there may in fact be no NATIONAL guidelines for homeschoolers but I believe most if not all STATES have them. Isn't that enough?

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Can we get a RICO suit filed against the sugar daddies of these climate vandals and trespassers?

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Erick, Finally catching up on your show after a trip to Alaska with my county's Senior Center. I have to say that you changed my mind about how I should feel about Juneteenth after listening to Wednesday's show. I really appreciate your non-partisan view. Love your show!

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I watched the video of the ship that was sunk by a Houiti drone ship. The guards were armed with rifles. Guard the shipping with small convoys protected by small fast boats like the old PT boats. Put the word out that any vessel approaching the convoy will be warned by tracer fire before being destroyed.

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After reading this op-ed piece by Condoleezza Rice, the highest ranking Republican African-American and woman in the history of the Republic, I cannot understand why the GOP is so against the concept of "diversity, equity, and inclusion" and the purpose of the 1619 Project. She is the quintessential beneficiary of the changes which have taken place since the permanent settlements of Europeans began in N. America including important enslaved peoples as personal property.

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Not against diversity, just against it when it requires looking the other way when considering ability. Meritocracy helps put nations on top. 1619 project went hand-in-hand with BLM efforts to inject race in EVERYTHING. I was in a mostly white high school in the '70's and we were told the truth about America's racial troubles, no sugar-coating. 1619 Project is part of a marxist ploy using race as a vector. Condoleezza has embraced her American heritage while not blinding herself to how things were. Time for 'African Americans' to embrace just being Americans. We all have skin in the game.

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Diversity and Inclusion come naturally with equality of opportunity and justice under the law. Equity assures mediocrity as it is based on things like skin color, how one thinks and same outcomes.

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equity = guaranteed equal outcomes, which is impossible. Equal OPPORTUNITIES is the best that we can do - the rest is up to the individual.

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1.) Those who think of themselves as conservative put “equality” on a pedestal and denigrate “equity.” Those who think of themselves as progressive have a tendency to believe I myself think the differentiation belongs in the philosophy class where the students count the no. of angels who can dance on the head of a pin, because neither is absolutely achievable. They’re like π. We can get close but never quite there.

2.) I cannot get a handle on your statement about “diversity” growing when there is equality and justice in the air. Diversity diminishes when there is inclusion which I agree grows when there is equality and justice.

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There is a huge difference between equality and equity. I suppose it is technically correct to say that neither can ever be fully achieved. However, one would hope that equity is never achieved in the least amount. The more equity is achieved, the less we all know and have. Equality can be mostly achieved simply by not giving preference to anyone based on things like race, gender, and there are only two, acknowledging that each individual is responsible for their actions and ambitions, with the same laws applying to every person, no matter their circumstances. Diversity occurs naturally in this circumstance, though it may not be to the degree the equity folks would prefer.

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Because the 1619 project is a joke. It’s a lie-their own historian fact checked the absurdity of it.

Nobody is against diversity OF THOUGHT, but diversity for the sake of skin color, sex, etc, is horse shit to put it point blank, and it’s been very clearly weaponized by institutions against Asian and white males in particular.

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Since you are a true-blue alt-right believer, trying to discuss this issue with you would be as fruitless as convincing the Pope that the Holy Trinity is a myth. Remember from the earliest days of white male dominance in the settlement of the New World , racial characteristics and gender were the fundamental basis on which the new communities were controlled.

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Bob the year is 2024 and we have SCOTUS rulings that deemed affirmative action as discriminatory towards Asians and unconstitutional; we had healthcare agencies wanting to disperse healthcare based on race during COVID. This isn’t the new world. DEI is not acceptance based on meritocracy or diversity of thought: racial quotas are BAD Bob and putting an asterisk beside someone’s name simply bc of their race or gender is discriminatory and shallowly selective. Discriminatory policies that only go in the direction you approve of are also not okay.

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So because I don’t like mediocrity (that comes with DEI-hence the term diversity hires like our fabulous vice president) and think race based selection criteria are bad & do not encourage meritocracy, I am alt right?

How did you become this brain damaged?

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1.) The worst I called you was a true-believer, so let's cut this "brain-damaged" shit if you want to continue this discussion!!!! 2.) You tried to blow off my allusion to the role race and gender played in the settlement of the New World by saying "the year is 2024 and we have SCOTUS rulings" as if the founding ideals of this nation were malleable and changeable over the centuries and that we should ignore all that has come before. 3.) "affirmative action" is a really tough nut to crack. First a lot of antagonism to it because both in college admissions and job hiring/promotions is based on not following a rank ordering created by some specific characteristic. Second. since there are usually more than one criterion involved, deciding which should count more is usually mutable. 4.) Let's take your reference to the question of Veep. Do you really think race and gender did not play a role in the choice of Mike Pence, Tim Kaine (Hillary's choice) Joe Biden (Obama's choice), Paul Ryan (Romney) Sarah Palin (McCain.) We don't like Kamala because she is female, of color or incompetent. It is because she - like Hillary before her has a grating, overbearing personality which does not attract voters, i.e., bad candidate probably a good president if she were to win. You will disagree but that is my opinion.

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Are you Blairs alter ego?

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I assume you mean Tony!!! or is it Blair Waldorf? If the latter, I have never watched Gossip Girls. I like the social democratic ideas of Tony Blair which stands for a strong business community with just enough regulation to mute the greed which sometimes derails whole sectors of the economy. I like the idea that every child from birth to puberty should have the same opportunities to develop their God-given attributes whether intellectual or physical. I also like smart people particularly those who understand that a religious belief about the nature of our universe and the living things - including humanity - are only valid as long as the facts support it. In my life time this has meant a sea change in the way we think about race and gender in society. As revolutionary as the discovery of facts showing that the egotistical notion that the sun, moon and other celestial bodies revolved around the earth was not true.

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Why do you call it “gender affirming” care? It’s mental illness confirming care.

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Slavery still existed in both Kentucky and Delaware until the 13th Amendment was ratified in December,1865. Also, people should view the PBS Documentary "Slavery By Another Name", based on the book by American writer Douglas A. Blackmon. They will be surprised to learn the quiet history of slavery in the USA did not end in 1865.

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Human trafficking in the USA has never ended.

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Casey Goonan, white boy of privilege, holds a doctorate in African-Anerican studies, and enjoys destroying symbols of authority. Neither George Carlin nor Sam Kinison could have made up a script like that.

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I've said it before, I'll say it again: Anyone who works in the public sector, from City Dog Catcher to National Cabinet Secretary, should be required to send their kids to public schools.

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