Your common sense reminds me of Thomas Paine. Keep up the good work.

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And that's why I have nothing to do with Twitter, its Tweets, and the twits who post them. The site's, to me, a vast waste of perfectly good bandwidth which appeals to those who have the same mindset as Zack Weiner, that New York City Council candidate who had those pictures of him in some dominatrix's place, except that those who use Twitter are primarily into the giving and receiving of mental, not physical, pain. No thanks.

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While reading this I was struck by the image of Dorothy pulling back the curtain and finding that the great OZ was nothing more than a grumpy old man. Then I wondered about how easily it would be for Twitter to have a very small number of hard core tweaters who could stir up the legions and cause a twitter storm. A lot of these would not even have to be real people - just accounts that could be run by twitter employees or deranged sycophants.

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I recall reporting on an analysis of Twitter activity that shows exactly what you're thinking. It's the old 80/20 rule. About 20% of twitter users are responsible for 80% of the posting.

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What you state is naturally true in most situations. What I was asking about is what makes up the 20%. How many of these are Twitter employees or sycophants designed to drag along the 80% thus making Twitter appear a bigger influence than it really is ala OZ. Interestingly, I know a lot of folks who "Facebook" to some extent but don't know any who tweet.

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Twitter is aptly named. According to Miriam Webster, a "twit" is a foolish or annoying person...and Twitter is full of them.

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Agree. My monitoring of twitter made it seem at if Wiley were stronger. Do you think they saw India Walton winning in Buffalo? or Malik Evans in Rochester?

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I have a twitter handle which I never use, I think it is blueridgepsycho--yes go figure. I got off of LinkedIn during the pandemic, too many psychos on there and yes I make a living in psychiatry. Too much real world of what I do for a living to be on many social media sites. The only thing I am active on is Facebook. Love it for keeping up with gossip and friends and family. Speaking of no picture ID, there sure are a lot of peeps on here with no pix. I think they are bots. Yes, speaks volumes of underlying psychiatric and deep seated childhood issues to not have your pix or your name. I have appointments open this afternoon if anyone needs to be seen.

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If you have an open slot at 3:00 today, I'd like to..."WE DON'T NEED TO BE SEEN!" Yes, we do. "NO WE DON'T!" YES, WE DO!!! "Hey, hey you two, settle down and don't make me stop this car!" "Who is HE??" "Oh, shut up, all of you!"

Sorry, couldn't resist.

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Yep... NY City is in real trouble. Crime was already becoming a problem before the pandemic. There were more and more homeless, who were aggressively pan-handling. Areas that I had felt comfortable walking in for at least two decades, no longer felt safe. I know of people who have moved out of the city or looking to do so. Add to it, a mayor who has gone out of his way to destroy local business there and you have a real problem.

Corporations are taking a hard look of how their business should be ran with a lot of learnings from the pandemic. While I do not think they will abandon corporate sites and that many employers will require their workers back on campus; I do think you'll see hybrid's come out of all of this, requiring less office space and people in the building every day. This does not bode well for larger cities with lots of office space that needs to be filled. Then add a crime wave and the highest taxes in the country...

In short - why would you stay, when the Texas, Florida's, even Georgia's of the world can offer you a much safer environment at a much lower cost of business. Well... As long as you park yourself in an Atlanta suburb and not downtown.

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Your sense of irony, frustration, pity and incredulous wit has come shining through! I must discipline myself to not read in the restroom. My laughter echoes and people keep asking me if my blood sugar is low!🤦‍♂️

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Please sanitize your phone after these sessions.

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Bwahahahaaa! I actually do! I’ve been wrongly accused of OCD…..no official diagnosis though….!

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Great! I believe a majority of folks do not.

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Jim, that is hysterical!!! Keep freaking 'em out in the potty!!!

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