I just spent a very sad 20 minutes answering questions about ammunition . These questions came from folks that are afraid . I lay that fear squarely at the feet of our press . People with firearms for home defense that did not even know what ammunition they needed. I finally asked who they were afraid of....blank stares . I left with tears in my eyes.

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Bravo !

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I am reasonably sure that there will not be the need for martial law. So, you can go on vacation. This virus shouldn't suspend the Constitution. You have the right to move about the nation, and occupy your property. I enjoy your balance of coverage in your emails. You are about the only conservative I read that is making any sense right now. Your subscription is a bargain. If more of the Internet content was subscription based, we'd probably have a lot less terrible things to read.

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Praying that you get the respite you need and deserve on HHI.

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Erick - I am so glad I subscribed. Your newsletter is informative, down to earth, and full of interesting topics. Keep it up - I look forward to it each day.

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Thoughts — all excellent! So glad I started subscribing.

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I love your note Mr. Erickson. My wife and I feel the same way about Hilton Head. Her family lives in Bluffton and I just love the area. I can relax down there. She loves Harbor Town (oddly I proposed to her under the big tree there near the concert stage). We will be there in the beginning of April hopefully

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Oh nice! I love Sea Pines.

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Mr. Erickson, this morning's note is the best one yet. Your discussion of what people of faith should be doing to help their fellow man is spot on. We don't need a church to practice our faith. We practice our faith by caring for our fellows, no matter who they are. And I do hope you get the chance to travel to Hilton Head. A bit of fresh air always brings us closer to God and family. The photo you shared proves it.

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Erick, subscribing to your daily emails has been a great investment. I look forward to your write-ups everyday!

I have always thought this virus was something we needed to pay attention, especially since it was something coming from China. I really hope that our government looks into the origins of it and holds everyone accountable. I am baffled to see the praise the Chinese government now gets while the rest of the world is up in flames, and while it is not the time for blame we should never forget why we are here.

I hope most of these measures are extremes but we all need to put our best efforts to help slow this down, and most importantly protect the most vulnerable. The feds cannot and should not do everything for us.

I hope you get to go on your vacation

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Erick, I am feeling a bit of the Corona Virus blues myself. I am in Germany with my wife. We have flights booked to PIT on 03/31 (me) and 04/04 (her), me though IAD, her through EWR. She can only come for 2 weeks and if I/we fly, it is very possible a literal ocean could separate us for months or longer. We were looking forward to 2 weeks together in our house in the woods of PA. But our safest choice may be to chill out in locked-down Germany, which is further down the path to an Italy-type Corona-chaos, with less of a chance to stop it than the US has. It is not my first choice and I haven't yet come to grips with it. But either we believe God is in control, or we do not. Not the conspiracy theorists, not the doomsayers, not the media, not even the medical experts giving out sound advice. Cheer up Erick. God is with us. And nobody is dropping literal bombs on us.

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Trusting in the sovereignty of God -- honestly, I need to write that more than ever just so I get the spelling right on sovereignty without spell check. Heh.

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Good Morning. I do wait for your email everyday.

Thanks for the great write up again.

Yes where are the American flags we saw during 9/11. They do not seem to be there. We are Americans, I am proud to be one. This seems worse than 9/11. This is slow and dragging.

Comparing this to flu is like saying oxygen is also a slow and silent killer it kills people after 70 or 80 years.

Let us recall JFK.

What you can do for the Country rather than what Country can do for you.

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Well, mine is hanging from a column on my front porch. Ditto my next-door neighbor to the south and the one directly across the street. This is only anecdotal from my small town in Arkansas. But I do agree with you: now is the time for everyone to be pulling out and proudly flying their flag. And even more importantly, trying to quell the wild conspiracy theories that are actually more harmful than the virus itself. Blessings...

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Thanks for reading

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