Xi Jinping's upcoming trip to San Fransicko: It's amazing what a visit from one of their favorite people will do. All that stuff cleaned up, in just a few days' time. San Fran cares nothing of its own residents, but when the biggest commie of them all comes to visit, gotta make sure he doesn't get any human poo on his shoes.
Xi Jinping's upcoming trip to San Fransicko: It's amazing what a visit from one of their favorite people will do. All that stuff cleaned up, in just a few days' time. San Fran cares nothing of its own residents, but when the biggest commie of them all comes to visit, gotta make sure he doesn't get any human poo on his shoes.
Back in 2006 when the Super Bowl came to Detroit, they managed to re-pave I-94 in record time... that's the highway going from the airport to downtown... when they couldn't seem to get it done before. Amazing what a little publicity will do.
Cell phones in schools: Call me a grumpy old man, but cell phones, as well as social media, should be banned for everyone under age 18.
God doesn't exist?: The fact that Megan Rappin-HOE was taken out six minutes into the tells me that there actually IS, in fact, a LORD God Creator.
Xi Jinping's upcoming trip to San Fransicko: It's amazing what a visit from one of their favorite people will do. All that stuff cleaned up, in just a few days' time. San Fran cares nothing of its own residents, but when the biggest commie of them all comes to visit, gotta make sure he doesn't get any human poo on his shoes.
Back in 2006 when the Super Bowl came to Detroit, they managed to re-pave I-94 in record time... that's the highway going from the airport to downtown... when they couldn't seem to get it done before. Amazing what a little publicity will do.
Cell phones in schools: Call me a grumpy old man, but cell phones, as well as social media, should be banned for everyone under age 18.
God doesn't exist?: The fact that Megan Rappin-HOE was taken out six minutes into the tells me that there actually IS, in fact, a LORD God Creator.
And then she says "thank God I have a sense of humor." I don't believe she realizes how ironic that statement is for her.
Amen to your final statement. He does love justice, and sometimes we are blessed to see it assessed during our lifetime.