How do we get the state legislature to change the charter of the state to say: Any major city in a state that grows in population to a point that its actions or inactions cause negative effect to it's neighboring municipalities, will have it's political positions voted on by the entire state and not just the masses that have flocked to the hand outs.

Just a thought.

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Vernon Jones on #WarRoomPandemic today

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Yes and the Patriots in AZ. Are the vanguard. Georgia will need a full #azaudit and canvas. President Trump won Georgia and the audits will show.

Court cases in Fulton are moving forward.

Georgia should never had certified the election.

Love your show

Dean from Macon now Marietta

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Saw on Instapundit that Raffensperger is NOW claiming that the top two Fulton County election officials should be fired, after previously finding no issues with the way they handled the 2020 election.

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Fulton, DeKalb, and Chatham counties ALWAYS have voting problems. When I first heard about the "pipe bursting" in State Farm Arena, I thought to myself "here we go"...and that was just one of the examples. Whether it's incompetency or fraud, Georgia needs to get this crap under control.

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yep, another example of how they are not "grossly incompetent"

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You recently compared Fulton County to Florida's Broward County when it comes to elections. Gross incompetence, obfuscation, and a vacuum of leadership accountability definitely leads to opportunities for corruption and fraud. We will probably never know exactly what happened in Fulton, but the county typically votes left, so it stands to reason whatever happened likely did not change the outcome. Biden still would have carried Fulton county.

I wish Trump would back out of center stage so a conservative who can "speak softly and carry a big stick" has a change to set this train wreck of a party/nation back on track.

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Hmm...gross incompetence? The well orchestrated multi-state post-election ballot counting shenanigans' don't give me the gross incompetence vibe.

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Think, Chance the Gardener in "Being There" ;-)

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Careful, Erick. Calling the Fulton County Board of Elections a "Black Hole" will be construed by the the hypersensitive, hyper-woke crowd as a racist comment. Luckily, the odds of them reading this are slim, so the calls for boycotts and firings won't follow immediately.

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Ooo, that actually presses another potential BLM nerve, calling things like "holes" black rather than empty or galactic rip-tides or some such... And what if that thing wants to identify as other-than-a-hole - does that mean we know have trans-astrophysics to contend with? :-) :-) :-)

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I live in Fulton County. I vote at the Sandy Springs library and I vote early. It is my understanding that any Fulton County resident can vote anywhere in a general election if voting early but on election day they must vote in their precinct? I have never had a problem voting at Sandy Springs. It is a small place and actually the positioning of the voting machines does allow for some people to be able to see your vote. I try to go around to the back machines. Any Fulton County resident could vote early at Sandy Springs which means that claims of voter suppression simply aren't true. Sandy Springs is on the bus line and easily accessible to Marta. I do not doubt incompetence. The workers at my precinct are a mix of old and young. They look as if they know what they are doing and they are pleasant. I had to vote at Woodland Elementary on Spalding once during the pandemic due to something at my St. Jude precinct changing and the workers there looked like soccer moms. They were really on top of it. I don't understand why it takes so long to get results.

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Takes a while for results to "percolate" to get to an intended answer, perhaps? ;-)

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I totally agree that Fulton County and almost all Democrat run cities are incompetent in most all activities and areas....especially when it comes to elections and voting. However, when all incompetence continually favors one party (Democrats) it becomes "strategic" incompetence designed to sway an election.

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Perhaps "systemic" incompetence? LOL

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Erick, you seem to be toggling back and forth here. Fox has stayed away from the election fraud story. Double counting ballots, Mail in ballots with no fold creases, batch slips totals that don’t match the ballot count. I think the band-aid was torn off by Tucker last night. At best, there was intentional election fraud that had no impact. Possible but doubtful. Either way it will just add fuel to the audit fire. At worst, it throws the entire election in doubt. Constitutional crisis anyone?

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We cannot go forward until we get to the bottom of Nov 3rd


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Totally agree.

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GA was very heavily lobbied during the election. My mailbox was full of so many flyers because I'm an Independent. I kept track and the majority were D. Especially interesting was the postcard campaign. I got hand-written postcards from people all over the US (lots from CO and NJ) begging me to vote for Biden. I even had Biden ads during a streaming movie. I carried the trash can to the mailbox. I had to unplug the phones. It was impossible to listen to the radio w/o ads, ads, ads. It was the most onslaught I've ever had during a general election. The same continued for the Senate race. In all the elections in my life I did not get as much personal mail about voting D. I voted for Hawkins.

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It's difficult to take seriously any commentary which appeals to Tucker Carlson as an authority.

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Remember - you don't have to like the guy...you can put his results in the pile of all the other investigative reports...oh, there is no pile?

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Erick, I like you story, but isn’t this a change in position by you? I believe you have been saying for months the audit is a nothing burger and a waste of time. It sound like you have now changed your position- have you?

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It is called Crawfishing in Macon

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I had to read this twice as...like you say...it seems like a position change

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Sixth…no matter what investigation is undertaken or what the results of that investigation show, the overwhelming majority of people who voted for Trump will continue to believe it was fraud, and nothing, NOTHING is going to change the fact that Biden is now the President.

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funny...you likely still believe all the lies told about Trump...because he's a jerk.

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Like the "very fine people" lie? The "Russian collusion lie"? No, I don't.

But I'm a realist, and realistically...no matter what the investigation shows, it's not going to change the election results. Even IF the investigation proves fraud, instead of the normal Fulton County incompetence, even IF the results would have changed the outcome...by the time it winds its way through the courts, and all appeals (and you have to know they'd appeal)...Biden's term would be over.

It took a Colorado baker six years to get his case to the SCOTUS...

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And that Baker is still being persecuted.

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