Interesting. You say "Amy Coney Barrett joined the liberals" in the TX border wire decision, while most of America points the guilty figure at John Roberts, the Spineless Supreme.

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Re: Democratic Socialists of America going broke:

What’s happening to the DSA right now is the result of two things: being anti-Israel, and grift.

The wet dream of every SJW is to get paid a lot of money to be an activist. There’s no real work, except mouthing off behind a keyboard or doing a bit of rabble-rousing on the street.

The “staff” at the DSA are just grifters... albeit amateur grifters. Regular members see no benefit as only the top people get most of the goodies, while nothing good happens for the common folks. The general public sees this, which is why the donations have slowed to a trickle. Soon there will be a lot of finger-pointing as the top people tear each other apart, fighting for what scraps are left.

This is exactly what happened to BLM and another group called "From Privilege to Progress", both of which rose and collapsed very quickly.... all because the folks running them got a taste of the money, then started to care more about maintaining an elevated lifestyle than the original cause.

The folks at the DSA should have taken lessons from PROFESSIONAL grifters, like the NAACP and the SPLC. Those folks really have the formula dialed in.

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The idea that I should not be able to forcibly remove a trespasser from my property because they are "homeless" boggles the mind. When I learned that there have been people finding homeless druggies camping out in their outbuildings recently, I armed myself and checked my three outbuildings. My husband was out of town and I had no intention of being surprised by an encounter with someone who didn't belong on my property. Common sense dictates that one my remove a trespasser and defend oneself if said trespasser becomes aggressive.

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Haley sweeps NH tradition.

Do people not get this?

Trump won Iowa with only 56k votes out of 1million registered voters.

So those 56 thousand get to decide who the GOP nominee is?

That’s ludicrous.

Why don’t we get our chance to choose someone else!!

Trump will lose. And with Desantis out maybe that consolidates Haley’s support.

It’s maddening to believe one state and it’s all done.

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If the GOP learns anything, which it won't, we need a better, more rational primary process.

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100% spot-on Chaz.... couldn't have said it better myself.

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"Democratic Socialists face seven-figure ‘crisis’ amid Palestinian support that may force dreaded layoffs of staff "

I think it was Margaret Thatcher that said, 'The problem with Socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money.'

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Always remember that Socialism is for the masses, not the Socialists. That being said, the problem with Socialism is that it's easy to vote yourself into it.... but you have to shoot your way out of it..

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I’ll have to remember that line.

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If I had to guess, a lot of their former donors were secular Jewish people.

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The DSA was running around my college campus over 30 years ago. There were quite a few secular Jews in that group.

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