If this is going to be Trump’s policy, awesome

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They probably think that the panel they are on is balanced. One conservative and the rest a bunch of progressives. That's balance in their minds.

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Sigh 😮‍💨

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CNN host “Don’t confuse us with facts I know what’s true and you don’t.

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I enjoy listening to Sebastian Gorka's interviews on Sirius XM 125 Patriot, when he's on there.

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Alternative facts. LOL. They mention it on their own network, and she cries foul. Bubble life 2.0!

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Trust in CNN, zero. Trust in the committee running the current administration, because it ain't Joe, zero. We have seen how leftist world policies of appeasement have led to regional wars. The Biden administration is leaving a mess for the Trump administration to clean up. In the end Joe's legacy will be that it ushered in another Trump administration, and that most people now realize the sad state of our MSM.

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Many pro Ukraine folks were persuaded that Biden/Harris were their friends and Trump a “Putin stooge”. I never bought it, because Trump knows a Russian maximalist victory in Ukraine would lead to a series of crises that would devour his Presidency, much like W’s was by 9/11 or LBJ’s by Vietnam. I think Gorka has the correct answer.

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John Foster Dulles would support this

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I don’t care if we reported it, if I don’t like the data, I’ll say it is wrong.

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I’m liking the way he’s thinkin.

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The left pitches the best hissy fits. However, they’re much funnier when they have no power and no control. Like the lyrics from the old song from the 70’s “you ain’t seen nothing yet….” 😂

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Don’t usually watch CNN but stopped on it last night because I wanted to see Scott Jennings live - and caught that exchange. God bless him for putting up with the panel of empty heads sitting around him. Hope he lands somewhere good when CNN lays him off. He’s a hidden gem!

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That CNN segment is exactly why I don’t watch CNN.

And the opinions and (dis) information put out by Dems over the past weeks since the election tells me they have learned nothing.

2016 Russia Russia Russia. 2024, racism.

This is why, and I have no doubts now, the dems have lost the White House for a generation or more and most likely gov control as well.

They are now married to the alphabet groups, the race warrior left, and the anti Jew squad group.

While Trump built a consensus of different opinions who all had one overall view of America first, family first, god still exists.

Leading dems don’t get that and it will cost them dearly. I foresee either a policy shift after they lose big again in 2026 or a rise of a 3rd party that is the old fashioned dem with new ideas.

I still strongly disagree that this time around the pendulum swings back to the dems. Who’s going to want what they are selling now?

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Enough said. If Trump would have won in 2020 Russia would not be in Ukraine.

CNN is full of blithering idiots with the exception of Scott Jennings.

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We are all prisoners of geography. This war was coming the day Ukraine became independent. It was only a question of if Russia could regain de facto control or if it would have to be seized through use of arms.

Russia tried soft power. And that mostly worked in other regions. That planned failed in Ukraine.

The war was inevitable.

Want Proof? The Poles know the Fulda Gap is next and they have been preparing for that fight for 30 years.

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It's not out of the realm of possibility that Trump did win in 2020 but here we are today. If we had listened to words of our first president and stayed out of the affairs of other nations we wouldn't be peering into the abyss now would we? Simply stop all military aid including advisors, pack up and leave. Their gov't is a corrupt quagmire not worth saving, certainly no better or worse than Putin's in terms of moral equivalence. If there wasn't a boatload of liquid natural gas under Crimea we wouldn't be there in the first place. The Soetero regime (as in Barry O) started this festering sore.

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(2) Talk to the family of Alexei Navalny about which government is worse -- Ukraine's or Russia's. It might give you a different perspective.

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(1) "If we had listened to words of our first president and stayed out of the affairs of other nations we wouldn't be peering into the abyss now would we?" Why, no, we might not. We might be LIVING in the abyss, speaking German, and working in lampshade factories. Isolationism doesn't work as a policy because, in politics, there is no such thing as a power void -- much less, in world politics.

For all that he was devilishly wrong about, Osama bin Laden was correct when he said, "When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse." If the "free" world is to remain even somewhat free, then its leaders must maintain an illusion of strength as they face opposition from multitudinous cultures that value violence as a means of control and expansion: "Peace through strength" is a real thing.

Likely, Putin, sensing a power void in the Biden Administration, expected to roll through Ukraine unimpeded -- not only because he underestimated the response, but because he had the (undeserved) reputation of having an unstoppable military. Once he had killed a sufficient number of Ukrainians, Putin likely thought the Ukrainian people would bow down to the "strong horse" -- until Ukraine was propped up by its supporters. Just like Saddam Hussein before him, Putin has unmasked himself as less of a strongman than his reputation purported. Now that a grown-up has entered the room, Putin will shrink back to his hidey-hole and begin plotting a la Pinky-and-the-Brain again.

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Secondly, 2020 is mute now. No reason to re visit it. The total votes argument is mute as well. Total votes are going to end up about 153 million or so. Maybe 154 at the end of counting.

In 2020 there was 154 million votes cast. So that argument is mute.

How did Joe get 81 million votes? Who knows. Not worth restarting that argument.

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We aren’t helping Ukraine as much as stopping Russia. The problem and why this war persists is Biden has been hesitant and feeble trying to deal with the issue.

We have seen how appeasement and isolation works. Unfortunately we can’t just stand astride the world like a colossus, we must render aid and spread freedom. Stability and peace through power and influence.

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Bottom line. Mic drop.

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Senile Biden is just the mouth piece. Who is the Wizard behind the curtain?

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It is amazing that they have been able to be just as incompetent as Joe has been. Mr. Wrong side of history his entire career.

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Likely The One, ably assisted by Susan Rice and their best buddies in the investment community.

Where there's war, there's profits to be made (thinks the ghoul).

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If we only had an actual inquiring press…. My guess is Obama, Rice, maybe Valerie Jarrett and Blinken. The hate American exceptionalism crew.

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They are keeping the Joe 'screw up anything' Biden brand shining brightly

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