First case of rare, sexually transmitted form of ringworm reported in the U.S...

But like Monkeypox they stop short of saying the obvious way to not contract it.

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The San Francisco Gay Pride parade is boycotting Israeli floats..

I dare them to have a float depending Mohammad as gay.

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With all due respect to Senator McConnell about the isolationists who were taught a lesson by Pearl Harbor he should read, John Toland’s book “Infamy”.

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Russia doing Military exercises Off U.S Coast

With OPEN Boarders CAN THEY inside Georgia??

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"Biden says Putin is ‘not a decent man – he’s a dictator’ in blistering critique -". Hmmm, blistering. right.

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SF Gays are just too funny to ignore. Banning Jewish floats from their little parade, but recruiting more Palestinian floats.

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Intersectionality is a heck of a thing, ain’t it?

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The Bedford Boys were in the 29th ID, a National Guard division from Maryland and Virginia called the “Blue/Gray Division” with a blue/gray circle insignia. One of the regiments could trace its heritage to the “Stonewall Brigade.”

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She says it’s for Democracy yet we’re a Republic.

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Hillary Clinton Likens a vote for Biden on November 6 to D-Day Landings.

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I hate to say it but it looks like Joe just filled his Depends.

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Byron Donalds is also from Florida. Same problem as Marco Rubio.

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“What is Joe Biden doing?”

Trying to decide if he wants to sit or stand.

But maybe he’s also looking for where the other half of his brain went.

Notice how Jill Biden is always there almost everywhere he goes. Got to keep him in check.

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Joe may be having a Depends "uh-oh" moment.

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I'm way late saying this, but your full conversion to MAGA is complete -- its been complete for some time I'm afraid. You've rationalized your way to be fully aligned with and in full defense of the serial adulterer, insurrection inspiring, Pence attacking ex Pres. I guess this is what you do to for your audience, or to get the VEEP nominee to attend your event later this year. As with many of your mosts, the one of the President at D-Day is misleading and just wrong, per this tweet.


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Blaire is that you?

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Pretty sure it is. He/She used another fake name recently too. But Blair sounds like Blair no matter what name he/she uses.

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love it lol, lol, lol

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum No : Energy

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio: Ok

Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance: Oh good Lord, NO

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott: YES

Rep. Byron Donald: Ok

Rep. Elise Stefanik: Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe

Ben Carson: No: HHS

Others Not listed:

Tulsi Gabbard: OK: Or National Security Advisor

Tom Cotton: Ok

Nikki Haley: No: State

Will Hurd: No: CIA

Vivek: No: Commerce or Press Secretary

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Rubio or Pompeo for VP. The only other good choices would be Cotton or Haley, but Cotton would be better at Defense and Haley at State. Burgum is a great choice for Energy. All the others on your list except Vivek and Vance are decent choices for various jobs. Vance needs to mature and season. He might make a good Ohio Governor someday. Vivek needs to stay out of government altogether.

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Nailed it

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Nikki Haley as Sec of State would be a genius move. Carson as HHS--agreed. JD Vance--lol Agree with your assessment!

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I would most certainly add Ron DeSantis

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I agree, but I don't think that'll happen.

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