Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023

I want Trump prosecuted for a very petty and personal reason: there is already a space reserved on my wall for the face-front / face-side mug shots.

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If you give Republicans enough rope...

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Great advice is often unheeded. Too often people who listen & learn appropriate the advice for themselves......

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Hillary Clinton 100% broke the law...and nothing happened. I have no spoons for the Left's apoplexy over Trump. They can pound sand. I hope he foils their efforts yet again. Their continued, unhinged efforts to "get him" are causing them to make unforced errors that are going to cost them everything. DeSantis/Haley 2024

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My conspiratorial side says that this is tied to the Hunter Biden investigation. The Left goes after Trump because the Right is going after Biden. I’m not saying there is a legal or moral equivalency, but the way politics have become so toxic and combative I would not put it past the parties involved.

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Trump aside, righteous outrage (peacefully packaged) should focus on the corrupt and perverted use of the legal system for overt political misdeeds.

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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023

I'm reminded of the 70's in Charlotte, NC. There was a mini-industry in topless bars. Everyone went to see and, having seen, moved on. The industry would almost die and then the Charlotte Observer would run an expose on the industry so everyone would go back to see what was new. I always thought that if the Observer would leave the industry alone, it would die. I think the same about Trump. If the left could ignore him, he would go away but they can't seem to do that and they raise his popularity every time they launch a political attack. If the left isn't careful they're going to get him elected again.

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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023

God save us all from the clown show we all know is coming. The thrills that already tingling up legs in the main-stream media foreshadowing a temporary Trump-Bump in ratings, lunatics on both sides scurrying out from the shadows, and insults to everyone's intelligence.

All this failure theater to instigate a movement to get Trump nominated. They got him nominated before, and they feel they can do it again. I pray there are enough sane people to aid in pushing past this.

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It is becoming a bigger clown show than before. It is sad, but the courts will settle it if it actually gets executed. Not living in New York, I cannot see how they put up with the idiots that they have in office, from the governor to the NYC mayor, and this DA who will make himself the fool for attention. Reason number 5,000 why I live elsewhere in the Red State of Georgia.

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When I was living along the border, Stormy Daniels made a well publicized stop at a local strip club as a part of her " Make America Horny Again" tour. That she was paid hush money from the Trump campaign and that he looks to be indicted for it after years of partisan investigations strikes me that so much of our politics and culture have captured by petty narcissists looking to hype a brand rather than serve our country. Nobody in this story has clean hands and we'd all do better to disabuse ourselves of the Daniels, Braggs, and Trumps asap.

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Amen to the article .

To also quote from Ephesians, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

You can protest maybe with phone calls, letters or emails, but I would say stay off the streets. Keep your powder dry, so to speak, and prepare for the primaries and elections. Because this could get ugly real fast to the country’s demise and those of us who are Christians- our witness.

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I understand why you wrote your piece, Erick, and I'm glad you did. It's good and informative with things that need to be said, and there will be much more ahead that will need to be said. The problem is--in general--the focus should be on the Biden family criminality but once again Trump manages to change the headlines and ease the focus off of the Bidens. He always had a knack for that and I don't expect it to change. Sick of him and the drama.

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I am so tired of all things Trump and his sickening synergistic relationship with the media. It hurts our country.

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Number of polyps... I laughed out loud at that line.

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Nice article.

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The Republicans have had every opportunity to throw this loser (which Don is, both literally and figuratively) out of the party officially and they won't. As long as they keep playing footsie with him and his traitorous cabal of political clowns currently rotting the Republican Party, every single election they lose and every single criticism lodged their way is well-deserved.

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I am going to point out to you the same that I point out to Eric et al, that you are helping to ensure that republicans will not win an election when you are so rabid in your hate and name calling of anyone who supports Trump. And I say this as one who was not pleased that he was the candidate in 2016 and who does not want him to be the candidate in 2024. But you damn well need his supporters to win with another candidate and you won't get it calling them names. Those in the republican party who stand with the democrats in name calling a specific group of republicans are helping the democrats win. So learn or lose. And I am pretty sure you all prefer losing to ceasing the vitriol.

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We don’t throw candidates out of office. We elect them out in the primary, but we have to support who ever wins.

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He should've been impeached and barred from running from office. Full stop. Anything less is anti-American.

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For what?

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