babies is a cultural issue, not a racial bias. This is more liberal policy that gave us the destruction of the black family in America.

There is a parallel here to multiculturalism and it's destructive influence.

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Another Transgender Shooter

I wondered why CNN's coverage was so sparse.

Oh, CNN update... He was just another typical right-wing gun nut who loved America too much.

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The American Pravda at its best. Lie, propagandize, don’t mention shootings by BIPOC-SOGI’S, their favorite people.

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