Don’t just use armed guards with rifles on container ships, arm them with the Browning .50 cal machine gun. It will shoot through cinder blocks at a mile so a speed boat will become Swiss cheese quickly.

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So..... Just who is Kimberly Cheatle? The last five Secret Service Directors were all married, with children. Their personal biographies are easily available…. But not Kimberly Cheatle. The woman is a ghost. A Twitter page under the username @JoeWdowski tweeted out claims that Kimberly Cheatle is openly gay and has a wife. Otherwise, there is scant information on her, or her personal life. What she’s hiding… that’s what should be bothering us all.

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DEI hire

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Obviously. There's also been some rumblings that Joe Biden only gave Kimmy the job because of some sort of "special relationship" with Doktor Jill...

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Can’t imagine Harris or the dems picking Pa. Gov Shapiro . First of all he is Jewish and Pa is a gas and oil state. Harris and dems are antisemitic and are green.

I don’t know if they allow container ships to defend themselves now or if that was someone’s military, but I was great

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I cannot help but be surprised that someone as smart as Elon Musk could be fooled into believing that such a thing as changing a gender is even possible. It does not make one whit of difference what drugs one takes or what body parts are removed or added, gender is determined in the womb. And cannot change. What doctors are doing is criminal and I hope I live to see the day when they start going to prison.

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What would you do with a “birthday bullet”?

This is the game where you get 1 free kill shot per year. The problem is that everyone also gets an annual birthday bullet.

If you worship secularism, or maybe you follow the pagan god of the green new steal, then maybe you should cut all that online crap out and start worrying about that birthday bullet. If there is no heaven or hell, then there is no incentive to follow the golden rule. You would have to worry about who would use their bullet on you. So, society behaves because of the fear there really is a heaven and a hell.

I don’t always follow my own advice, and I am flawed, but I know that I will have 1 and only 1 chance to see the face of God for my final judgement. God gave us the 10 Commandments for a reason.

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Your "birthday bullet" reminds me of The Twilight Zone's episode "Button, Button" (1986).

I think most non-Christians -- and some who claim to be Christians, as well -- believe that God has a scale; and as long as they do more good things than bad, they'll get past the Pearly Gates. Complicating the issue, they also believe that voting-for-the-right-politician/side counts as "good," and denigrating the other side also counts as "good." It's a lazy way of getting out of actually "doing" anything good.

Biblical Christians understand that Christ paid the price in full, and nothing we do (or don't do) can add-to (or subtract-from) the Grace that we have received. We're either saved -- and our lives show the transformation of Grace -- or we're not. We have no say in the process.

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My Christianity teaches grace through faith, not works.

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Mine does, too. Works naturally proceed from faith, but they do not add to or subtract from our salvation, which was accomplished by Jesus Christ.

"What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." (James 2:14-17)

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I agree that helping is good but also believe that enabling is not a good thing. If the person is not able to help themselves that's one story but if the person is relying on others to provide for them & have shown no willingness to clothe themselves or feed themselves while expecting me to provide then that's not good.

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But it isn't the Ten Commandants that save us. Rather, a faith belief that Jesus is God's Son, who was crucified for our sins, and rose from the grave.

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The monologue at 2:07 about world affairs - Ukraine, Israel, China, Russia, etc. Excellent discussion, but it’s depressing that you even need to tell people this stuff.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Conspiracy theory... Biden didn't write the letter and knew nothing about it. This was the, "tell the demitia patient that Kamala is the nominee" play. Except he knows what happened. The Democrat party literally pulled off a coup, an insurrection of you will.

His aids knew nothing about it and were preparing for the campaign trail.

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AOC asked a remarkably brilliant question...

And unlike MTG she asked the question mater of factly and with out grandstanding.

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First time for everything. I was rather shocked at a sane question from AOC.

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Latest polls although it’s still early, have not been favorable for Harris. She is still down nationally and in most swing states including Penn.

Trump will win Ga Az and NV. That means he only needs 1 of the rust belt. Most likely Wisconsin or Penn.

I doubt he wins VA. Despite the polls. But if it holds Trump is president.

So here’s the challenge for Harris.

She has to win all the rust belt. PA, MI and Wis. plus win one of the 3 GA, AZ or NV.

She’s not winning those.

And the dems haven’t realized yet that the national poll makes no difference.

Trump is leading the polls. Yes it’s only 1 or 2 percentage points but he always outperforms his polls. Always. He was losing by 7 points in the polls in MI in 2020 and ended up only losing that by less than a percentage point. So again I question just how ahead is he really?

We just have to vote. There’s no getting around that.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Re: "Secret Service Director Resigns":

Kimberly Cheatle didn't know anything about the assassination attempt. It was nameless, faceless, mid-level people at the Secret Service who did this. Successful or not, they knew that it would be Cheatle in the hot-seat.

And yes, I do believe this was in inside job. Far too many things went wrong for this to be simply incompetence.

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Cheatle put the decision-makers in their roles; and as a DEI pick, it's likely that she also made DEI picks. Is it a far reach, then, to believe that it truly was incompetence? It's quite believable that the SS paid less attention to Trump's detail than Jill Biden's -- we know that they reallocated some of his resources to her and that "temporaries" have been used. It's also common for bureaucrats to be sloppy and negligent because they have plausible cover in the flow chart; and difficult to keep a secret like an attempted assassination attempt quiet for very long.

If it was planned, they would have done better than a 20-year old kid who couldn't even make his high school shooting team and couldn't even hide himself well. They would have found a veteran with PTSD and a sniper rifle, not a Gen-Zer with an A-R, who made a donation to a Leftist get-out-the-vote organization.

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She should have done her job--no matter who else didn't do theirs.

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Re: "AOC's remarkably brilliant question":

It's not very often when you can say "AOC is correct"...

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She nailed this one, though!!

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Stephanie, and Joe…

AOC did good this time, but she’s still dangerous.

However, she is still worthy of praying for.

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As are Biden and Trump.

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I'll leave the praying to you.

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Cheatle and Harris are both products of the intersectionality feature of DEI. Neither of them brought any real talent or aptitude to their jobs. Cheatle is out. Looking forward to a similar outcome for Harris.

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But I don't want Hyena Harris to leave before November 5th. The Dems might actually get someone who could beat Trump.

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At the risk of accidentally fomenting yet another conspiracy theory...

Has anyone mentioned doing a forensic examination of any projectiles recovered from the poor victims of the assassination attempt on Trump, against the weapon of the shooter? It seems something like this would be SOP, but I have heard no mention of it.

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Judging by video, they were flushed off the slopey roof along with the bloodstains.

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The cartridge cases may have been, but the projectiles are the business end and those went downrange. However, the cases will have forensic identifiers which can match to a weapon as well. But if the shooter's weapon, body, and pile of spent cases are in a pile together, not a lot of mystery there.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

For almost all of human history, pirates were considered “enemies of mankind” and normally summarily executed. How are the Houthi’s not pirates?

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Turns out this was a Houthi “blowfish” unmanned remote controlled drone. The security guys got kind of lucky hitting the detonator in time. Good analysis on https://youtu.be/0AR7bmj0Y2M?si=iFy91IHqrZci9xkC

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