I watched this video and it explains in detail about the residents of Gaza

You should watch it.


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What about our neighbor is used as a 'human shield'? Should we shoot through our beloved neighbor to insure a painless death and maybe get rid of whoever is behind our neighbor?

With utmost regret, I say, "yes" we should. This is horrible beyond imagining, but that's the "world" we live in

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The Biden administration has reversed its decision to unfreeze $6 billion in embargoed oil revenue it promised Iran in exchange for five American citizens.

So the Biden administration has decided to not pay Iran the ransom... Because? Polling, nothing more. This will be a campaign ad, "Biden is strong on foreign affairs, leading the free world and our allies (after throwing them under the bus and showing weakness)

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He should give the Iran money to Ukraine, as compensation for all the death and damage done by diabolical Shaheed drones. Don’t forget, Iran is anti-Israel and anti-Ukraine.

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Give it to Israel.

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That works too.

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At this point, I don’t want Trump to win in ‘24, although he’d be better on policy than any Dem I can imagine them nominating. Four years of score settling? Pass. And yes, I voted for him twice in the general elections.

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What is the standard expected human reaction when facing a crucible of new evidence that challenges strongly-held beliefs that are foundational in tribal identity? For example, what is the expected reaction from a never-Trumper seeing the nation and world decline under Joe Biden, and the evidence pile in that the nation and world under Trump would be in much better shape? Would the never-Trumper suddenly announce his mistakes and get on the Trump train, or would he just double-down on his "Jan-6 was worse than 9-11" shtick? Likewise, if you are a lib with a social justice tribal identity that included hating on Israel and supporting the poor Palestinian situation, when faced with a crucible of evidence that the Palestine people are actually a murderous Islamic terrorist cult that rape, kidnap and murder civilians while oppressing women and killing gays, would you suddenly change your views to support Israel and oppose the Palestinians, or would you double-down in a new level of extreme and outrageous support of that murderous regime?

This is the ubiquitous insanity of tribal identity and ironically it is the same that drives the history of attempts by so many to irradiate the Jews. Weak people need constant validation from tribal peers even if it demands they kill and support killing. We are a world of weak people.

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I thought that, post 9-11, rules (including the naming of a Speaker Pro Tempore) were put in place to allow for continuity of government should there be vacancies in the Executive and Legislative Branches.

If so... why can't the House operate? Why even have a Speaker Pro Tempore if he/she can't do squat?

If not, there needs to be something put in place so that this NEVER happens again.

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Speakerless House NOT all bad as they are not spending money in this stage. No assiduous need to throw money at Ukraine and Israel now. Russia will soon take Ukraine and God will direct and take caution with Israel. Remember the 6 Days War. Recall God's promise to Abraham and his descendants. "I will bless those who bless You, and curse those who curse you. This is no attempt to diminish the egregious atrocities committed by the Hamas terrorists acts. Israel's best act would be to fully take and control Gaza Strip, but the UN and its minions will fight that. Psalm 14: 1 The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God> Selah

PS Has anyone seen any islamists out protesting the heinous acts?

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Oddly quiet from the peaceful folks, similar to the aftermath of 911. Weird how that's predictable.

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Does the kamikaze caucus in the House GOP have a plan? I know, I’m just kidding.

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"Two men were apprehended at" our southern border. Too bad that several hundred thousand other MAMs (military aged males) just strolled across, unchallenged.

Will The Free Press soon write a story on how America got ambushed? HA.

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And I feel so confident in the FBI’s job.

This is the same bureau that could track down someone from J6 but couldn’t determine who’s Cocain was in the White House?

The FBI is corrupted and compromised. We can’t trust them.

“ Two men in their early twenties from Lebanon were apprehended at the Texas/Mexico border…”

These are the ones we caught. Can you imagine?

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