Yehiya Sinwar, the plan’s architect... waited until the country was distracted by controversial judicial reform measures and increased violence... before the carefully coordinated attack was executed.

The useful idiots of the left again enable evil though their brainwashed, childishly naive world view.

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“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”

“Better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

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Who the bell is "comedian Bill Burr", and why on earth would anyone with sufficient brains to read Erick Erickson care what Missus Burr does? Sheesh.

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Xi Jinping's upcoming trip to San Fransicko: It's amazing what a visit from one of their favorite people will do. All that stuff cleaned up, in just a few days' time. San Fran cares nothing of its own residents, but when the biggest commie of them all comes to visit, gotta make sure he doesn't get any human poo on his shoes.

Back in 2006 when the Super Bowl came to Detroit, they managed to re-pave I-94 in record time... that's the highway going from the airport to downtown... when they couldn't seem to get it done before. Amazing what a little publicity will do.

Cell phones in schools: Call me a grumpy old man, but cell phones, as well as social media, should be banned for everyone under age 18.

God doesn't exist?: The fact that Megan Rappin-HOE was taken out six minutes into the tells me that there actually IS, in fact, a LORD God Creator.

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And then she says "thank God I have a sense of humor." I don't believe she realizes how ironic that statement is for her.

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Amen to your final statement. He does love justice, and sometimes we are blessed to see it assessed during our lifetime.

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To win, the Democrat elite made a deal with the devil in their alignment with the radical left and Wall Street. All the Republican elite need to do is make a deal with MAGA and stop thinking they can win anything without it... they cannot. And here is the thing... there are no policies supported by the MAGA/Trump cohort that are anti-Republican. There are certainly anti-Neocon elements like stopping the costly and useless wars and getting government spending under control, but the old elite GOP establishment needs to grow a pair and realize that they are only biting the hand that would feed them. There is no path forward for old Republicanism... everyone dislikes them. They are at the very bottom of the popularity barrel.

MAGA appears to be at the top or near the top. Why the old GOP cannot stop their resistance to the new GOP when it clearly results in persistent GOP losses... that is the conundrum.

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All this is great but where is Epteins list. Those are the people we need to focus on to make real changes in our government

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While I do not relish in the demise of others, taking Megan Rapinoe out of women’s soccer and her platform proves to me there IS a God.

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According to Rapinoe, she-herself-is the litmus test about whether God exists or not. The hubris and ignorance of such thinking is monumental.

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"Panic on the left.." What a crock of nonsense. 2022 and the recent 2023 elections say otherwise. I truly believe these pollsters are just there to manipulate the data to get the ultimate result they want. Make it look like trump has an edge so people nominate him and then watch him go down in flames.

They don't factor in the democrat turnout. They don't factor in the Mail in ballots which dems have created an edge in.

All signs point that the republicans are still unwilling to get in the game of harvesting ballots. So the result will be the same as 2020, 2022 and 23.

I respect Trump I think he is being targeted for telling the truth, but he also has many issues that aren't worth the trouble. Why put up a question mark instead of a sure win. Nikki is a sure win.

@ Erick. I am still profoundly confused that you have not yet addressed the infestation of Churches turning to the affirming belief. AKA, saying the gay lifestyle is perfectly allowed according to scripture. those same churches have now also come out in defense of Hamas.

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"Side B Christianity" is the PCUSA lingo for caving to the homo agenda.

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For a thought-provoking discourse on Islamic jihad, check out Sam Harris's podcast featured on Honestly: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5MWY8ilPYWQ2wWcXm3PdfS?si=c1a37947154b4193.

I found it 95% brilliant, 5% maddeningly wrong.

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Heil Richi Sunak, when the UK Prime Minister fires the Home Secretary for calling out this weekend’s protests as Jew hating. This guy reminds me of how Nevil Chamberlain failed to deal with Hitler.

Heil Greta, when she shows up at a climate rally wearing a Palestinian diaper around her neck and says there can be no climate justice without Palestine.

Heil BBC, when the British press calls the pro-Israeli supporters “Far Right Activists”.

Heil CNN & MSDNC, when the US press refuses to call out Jew hating.

It’s time to start calling it what it is.

It’s time to give them all the HEIL with the middle finger prominently displayed.

From the North Pole to the South Pole, let there be no more HAMAS.

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Just think of the level of evil going into Hamas (Iran) luring the Israelis into relaxed vigilance by feigning peaceful intentions for years. Add, the timing was influenced by a strong desire to thwart Saudi - Israeli peaceful relations. Think the devil doesn’t work hard here on Earth?

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In western Christian culture, a man's word is his bond of honor.

In Islamistan, a man's word is a dodge, a feint, a weapon of deceit to be used to trick the enemy.

Now tell me again why Islam is compatible with western societies.

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If dealing with a "dog" who is a Christ follower or a Jew, it is honorable and expected to lie and deceive to gain an advantage. Not a sin to lie in that case.

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It is, however, a sin to look upon someone who is God's image bearer and see them as a dog.

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