Yes to second debate... Not only hubris on display but drive home the point that everyone who is responsible and accountable to the American people for ensuring transparency has been lying to us. They were not being played, they were in on the game.

The gaslighting, telling us the debate performance did not outweigh his great policies is just evidence they will continue to lie.

His debate performance absolutely reflected his presidency, the economy is I ruines, inflation, America's enemies emboldened, a defacto world war III, real income down, families struggling, the anti-Semitic left on full display.

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Just overthinking here...

Since Joe won't drop out, do you think if he has a "normal" second debate they'll be leading with the "comeback" story?

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I'll take that bet. I want a second debate. I want to see Trump basically let Biden speak, dismiss the gibberish, and speak the American people about his vision of the future.

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The best part of watching the debates was the after debate analysis. The liberal tears of sadness were glorious to watch. But then my happiness faded as I realized what this really means. Our enemies are watching right now and what they just saw has to have them salivating at what they can do to the US.

But beyond that it was fun to watch these super liberal reporters, the same ones who have been lying to us, forced to acknowledge Bidens incompetency. But truthfully the best part is what conservative reporters were saying almost in anger and frustration. "We already knew this, now you do" and that's troubling.

The undecided voters conference wasn't troubling, the single person who switch to Biden was. That's a huge concern. I dont think they were actually undecided. Because at this point if last nights debacle meant you changed your vote to biden, then there is something equivocally wrong with America.

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The next target of the muslims (the “religion of peace”) will be a stadium full of Americans. We’ve, as disorganized leaderless cowards, provided the open borders to allow it to happen.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Now we may better understand why the Dems selected Chicago - a blue city in a non-competitive blue state - for their convention. This summer we may well see the coronation of hometown "girl" Michelle Obama as the Dem candidate. The Obamas enjoy as much name recognition as do the Trumps.

Having already enjoyed the services of our first Veep Of Color, get ready for America's first transsexual President.

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Never. Its as likely as Hillary. But lets put that all to rest. Biden isn't willingly going anywhere. And if they do it will be worse than if they left him.

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Dang! That’s dark sided and scary. Hope to G_d not.

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Re: Chevron Precedent Overturned

The collective GASP you just heard were millions of Leftists and unelected busybody bureaucrats crying out in terror.

Reminds me of Obi-Wan Kenobi:

"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."



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So, I actually saw a pro federal inspectors on fishing boats ad online this week. I knew enough about this case to realize what it must be about, but it seemed way too late to influence the Supreme Court. Weird.

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Now that SCOTUS has ruled, these fisherman should all sue for “reparations” for the costs they’ve incurred.

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Just saw Biden's NC rally, 180 to last night- daylight hour, great speech writer, teleprompter, and probably drugs but he got in everything and to low information voters, socialists, hardcore climate etc. it was definately a win. Add in abortion issue, which while I am against it, and glad bad law removed and back to States per Constitution, I really think it should have been fought along lines of the US govt will not underwrite abortions in any way with taxpayer or other federal money and it should be between the woman and her doctor. During COVID we certainly didn't like being told by the government what we could or could not do medically, etc. when it was our lives. Anyway, Biden said everything they want to hear and we will see how long before back to normal w Dem media. Trump really didn't help his cause last night so many missed opportunities. The next debate if one will have much lower audience as they are hearing everything they want from Biden already.

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The conspiracy theorist in the back of my mind thinks that letting Biden get drugged up and do the debate this early was intentional. Cause more chaos with old supporters either saying that he had a bad night or wanting him retired. Who wins? Harris needs a super duper plum to get her out of the way. Who fills the slot this late in the game?

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There are so many inappropriate acronyms which are vastly inappropriate for me to use regarding this debate. Here is my main concern: what did this confirm to the enemies of the United States? We already have a pretty good idea there are enemy agents within our borders thanks to Biden's policies. Was not this an even greater national security debacle than anything purely political? New question: will we be safe as a country between now and January 20th next year?

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What it does is give the green light. If there were terrorists ready to implement an event. They were probably waiting till after the results of the election. But after last night they are assured that Trump will win and Biden is completely docile. Which means they will implement whatever they were doing now and not wait for a trump admin where it would be all but impossible.

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That was my thinking. All bets are off now. There is no reason for them to wait for a better time.

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I would avoid being in stadiums full of Americans for the future until we have an actual President in office.

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To me, the more relevant question long term is, “Are Presidents necessary?” Can argue both sides but what does it spell for the republic when people start to wonder? If they have a brain, they are wondering.

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Up till Obama they weren't. And it didn't used to matter who the president was. But with obama's over use of executive orders and Obamacare meaning the gov can take all your rights away and control you at a local level, now it does matter. Because who is in that seat can now directly cost lives. Where that wasn't so before.

I can remember in the past things like the border, the budget, healthcare wasn't even talked about or held to the president. The congress mattered more. And that was largely conservative up till recently. Now the president has almost unconstitutional authority to enact policy through Executive orders and literally endanger lives. Never was this intended. Never. The three branches were supposed to balance. That is NOT the case. So unfortunately who is president matters and its often a matter of life and death. And those whole mark the box for Biden, I am sure many of them are signing their own death warrant. Sad.

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Good point, that. We've seen the strings on this POTUS puppet for over three years. True reporters would now be digging to find out who has been pulling them.

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It is a good point. Do you think regressives care to have a President who has a brain and can make decisions? They want a puppet that they can control and a sympathetic press. That's exactly what they have.

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It is clear that democrats care far more about power than they do about the country. Meaning they will do anything to win. And watching Biden rally now in Virginia, I would say they pumped him up with something this morning because he almost looks and sounds alive.

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But “he answered all the questions!” as Dr. Jill squealed. As if she had just witnessed her middle school son who had performed admirably on stage in a school play.

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That's because single pre-scripted events hes good at. They can prepare him. My Great grandfather stood and sang for the Church Choir till 98 and he had dementia. Its not uncommon for far gone patients like that to perform in structured environments. But when it comes to answering ad libbed questions or difficult tasks where they have to concentrate its a meltdown. he wont do any better at the next debate and any delusions that he will somehow recover and deliver a resounding success in it is a pipe dream.

Trump will learn and adjust as well. I expect he will talk more about policy and stay away from personal attacks or even light jabs. His biggest compliment was the word "Presidential" if he sticks to that, he's got this.

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Ok, a different viewpoint. The Dems are too smart. They knew this would be a train wreck. They will smooth over the errors by the media in failing to report the dementia. In the coming weeks, Joe will have a small stroke and they will say he had the beginning of it during the debate and he will step out of the race and possibly leave office. Asking everyone in the country to respect the families wishes and wish their president all the best health.

The Dems are far too cunning and smart to have had this creep up on them. #MasterPlan.

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That wont happen.

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What about Harris? She isn’t going to play VP again and what plum do they give her to leave quietly?

Who replaces Biden? I think Clinton will run. All the family scandals will not be reported by the media.

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Thank you for playing the Ronald Reagan clip. Wow, I miss him!

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I believe the democrats will replace Biden with a candidate that seems moderate, like Andy Beshear, current Governor of Kentucky. Andy will beat Trump in a landslide, and Kamala will remain V.P. God help me I hope I'm WRONG!

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No way. Replacing Biden at this point wouldn't work. Andy knows that and if he is smart would not do that. However, I have heard him quote before he has no desire for the presidency. As it would take him away from Kentucky.

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I hope you are too. Though I fully expect something to happen.

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Axelrod is a joke. Telling the GOP they’re in trouble if Biden is replaced is non-sensical. The GOP now needs to lay the Biden disaster at the feet of the Democrat party that aided and abetted this disaster as they gaslit the country. Axelrod should be worried about a generational blowout.

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Nope Biden just did great speech see my above post, they will support him again just wait.

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To be fair, they aren’t going to say he’s dropping out after a debacle. To do so would be truthful and self aware. Not a politician’s default characteristics. They will say he’s still in it until he isn’t….if he isn’t.

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That Beau Biden ad is devastating.

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