Not that long ago the BLM movement was founded. Maybe it’s been around for a while, but I just noticed it following the death of George Floyd.

Then came the race baiters, who raked in millions extorted from corporations and from white suburban libs who bought signs to plant in their yards.

Perhaps they really supported the goals of BLM (not likely). Mostly virtue signaling. Personally, I believe they planted those signs out of fear of being attacked. Kind of like all of those fake ADP Security signs. It was kryptonite for whites that deep down fear blacks.

Tonight, in the wee hours of the morning, those libs are sneaking out into their yards to pull down those signs.

To me, those signs now say, “A racist terrorist lives here”. Or maybe “a worthless sack of crap lives here”.

The world as we know it changed last Saturday. Now, as it's always been, only the blood of Christ can save us.

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Iran wants all Jewish people dead. This was well funded & planned. You don’t do these atrocities trying to just get Gaza. They are emboldened by weak, enabler Biden liberals here & UK & Europe. So many liberals at best think oh poor conditions justify “protests” up to agreement with these horrendous attacks that plus the many in various governments and colleges who have legitimized these distorted beliefs have led to this. Iran can keep pushing this “proxy” war believing with Ukraine mess eventually we will all just let Israel go down as too costly to maintain w Lebanon annexed completely to Syria or Iran. Unfortunately the people of Palestine who don’t want war have little voice. I wonder how this might have been if in beginning all voices from outside had been get over it and work together and we will help make everyone prosperous & safe instead encouraging victimhood. & entitlement. Alas we can’t even do that here as too much money in chaos via division.

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I know war is war but when you start raping women and beheading babies. That's a whole nother level.

I said in a previous post that the Israeli's should bomb them back to the stone age. Now I think they should bomb them out of existence. Who TF beheads babies except pure evil.

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These terrorists - Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, are a three headed snake. The only way to kill a snake is cut off its head. Which is Iran. We have left this for too long and this is the result. I don’t want innocent Palestinians, Lebanese, or Iranians to suffer or die. More importantly though I don’t want any more innocent Americans, Israelis, or Europeans to suffer or die either. It’s time. It has to be done. Kill the snake.

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These leftists are Nazis. Every one of them.

- They advocate for a national socialist economic system.

- They advocate for the destruction of Jews and the Jewish state.

How does their platform differ from Hitler's?

It doesn't. Call them out for what they are - Nazis. Talib. Omar. The DSA is the new Nazi party unless it renounces its antisemitism and supports Israel against the terrorist Hamas state.

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Now I see why BLM would never allow anyone to say that all lives matter. Clearly, they don’t.

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Brock Pursy make $800,000 more that the median U.S. income and he is a second year rookie. I watch games as a backdrop to a barbeque get together, mostly playoff games.

So, I really don't care.

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It’s only “eye opening..” for the left. For the rest of us who live in reality it’s not a shock at all.

In the 70’s - 90’s dems hid their socialist ways and ideology. Disguising it with words and clever catchy phrases like “compassionate wellfare..”. From about 2000 on after Bush won it is now out in the open. And the sad thing is people accept it.

Oppenheimer was disgraced just for having the “rumor” of a very remote connection to communism. We now have people wearing Chi shirts in the streets. Kids who think socialism is cool.

Socialism is complete gov control.

Liberalism is your daughter getting beat by a boy in her sports league. And lastly they are atheists who would love to close and burn every church. While leaving mosques in place because Muslim ideology fits well with socialism.

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22 dead Americans so far beheaded babies and toddlers and by giving Iran money and not enforcing the sanctions Biden Blinken and the rest help ed do this then try and blame Trump

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I condemn the attacks on Isreal. I am no fan of Iran. With that out of the way...you state:

"The Biden administration is playing defense for Iran telling US Senators the terrorist-aligned country had nothing to do with the attacks in Israel.

The problem: This is widely accepted as false. The Wall Street Journal (paywall) published a WELL-SOURCED piece claiming Iran approved and helped plan Hamas’s terror attacks days before they occurred. "

Well sourced? Are you kidding? Come on! I know you are an opinion journalist....but your deliberate endorsement of shoddy sourcing only fans what is white hot fire in the Middle East. Shame on you.

Directly from the WSJ article. Tell what is Well Sourced?

"Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack....according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed militant group."[No names = Not reliable]

"Officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had worked with Hamas....—those people said." [Oh their names are "Those People". Should be easy to cross check that statement.]

"Details of the operation were refined....they said." [The well sourced "they"]

"A European official and an adviser to the Syrian government, however, gave the same account of Iran’s involvement in the lead-up to the attack as the senior Hamas and Hezbollah members." [How many European officials could there be? Should be easy to verify this statement....NOT.]

BUT..what is well sourced is:

"Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: “We have not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack..."

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Please tell me this is a joke and you understand that middle eastern sources from countries that regularly kill their citizens wouldn't want the WSJ - the most trusted paper in print - to publish their names.

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No joke...just tired of all media pushing narratives that may or may not be true. Isreal and the West were caught off guard by the attacks but all of sudden we know about these meetings. Skeptical. I put the WSJ at the top of the list of credible newspapers but thats not saying much. The WSJ hasnt met a war it didn't like or support.

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There are reasons to always be a bit skeptical but as other pointed out we are not dealing Amarican values here. Their names equal death to them & their families just like Mexican Cartels. 1. Iran has been funding & training them for years. 2 They would not even if could proceed without Iranian input/ approval. This took serious planning & funds and Hezbollah from Lebanon was also ready. Iran has wanted all Jews dead and that is what is happening. There is no way this is a bid to force Israel to withdraw from Gaza. Qatar involved also.

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All of what you say may be true. However, what is not true is Erick describing the article as "Well sourced."

It is not. It does not name the sources.

Well founded speculation? Perhaps. But not well sourced. Erick lends his bias to the article by making this claim. It cheapens his work that follows.

It is too easy for motivated actors in media, politics and business to plant an idea at zero cost by attributing information to "unnamed sources". Journalism plumbs new depths.

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Naming sources is a western thing - a very good thing but not realistic when people have to problem murdering you. The folks on the ground in Lebanon call it an open secret that Iran has people on border & in Beruit and in meetings, training, all the time. We would do well understand Lebanon is no longer Lebanese between Hezbollah & the very corrupt Govt (assinations tend to cut down on voting pool) you can't even access your money from the banks. They make you sign a contract and you can have $300 a month. They won't let you travel as afraid no one will return. Water, Food, Electricity rationed and a mess, few if any jobs and you take what you can get. Black market huge. All coming a country you know if folks don't wake up. Hezbollah will have to qualms about moving in to help Hamas and Iran controls all.

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More belligerent Muslim countries will join the attacks.

This is the Middle East war we all feared that will see Israel destroyed and our pantywaist leaders will help it happen. This was carefully planned too take advantage of our pu$$y leadership.

Look for China to make a move on Taiwan. Why not?

It’s here!

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I am a stopped clock. I am right 2x a day. This is one of those times.

Months ago, when the topic on this forum was the primary and the eventual election, I said that we won’t know what the hot button election issues will be until June 1, 2024.

When Biden became Brandon, and visibly deteriorates before our eyes, that’s an issue.

When Brandon leaves the southern door wide open, and Democrat cities begin to complain, that’s an issue.

When they admit that bad guys have entered our back door, and they have lost track of those bad guys, that is an issue.

When Brandon leaves billions in lethal weaponry in Afghanistan, and when that equipment is traded to Hamas, and when it’s been publicly documented that our equipment killed Israeli babies, that is a problem.

When Brandon funnels billions to Ukraine, and finally must admit that they have no idea where our equipment is, that is a problem.

When Brandon sends $6billion to Iran, and 2 weeks later Israel is attacked, that is a problem.

This is a political campaign that writes itself.

We can no longer afford Jihad Joe.

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It's time the United States came together and booted the party's, groups and individuals over to the middle east that support the millitants so they can fight for their beliefs. I'm sick and tired of people that are supposed to represent peace, be so stupid to support beheading children and babies. That is not the democracy I support.

If you don't like it here, leave. If you support the terrorists, leave. I have no use for you.

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You are on fire today Erick. I hope and pray people on the Left are paying attention to the politicians who are siding with evil right now. I expect the progressives won't care though but people with a brain will be paying attention.

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Defending one's borders against motorized hang gliders should be so simple that I could do it with a scoped 22LR. Low, slow, very visible, not very maneuverable, gliders define low tech warfare.

No "iron dome" needed, just a handful of sharpshooters behind rocks.

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Israel has been facing the societal and political changes that are both economic (times are good) and demographic (young, liberal, idealistic and unwise). Their failure to stay vigilant and to effectively deal with these more primitive enemies is a sign of their weakness from these changes. It is also a sign that the US is ripe for invasion too. I imagine that China, Russia and Iran... along with other bit player countries, are today scheming for more 9-11 type attacks and more. It is possible that Canada and Mexico will join this new axis of evil. The WEF supports it. Biden is their puppet Manchurian candidate that will keep the door open.

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Agreed. Hard times make strong men; strong men make good times; good times make weak men; weak men make bad times. As true in Israel, apparently, as it is here.

Or, to paraphrase a friend of mine, "Convenience and comfort will be the death of western civilization".

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I read that a lot of the border is electronically monitored. Just hack into the system and give a constant green light.

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