Is it a stretch to consider the top secret documents and the information therein is WHY "The Big Man" was getting paid a cut of Hunter's fees? Why is no one talking about this elephant in the room? Why has the Hunter Biden laptop story been buried?

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Erick, re: the FAIRtax;]: Grover Norquist is controlled by a far-left BOD and Advisory Board, and therefor will only advocate for a tax system that is modeled after Karl Marx 2nd Tenet of the Communist Manifesto that states that 'a progressive, variable income tax is a method to control the people', which is exactly the tax collection system we have! Is there any way to broadcast a rebuttal to the misinformation and false statements that are propagated by the progressive left and the establishment right? I met you years ago in Macon at a Tea Party event you were covering and I was speaking on behalf of the FAIRtax, and would welcome the opportunity to set the record, and facts, straight. I have been Georgia State Director for the FAIRtax movement for a number of years. Thanks!

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I think there is one point where you are wrong. The GA voting law while it improved things it didn't go far enough. See Florida for how voting laws are supposed to be. in FL Mail in ballots are all but banned and Republicans had a red wave there. Every state needs to adopt the same voting laws as Florida. till then elections are not going to be trusted.

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One point that seems to be missing is the impact of the documents being mishandled from the standpoint of the President being the authority for handling the material. The President delegates authority to manage the program down the chain of command, but if the President is found to have violated the rules and polices, everyone below the President in the chain of command potentially has a legitimate path for an appeal for their own misconduct.

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Why are talking about teacher pay? It's not like they don't know the pay scale going in, and they do get a nice pension.

Are we to presume that schools would not be failing if we paid teachers more? More pay equals better quality teachers and curriculum? More money means ditching new math for actual math that the rest of the world uses? More money means teaching good grammar and reading with classic writing and not critical race theory?

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I think the state of our national news media and big tech is a constitutional crisis.

Since Nixon and Kennedy debated on national TV, our democratic system became much more reliant on truth in reporting in our national media. Of course political spin has been an industry of its own for decades since then, but today it is something completely different. The spin forces have essentially acquired the media industry and direct it to influence the voters toward a particular political outcomes.

This in fact corrupts the democratic process beyond recognition and not at all what any design of a real functioning democracy would expect as outcomes.

Without an honest, fact-based and independent media we don't have a constitutional republic because the politicians that trample over the constitution, including state and local laws, have no force of accountability if the media does not challenge them. The judicial system cannot correct for it... and as has been proven will not accept the responsibility for correcting for it. The problem is political... and the state of the media is causing it.

I think we need a new Civil Rights bill that cements and protects freedom of speech including private corporations. Republicans need to consider a national ban on hate speech criminal laws... they are in fact unconstitutional and have opened up the Pandora's Box of terrible unintended consequences that the left exploits for collectivist totalitarian power from speech control. We also need to enhance our anti-trust and anti-monopoly regulations to combat the problem of cross-ownership shielding corporate competitive collusion, and also to prevent Wall Street consolidation of whole industries. We may need specific regulations for media business given its importance in contributing to our healthy democracy.

It is just lunacy for libertarian types to fret over government restrictions on corporate freedoms related to media when the public is plugged into it 24x7 and can be so easily manipulated by their feeds. We don't need government involved in the business of media, we need government to ensure a fair, independent and fact-based media.

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The DeSantis video was telling... now we have to listen for what it tells!

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The there a concept I first became aware of during the anti Vietnam War protests of the ‘60’s. “No enemies on the left” it was called. In other words, all leftists must support each other regardless of the extremists or violence. There is no such doctrine on the right that I am aware of. Much of our media subscribe to the “no enemies on the left” doctrine.

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I wish people would tell the truth that our elections are run at the county level and not by Gov. Kemp.

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