I don't want to see patterns were there are none. You asked the question, at what point is Trump too busy defending himself to effectively run for president?

Disney has a legitimate case against the State of Florida. There are questions of legal precedence that need to be addressed.

Is Disney also attempting to distract DeSantis? Are we see the next tactic emerge? First it was character assassination (attack ad 101), then false public accusations (Anita Hill, Christine Blasey Ford), then digging up childhood social media posts, now legal fights.

What stops any DA from opening an investigation into a candidate?

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Good grief, we are in the age of software driven hardware. There is no reason car manufacturers can't accommodate Apple and Android users.

For manufacturers to impose their own stupid interface is just stupid.

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Seriously, given the speaking pattern and the steam of consciousness meaningless words, if this were a person standing on a street corner you would think the person was drunk or otherwise deficient.

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My last word on this Dominion voting thing. No I don't believe the election was stolen but definitely some interesting anomalies.

Anyway, my final word is that it should be of great concern that nobody is allowed to question or investigate a software company who's primary duty is to count and manage votes. The one entity that did was sued relentlessly into submission.

We should all be very concerned with that and we are not.

Fox may have been wrong and whatever slander they did they paid for it. But the reality is, there has still been no clear and concise answer as to the allegations. Any mention or Predication to ask has been met with gestapo like silencing tactics that are detrimental to this countries belief in freedom.

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With Kamala's hand gestures and gesticulation, she'd have made more sense if she had justvsaid "Wax on. Wax off."

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How can Disney sue a governor? If suing politicians and government employees for harm is an allowed thing now, we can have a ton of fun with blue state politicians and government employees for the harm caused by their COVID lockdowns and mandates.

Interesting about Peter Thiel. Did the globalist corporatist cabal get to him too? Sure Republicans are unimpressive. But the alternative is accepting evil.

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Disney is suing for being specifically targeted by the government for its opinions, which would be a direct violation of the First Amendment. They're making the same argument against DeSantis that Jim Jordan and his committee are making against Biden, which is that government authority is being abused for political purposes. Disney is on very firm constitutional grounds, both on the federal and State of Florida levels. You can dislike the societal positions that Disney is taking AND say that DeSantis is going too far in his quixotic assault in the same sentence without contradiction.

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So, if the mafia set up shop in Florida with a legit business and Florida agrees to concessions, and then the mafia started pushing pornography and drugs on school children you would call it their First Amendment right?

The Republicans in the House are politicians and Biden is a politician. The House challenging the Biden Administration for abusing its power for politics is not only constitutionally correct, any and all good Americans should support it for obvious reasons.

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"Flag on the field ... debate penalty. Straw man argument"

You and I both know Disney is not pushing pornography or drugs, nor is it the mafia. Disney is introducing controversial concepts to younger viewers but is doing so in an arguably age-appropriate manner, even if we don't agree with the message. Disney also vocally opposed a reasonable state law, which it is allowed to do under the First Amendment, even if we disagree with their opposition. Neither position entitles a government entity to specifically target them with modifications to long-standing agreements that are not imposed on other similar agreements.

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No flag on the field. It is a valid contrast. What Disney is pushing is bad for children. They are NOT doing it in any age-appropriate manner as any and all CRT, critical theory, woke content is only age appropriate for adults that can decide if they will accept it or not. It is ideological indoctrination. It is as harmful to children as is pornography and/or drugs.

The point in using the mafia comparison is to shed the benevolent brand of Disney.

The people of Florida elected their representatives and those representatives are doing what they think it right for the people that elected them. No private company has the right to ignore the will of the voters of that state.

In the end, Disney can stay and do its business... just with compliance with the state laws and without special concessions from the state.

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Yup, more laundry ...

First up, the appeal to emotion by claiming that all this is being done "for the children". Presenting an opinion you don't like isn't harmful. I don't like it either, but I don't think DeSantis is right in using government power to punish Disney for it, especially with no laws in place that say Disney (or any other media producer) cannot share such concepts in its programming.

Next, you're arguing a position I never took. I said specifically that Disney was being controversial with its content and that it was opposing a reasonable law. I'm not taking a position on their benevolence or malevolence. Disney is a corporation out to make money, just as it was when Uncle Walt was at the helm. Yes, they specialize in family-friendly content, but they've also made age-appropriate adult-oriented content for close to 40 years now. They are allowed to do both.

Third, the "voters want it" bandwagon. Just because many voters want it doesn't make it right automatically. There may be voters who disagree with Disney's approaches who also think DeSantis has gone too far.

So, in the end, Disney is free to conduct business without fear of a government entity targeting it with excess regulations simply because they state a contrary opinion. DeSantis has no more right to cancel Disney than Biden has to request that conservative voices be silenced.

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It gets back to my original comparison.

"Disney is free to conduct business without fear of a government entity targeting it with excess regulations simply because they state a contrary opinion."

No, this isn't it. Disney is free to conduct business within the laws of the state. California, for example, has many rules for corporations to comply with. One recent one was AB 979 requiring California-headquartered companies to have a specified minimum number of ethnically and racially diverse or LGBT members on their boards of directors. Now, the court has ruled against this for now. But it is in appeal and if it fails to get struck down by the courts, it will be the law of CA and all CA corporations will have to comply. It is the will of the voters that elected their representatives who implemented the rules. Sorry, no freedom of speech to ignore the rules... CA will cancel your corporation if you do not comply.

Disney is involved in the grooming efforts. Radical 3rd wave postmodernist feminists have taken positions in the company and are pushing their ideological crap into the programming with the goal to brainwash the kids into adopting the ideology... ideology that is harmful and destructive. California voters and politicians think that is marvelous stuff to support. Florida voters and politicians reject it.

What if Disney was injecting radical Islamist ideas into its programming? Sure, Disney is free to do this, but then the voters of the state are also free to elect representatives that set rules to prevent it in their state. DeSantis is not attempting to "cancel" Disney. They are free to do business within the laws of the state. Biden is abusing the federal power of his administration to cancel ALL opposing voices. DeSantis is protecting the kids. Biden is protecting his political power base.

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