This reminds me ofbthe old Monty Python skit called, "The Argument Clinic."

No matter what the person says, the other person automatically disagrees.

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I take issue with any notion that our two political tribes have been equally “contrarian.” While trust in institutions may have eroded generally, this is much truer for Republicans than Democrats. For example, even when it was a part of the Trump administration, few Democrats questioned the guidance coming out of the Center for Disease Control. (What they questioned was the guidance coming out of Trump.)

When Democrats “gauge what they think is true,” it has not just been based on what everyone else in their tribe thinks; it also tends to be consistent with the advice coming out of institutions possessing expertise in the matter. Meanwhile, many of today’s Republicans seem to reject the very notion of expertise. (If I hear another right-wing talk show host refer to someone as being “over-educated,” I think my head just might explode.)

Illustrating my point, though it may have been true regarding Operation Warp Speed, Democrats never “cast doubt and aspersions on the vaccine” when Trump was President, if only because the vaccines didn’t even exist until he was on his way out of office. Democratic skepticism concerning Operation Warp Speed was consistent with a much longer historical timeline for the development of vaccines, as described by people with expertise in the field.

All this betrays the true pattern of “contrarianism” in this country: (1) experts (institutional or otherwise) take a position on an issue, (2) Democrats coalesce behind it, and then (3) Republicans oppose it. That said, I do not believe contrarianism to be an inherently Republican trait. It is being driven by politicians and media figures in the conservative movement who either put winning by whatever means above any considerations of good public policy, or who lack the spine to oppose that which they know to be bad policy if it is being pursued by those in their tribe.

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How old is the earth? Because I really want to take your comments at face value.

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I'm not sure what the age of the earth has to do with my statement on contrarianism.

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It's an excellent barometer to measure whether one actually believes in objective truth. That's just my opinion, of course.

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Is the sharing of your opinion on objective truth meant to make us chuckle? The juxtaposition is a bit funny. If so, well played.

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The "actual independent thinker" is indeed isolated. I know, because I am one of them.

At the risk of dragging politics (again and again) into the public discussion, I must say that this gulf was not nearly as wide, nor as deep, before the the Loser absconded the GOP and took control of the reigns . . . and then, after being lawfully defeated, refused to take his ball and go home.

And this is why the most important development toward American stability (if such a thing still exists) is the assurance that the Loser will not be in the white house again.

Donald did not know how to talk to Americans. He spoke only to his tribe.

We need a President who will unite us. Joe Biden is trying to do that, by keeping his finger in the dyke to prevent woke leftism from taking over the Dem party and the .gov.

And he needs a little help in that effort.

The best thing that Republicans can do now is forget the trumpian tribe, get back to middle-of-the road governance, and begin searching the horizon for the statesman or businessman who is best equipped to defeat Biden.

This trumpian-cursed tribal mentality has got to go if this country is to remain the "United" States of America.

God bless America!

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This piece spoke to me today. Occasionally we have to meet in the middle, or somewhere just this or the other side of it. The whole “if they say purple, I’m going to say pink” approach in today’s tribalised society is driving me away from “both sides.”

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There is no money in “calm” when it comes to either the RNC or the DNC. Boil the pot and the lucre flows in.

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Tribalism will be the downfall of this country. I have removed myself from my "tribe," still a Republican but I'm not buying into some of the insane conspiracy theories of the "tribe." And sure as hell not buying into the equally (or more) insane fantasies of the "progressive" left. I will filter thru the crap on both sides and decide for myself.

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I feel like you are repeating yourself

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Some things need to be repeated lol

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I don't disagree, but at this point we all know that Trump broke people. Most couldn't just disagree with him, they ran in the opposite direction carrying pitch forks and torches. I don't think politics will be the same again.

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And the scary part... Those with independent thought that you speak of, are simply turning it all off. More and more of my friends, who truly think independently have simply had it. We have one or two sources, but have basically lost faith and now focus on our own little world. We do what we can with what we have to help others and ourselves, but our interest in what goes own nationally, and to some degree at state level is waning.

No. We are now focused on our own doing whatever we can to protect them as our society is now ran by a social media minority and well placed politicians on the other side.

I'm 62 years old and have watched our the leadership in this country weaken a little more as each President comes and goes, frankly starting at the beginning of this century.

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If you are correct, and I see no evidence that you are not, then this reality sets up an ideal environment for the “anti-christ”. One who brings solutions whom most will blindly follow…….

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And as nanny-state government is increasingly expected to provide all things and protect us from all things, it appears that government could become that anti-christ. Just sayin'....

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I wonder, if “the right” started demanding forced abortions for women on public assistance, as a way to “end the systemic poverty” in “marginalized communities”…just how long it would take for “the left” to accuse them of wanting to “murder babies”.

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It is interesting, and frightening, that there is little middle ground today. This is evident in the remask or never mask arguments going on within nearby urban school systems as the new school year begins. There is no compromise.

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Well done. "The actual independent thinker tends to be increasingly isolated..." this hit home. I can't discuss politics in my own home. I don't watch political shows less someone walk into the room and an argument erupts. I read. I read you. I read "The Dispatch" and a number of other sources. I can do that alone.

When both sides eschew "Classical Liberalism" you can't help but be a pessimist. When Anarcho-Capitalism starts to look interesting, there's a problem.

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How can those alternatives come to be known and scaled when the DNC/RNC are invested in the contrarianism, and media outlets, to include social media, either filter truth (congrats on making the Babylon Bee, EE!) or depend upon divisive, contrarian clickbait for revenue?

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