THE SHOW NOTES: The Weekend Biden Document Dump, The Free Press is No Longer Free, & The Fair Tax Fight Gears Up
Welcome! Here’s why thousands of churches are closing each year.
NEW: Joe Biden’s chief of staff is leaving.
HEADLINE: Yellen dismisses minting $1 trillion coin to avoid federal default - MarketWatch
The Show Notes is my blueprint for radio but is only for subscribers. You can subscribe and listen here. The show starts now.
Clip of the day: "You (teachers union) should not make any more than what the highest paid teacher is making. The teachers are making half that amount of money. How is that fair?"

More Classified Documents Found
The FBI found more classified documents during a 13-hour search of Joe Biden’s private residence on Friday. Some of the documents were from Biden’s tenure in the Senate while the majority were from his time as VP.
Why this matters: This is the second round of classified documents discovered after the administration claimed there were no new documents to be found.
Reaction: Democrats took to the Sunday Shows to publically blast Joe Biden over the latest document news.
Senator Dick Durbin told CNN Biden should be “embarrassed by the situation” and went on to say “when that information is found, it diminishes the stature of any person who is in possession of it, because it’s not supposed to happen. Whether it was the fault of a staffer or attorney, it makes no difference.”
Senator Joe Manchin told NBC that Biden “should have a lot of regrets” calling his actions “irresponsible” and “a mistake.”
The best take:

ANTIFA in Atlanta
The names of six ANTIFA terrorists arrested over the weekend in connection to widespread violence in Atlanta have been released. Five of the six are not from Georgia and all have been charged with some form of domestic terrorism. Despite this, CNN continues to refer to them as “protestors” and even questioned whether property destruction is violence.
What’s happening? ANTIFA terrorists are trying to stop the construction of a police training center in Georgia and the media is willfully ignoring it. Here’s the full story:
Mixed Economic News
The bad news: Tech companies are laying off employees left and right. Twitter: 75% of employees, Amazon: 18K jobs, Microsoft: 10k jobs, Meta: 11k jobs, Intel: 20% of employees, Salesforce: 10% of employees, and Alphabet: 12k jobs. What’s the one noteworthy missing tech name? Apple:

The good(ish) news: Market-based barometers are signaling inflation will drastically fall at a rate not seen since 2008 giving markets hope the Fed could slow, pause, or reverse rate hikes. Despite the seemingly good news from The Wall Street Journal, the author warned:
Many Wall Street strategists, however, are warning that a painless end to elevated inflation will be difficult to achieve. Previous episodes of inflation suggest that it rarely falls as fast as markets are now forecasting that it will in the absence of a serious recession.
Brian Kemp Was Right (Again)
Remember the highly maligned Georgia voting law implemented after the 2020 election? Critics claimed the law was created to disenfranchise minority voters by adding additional barriers to the voting process. Well, the law is working and we have the proof on two fronts:
The election law created a review board to evaluate counties that poorly manage their elections. Fulton County is a perennial election disaster with long lines and days - sometimes weeks - of inconclusive election results. Here’s what The Wall Street Journal said:
The review board says Fulton County’s election office has a history of “disorganization” and approaching problems with “a lack of a sense of urgency.” But old staff have been replaced and better processes implemented, in part because “the existence of the Performance Review helped incentivize Fulton County.” The review panel adds that the local election board is “engaged,” so replacing it “would in fact hinder the ongoing improvements.”
Over 90% of voters said it was easy to cast a ballot in Georgia’s midterm election with 3 out of 4 people waiting less than 10 minutes to vote according to an independent election review.
The rest of the news:
Ron DeSantis squares off with new woke foe, the NHL - The Daily Beast
Why Is the Biden Administration Ignoring Religious Persecution in Nigeria? - Newsweek
Conservative heavyweights plot new path - Axios
Climate Activism Has a Cult Problem - The Free Press
Daughter of No. 2 House Democrat arrested during clash with Boston cops - Politico
Evangelical leaders who supported Trump's presidency are waiting for other candidates in 2024 - CBS
Sheriff: Suspect in dance club shooting killed self in van - Politico
Why the mainstream right wants to kill the Fair Tax - Playbook
Majority in U.S. Still Say Gov't Should Ensure Healthcare - Gallup
I'm a psychologist and these are 13 reasons why people DON'T want to get married anymore – and why staying single makes you happier - Dailymail
Tweets that caught my eye:

Market snapshot:
I wish people would tell the truth that our elections are run at the county level and not by Gov. Kemp.
Erick, re: the FAIRtax;]: Grover Norquist is controlled by a far-left BOD and Advisory Board, and therefor will only advocate for a tax system that is modeled after Karl Marx 2nd Tenet of the Communist Manifesto that states that 'a progressive, variable income tax is a method to control the people', which is exactly the tax collection system we have! Is there any way to broadcast a rebuttal to the misinformation and false statements that are propagated by the progressive left and the establishment right? I met you years ago in Macon at a Tea Party event you were covering and I was speaking on behalf of the FAIRtax, and would welcome the opportunity to set the record, and facts, straight. I have been Georgia State Director for the FAIRtax movement for a number of years. Thanks!