Large birthing persons who identify as male, although there are no males can identify as male and be linebackers on the football team, this birthing person identifies as male and uses the non birthing person’s latrine when said birthing person is about to pee birthing persons’s pants. Meanwhile, NFL players are sold in trades to other NFL teams. Is that like slavery?

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Get ready for "Birthing Persons Day" every May. New line of Hallmark cards to follow...

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But what if the "birthing person" identifies as a male? Shouldn't they be able to celebrate in June?

Things have been going downhill ever since the TV show "My Mother The Car." I guess they need to have a "Birthing Vehicle" Day.

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My wife and I used to watch "The Good Doctor" (TGD) because we liked the characters. Then they had an episode where a transgengered "male" became pregnant and decided to keep the baby. The partner said that the partner's giving birth was "the most male thing" his partner could do because "he" was doing it.

We turned off the TV haven't watched TGD since.

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It's ridiculous. This is where the left loses me. It's looney tunes....

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Whenever I think the Left can't get more ridiculous or their ideas can't get more inane they always seem to prove me wrong.

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The irony to me is how illiterate must be these leftists. Clearly none have read "Animal Farm" or "1984" or "Brave New World". Or if they did read them, they are that blind to their adherence to the story line. Willful blindness. :-(

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Will liberals/democrats/progressives/independents ever start pushing back on this type of "stuff"? We should not be changing our entire language to placate an extremely small portion of the population. I am 54 yrs old. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be seeing the type of cultural destruction that has been happening in the last 5 years. Calling a single person "They", Ignoring biological gender? Letting toddlers decide if they are boys or girls and then giving them hormones? What has happened to common sense in this country?

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I commented recently that my respect for Bill Maher has risen considerably over the past couple of years because he challenges the left on these lunatic fringe "concerns" when there are so many more important issues facing the left and the nation. Maybe Maher, like Carville, is now considered passé, but my hope is that his common sense will prevail. Liberal ideology will survive, but maybe this lunatic fringe garbage will not.

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This was a moment of "Oh, seriously?" But yes, I did find the original release: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/04/13/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-initial-actions-to-address-the-black-maternal-health-crisis/

I think "birthing people" was just a lousy writer's way to avoid saying "maternal" again in the same sentence. It's pretty clear through the rest of the release that they meant mothers. ("Maternal" is pretty common when you're aiming for a formal tone. But really, somebody needs to take a press-release-writing class.)

And then again, maybe that was the Democrats' way of getting some attention and ad dollars from Republicans. I spent a lot of time thinking about your bot post a few days ago.

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This has nothing to do with someone trying to come up with another word or phrase to describe "mothers." There was a recent Congessional hearing where the advocates for (I believe) Planned Parenthood, called for more (health, prenatal and abortion) funding to women of color and "birthing people." This quite clearly is stating that transgender, etc. persons can actually have children.

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