Not exactly on point, JR, but it IS an important issue.
I tend to avoid Hannity since Trump arrived. Maybe I wasn't paying attention earlier, but now he solely carries water for Trump, IMHO.
However, when divorced from acting as Trump apologist, he can at times show that he is a very well seasoned reporter. The Johnson interview must have …
Not exactly on point, JR, but it IS an important issue.
I tend to avoid Hannity since Trump arrived. Maybe I wasn't paying attention earlier, but now he solely carries water for Trump, IMHO.
However, when divorced from acting as Trump apologist, he can at times show that he is a very well seasoned reporter. The Johnson interview must have been one of those times. I am glad. I just hope Speaker Johnson focuses upon pressing needs; Spending, Debt, pro-growth policies, education and the military...
Try to find the show if you can. i think it was significant if for no other reason than the Speaker must have approved the gathering and the topics which may telegraph where he's heading. The non-verbals were as interesting to me as the words spoken. Re: policies...certainly those are a must (you didn't mention the border & related issues?)...but i believe there must also be a priority on rooting out corruption...which has likely been the root cause of many evils, especially spending & debt.
I think J. R. is very on point. The democrats controlling everything, from the government, academia, most of the media, social networks, helps keep the sickness their power protects unchecked. The democrat party is useful for only one thing, weakening America for ... equity.
Not exactly on point, JR, but it IS an important issue.
I tend to avoid Hannity since Trump arrived. Maybe I wasn't paying attention earlier, but now he solely carries water for Trump, IMHO.
However, when divorced from acting as Trump apologist, he can at times show that he is a very well seasoned reporter. The Johnson interview must have been one of those times. I am glad. I just hope Speaker Johnson focuses upon pressing needs; Spending, Debt, pro-growth policies, education and the military...
Try to find the show if you can. i think it was significant if for no other reason than the Speaker must have approved the gathering and the topics which may telegraph where he's heading. The non-verbals were as interesting to me as the words spoken. Re: policies...certainly those are a must (you didn't mention the border & related issues?)...but i believe there must also be a priority on rooting out corruption...which has likely been the root cause of many evils, especially spending & debt.
An oversight on my part, JR. Border definitely important. Many other issues as well. Spending and debt trump all. No pun intended.
I think J. R. is very on point. The democrats controlling everything, from the government, academia, most of the media, social networks, helps keep the sickness their power protects unchecked. The democrat party is useful for only one thing, weakening America for ... equity.