I am reasonably sure that there will not be the need for martial law. So, you can go on vacation. This virus shouldn't suspend the Constitution. You have the right to move about the nation, and occupy your property. I enjoy your balance of coverage in your emails. You are about the only conservative I read that is making any sense right …
I am reasonably sure that there will not be the need for martial law. So, you can go on vacation. This virus shouldn't suspend the Constitution. You have the right to move about the nation, and occupy your property. I enjoy your balance of coverage in your emails. You are about the only conservative I read that is making any sense right now. Your subscription is a bargain. If more of the Internet content was subscription based, we'd probably have a lot less terrible things to read.
I am reasonably sure that there will not be the need for martial law. So, you can go on vacation. This virus shouldn't suspend the Constitution. You have the right to move about the nation, and occupy your property. I enjoy your balance of coverage in your emails. You are about the only conservative I read that is making any sense right now. Your subscription is a bargain. If more of the Internet content was subscription based, we'd probably have a lot less terrible things to read.