I cannot believe anyone is surprised at the report that chemical and surgical experimentation on children is a bad idea. Notably missing from the report on the cost of child care is any suggestion of the reason it is so expensive. So if anyone doesn't understand it, the driving reason is government intervention into child care. On the plus side, it would definitely be beneficial for more mothers to stay home, at least till the kids are in school. Another government institution not worth having.

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For a few weeks or months, Erick has continued to revisit a theme he describes as walking barefoot in the grass. That’s his title for an argument. He argues that many conservatives are listening to TV, radio and internet conservative personalities, and in so doing they are embracing a bunch of false information. Of course, those are conservative personalities who disagree with Erick’s Republican Left viewpoints. Well surprise surprise, Erick bitterly criticizing his competitors, and then disparaging his listeners that listen to better, smarter more conservative pundits then him who disagree with his establishment politics. Perhaps Erick can explain to us why he isn’t exactly the same as the competitors that he disparages. Maybe he can explain why we should embrace his politics instead of theirs. And by the way, Erick just did a 20 minute apologetics speech in support of Mike Johnson. Contrast that to the opinions expressed by one of his close colleagues in Congress this morning on Breitbart. He said that in the past month or so, Johnson has completely abandoned conservatism. He said he’d never seen such a dramatic about face on every issue across the board by any legislator. His best guess is that maybe the speakership has gone to his head. But he admits to being baffled. Gee, a conservative congressman who disagrees with Erick. Prepare for the attack! Because that’s what Erick does to people who don’t share his viewpoints.

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That article about Mike Johnson’s father being nearly burned to death at an ammonia leak really hit me. Around the same time about 1984, my Atlanta FD engine crew responded to an ammonia leak. It was small, and I suffered nothing more than a small freeze burn on my wrist - through gloves - as I was able to turn off a valve. Thanks be to God!

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The NR article and the article on progressives funding conservative think tanks are really just part of the overall missing key debate over the state of globalism and the realization of the globalists that they are losing to populist sentiments over the economic damage done to the Western industrialized middle class and low income people. So they are working to obfuscate their position with fake fealty to these domestic economic concerns.

You can see that in the Democrat messaging and agenda… indicating concerns and policy ideas that support the working class while the actual actions of Democrats in control continue to support the globalist march with more harm to domestic working class economic circumstances.

The Democrats are the party of the globalist corporatist Regime. The situation is dire for them… the Global Order is ending because the US can no longer afford it. With $40+ trillion in national debt that is slated to double in the next decade, and a $1 trillion per year trade deficit… with millions homeless and the 8th highest cost of living index out of 160 countries… it is time to stop Wall Street and all the related corporate consolidation from looting of the US to an empty shell.

But the Democrats don’t really support that agenda. They just need media talking points to fake out the electorate that they are on the side of the American working class and poor.

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The protestors for Palestine is the dems agenda chickens coming home to roost. This is the dem party through and through.

I say put forth a bill in congress to officially condemn the protests and see who votes against it. Then you will know.

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None of those protesters will go to Gaza to defend Palestinians because they prefer the paycheck here.

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I've searched my Bible Reference book, but I can't find anywhere it says that MSNBC saying something that makes sense is a precursor to the Second Coming. But we've gotta be DANG close

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