Those that are screaming, "there is no evidence for vote fraud!" and those that are screaming "there is tons of evidence!" are both wrong. The Trump team is in the process of gathering evidence to be used in court. I suggest everyone step back and take a breath. There is no sense to staying upset and angry till this plays out. President Trump has until Jan 20, 2021, to present enough evidence to the courts to either change the results or not. After the way Donald Trump has been horribly treated since he announced his campaign for president June 2015, he has earned that right to contest the election. I hope and pray that it is settled by Jan. 20, because if it is not, the speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi assumes presidential duties until things are worked out. God help us!

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It may be too late for Trump in this election, but in my experience, someone always talks. If there was fraud in this election, it will eventually come out, possibly in a year or two. If someone helped with a successful coup this big, people just cannot keep quiet about it. Then, if they are arrested and realize they will serve a hefty prison term while their bosses stay free, they will testify. Unless, they fall victim to the clinton method of getting rid of witnesses. If a bunch of people who worked for the Biden backers suddenly start committing suicide, it would be a telling sign.

P.S. I hope people realize that I am only half serious with this post. Just trying to introduce some levity to a serious subject. We will survive. I am starting to get back my sense of humor after the downer on nov.4. Also my wife showed me a post on facebook that said Over 70 million republicans are mad as hell at the election results and there are 0 riots in the streets.

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Erick, I disagree with a lot of things. First, what did impeachment get them? There are a great number of unwashed who have fallen in line. I know of multiple people who truly believe the Russian hoax.

This gets to freedom of the press. Expressly the right to lie w/ impunity. The left chooses their experts, their witnesses say one thing under oath but are free to lie their asses off in other venues to the point of where no-one gives a damn once the truth comes out. If any prior administration stooge knew that they'd be held accountable for their lies, they would freaking have shut the hell up.

I hope everyone recognizes the fact that a HUGE part of people liking Trump was that he did not cave to this nonsense. So the question is what will the republicans do in light of this? Will they fix anything or revert to their milquetoast ways. A wrong answer aligns it to be the Trump party from here forward. Right now there has been a re-alignment of the party. I agree with Erick there, but the republican fools in charge will think people agree with their slow walk to failure mentality. This will lead to the foretold disaster in the next election.

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Now that I have calmed down after your somewhat gleeful announcement nov.4 that Trump lost, I can reply respectfully instead of like a rabid leftist. I will accept the results of this election IF, each state AG certifies that biden won, so they are subject to arrest and imprisonment if voter fraud is proven in their states. My main concern is that people accepted the positive changes over the past 4 years and do not want to give Trump any credit. Trump is the one who brought in new black and hispanic voters and people who never voted, not the republican party, which gave Trump very little support. Trump helped us keep the senate and pick up house seats. All the positive changes were fought for by Trump. Republican voters have become used to winning with Trump. If the the party puts forward a more "acceptable" candidate next time like Mark o Rubio, Nickey Haley, low energy Jeb or any other "lose with honor republican", they will be rejected. We are used to someone who will fight for us. You say you are a republican, but it seems to be of the "lose with honor" type. But a loser nontheless.

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I said many of the same things this morning. Trump's abrasive personality and his inability to maintain any form of self-control drove voters to Biden as the lesser offensive between two old white lecherous men. However, those same voters demonstrated their fatigue with pushy progressive Pelosi policies. I think this may be a good thing for the country if everyone would drop the conspiracy theories and pick up the work.

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I especially appreciate that you avoid sarcasm.

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Erick, in regard to your comments on the media, I once worked for a Canadian based company, so I watched their government run news station CN when I was in Canada. If the bias in the US eventually gets so bad, could we surrender the freedom of the press to a similar state? I know that this would be extreme and unlikely, but we are not getting any news or truth and I believe that most Americans want it.

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I'm really over your prognostications Erick. Roy Moore was the best candidate in Alabama--a Godly man you said. So now, I'm no where near confident you assertions that the GOP will have a Senate as a stop are true: Perdue and Loeffler will cruise to victory in Jan? Really? Love him or not Trump was the megaphone of the GOP. He wasn't afraid to get dirty and call names in a way work-a-day voters got. You think Marco Rubio will do that? Cruz? No. Right now I pray that Trump resurfaces for 2024.

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To a previous post I asked, "Can you separate the message from the messenger? I'll ask again, is there anyone out there in the GOP that can (or will) take the baton/message from Trump and run with it? Is there anyone that can generate these enthusiasm & loyalty that Trump has? Or will the Dems' plans simply be delayed till 2024 at the latest?

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There you have it, the silver lining for a very black cloud. I surly do hope you are right about the senate. The way things are going I'm not so sure. What ever happened to fair and honest elections. Are the democrats so power hungry that they are willing to walk over the American people to get to where they want to be. Don't they still work for us? If nothing else, please we need to implement term limits.

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It doesn't matter whether anybody is glad to take the results. Unless recounts can flip the very close elections or unless Trump's legal team can prove some massive fraud in courts, they will be certified. Nevertheless, I disagree with Erick's assessment that this election is good news. The Republican organizations that voted for Biden but for House/Senate Republicans made it known in advance they did not want either Trump or Trump's policies to control the GOP. But that means these Republicans neither wanted the message or the messenger, but a third option.

This group doesn't want Democrats to control the power of the government because the new masters of the country in 2024 who have a different message than Trump. Michael Steele's and the Bulwark crowd have pretty much said exactly that. However the reason Trump got a ton of Democrats among his 69.65 M-voters is his policies and if his policies go way with the allegedly new 2024-GOP message, so do a good many of his voters. If one believes Trump's policies that expanding the Republican base to include common working people was the goal, which Erick recently said he supports, this is not good news.

In my opinion, Erick gives far too little emphasis to the danger of giving Democrats control of the government. The Democrats still control the House and at most are a few seats from controlling the Senate. The next election is only 2 years away and the billionaire Democrats have proven that they are willing to put in boatloads of money to try to buy elections even for losing causes. All they need is a few close Senate races that they can flip with huge amounts of ad-dollars and unless Trump continues in politics, there will be no big rallies to bring in a record number of GOP voters.

The Democrats are still seething inside that the Tea Party stopped Obama's agenda cold in 2010 except for EO-power, which Biden will now undoubtedly use to restore all Obama era EO's and Presidential-policies (putting back regulations that Trump removed and reentering Paris Climate Accord and the Iran Nuke Deal). Biden has already said he would do all these things and you can bet he will keep these promises, but not the fracking one (goodbye pipeline approval).

Our country is still hanging on the edge of a socialist disaster, and the Democrats now control 2 of the 3 branches to implement it and they are only a few Senators away from hitting a Trifecta in 2022. Like the Tea Party, Trump had the nerve and the desire to stop their complete takeover. It remains to be seen if the House/Senate will follow the path of Trump to try to keep his voters or if they will follow the Republicans who want to change the GOP agenda back to the losing strategy of the final years of the Bush administration.

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Clybourne won Biden the Presidency. His you all know Joe Biden was what did. You really cannot make him a Socialist. I think in general people generally trust Biden. It’s sort of telling that Conservatives greatest fear is Biden being replaced. I am pro life and didn’t vote for Biden but I do think Biden might be able to reduce some tensions. Go less drama the American public isn’t wrong

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"For years now, the Democrats and media have echoed each other that the GOP was a dwindling party of Southern and Rust Belt regionalism."

For those interested in how demographics are really changing, I'd recommend Eric Kaufmann's "Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?" Kaufmann is a secular liberal from England and his book is an in depth look at how conservative religious faiths are growing in population due to their fertility advantage. He (regrettably in his opinion)foresees the secularization of western democracies ending by 2050 and largely reversing by the end of the century. Spoiler alert: Kaufmann ends by saying that yes, the religious will inherit the earth.

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All of what you report about Republican gains in Congress and the Courts is good news, Erick, as long as Trump is gone. Now we can get back to fulfilling truth, justice and the American way.

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Sorry to be so slow in subscribing! Great Success to you. A man of reason who can admit mistakes. What a wonderful combination you are. I share your thoughts often once or twice a week with friends, family, etc. My apologies for not subscribing sooner. Keep up the excellent work my friend.

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