So ole Erick is now a certified mind reader? LOL

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I believe Trey Gowdy classified DeSantis well in last night (5-24-2023) Fox interview. Gowdy was spot on with him. All you DT haters do not, have not, entered the old proverbial cliché, walk a mile in his shoes. The day DT became the Repub candidate in 2016, the Dems declared they would remove him. DT has encountered assiduous attacks and has fought every single day against the MSM, The Socialists Dems, and the RINOs. Few individuals would have survived the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, accusations, Congress People and Senators stood on their respective floors, waved papers and and lied stating; they had the evidence. let alone all that has followed. DT has had to for 24/7 for 7 contiguous years fight the deep state. Again, barring any major health issue(s) DT will win in 2024. The lack of outrage of what has been disclosed by Musk acquiring Twitter, and the release of the Durham report, is scandalous. Hopefully then he can PURGE the DOJ, FBI, CIA, et als for their corruptions. So, let the arse chapping begin.

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Yes, Trump is being screwed but much of it is self-inflicted

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Shameful, just sad. Those voters who may have considered the possibility, I suspect , will no longer bother. He's pushed himself off the cliff.

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Trump went full retard, you never go full retard. I voted for him twice, not going to do it again.

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I think about where we are and I am cautiously optimistic, but certainly not confident.

It's like deja vu from 2015 the media certainly thinks they can again set the Republican stage. Only this time its in a more backhanded way. They will still vilify Trump, just to a lesser extent than the vitriol they will spew in DeSantis' direction.

However, this is not 2015. Trump is a fully known quantity both for the good as well as the bad. Trump is out front now as Jeb Bush was followed by a revolving succession of others back then. The loudest most shrill media voices today who are deriding Trump, were if not championing Trump, they were at a minimum enabling him. It was a bold move Cotton, but exactly how did that work out for them?

As we saw with how much money Trump raised and how little was spent, Trump in fact is Smaug wallowing in his treasure. If only it wasn't such a geeky reference that so many won't catch onto. But this reference is deeper than that. Its not just the gold bathing. You need to think of the foreshadowing of what happened next when Smaug's treasure was threatened, and his retribution.

This "Going full Hitler" is just a warm up stretch. Wait until the fun really begins to lay waste to all Republicans. Then imagine what happens if Trump is the nominee, wind and bursts out of Lonely Mountain seeking his revenge? There are a ton of people who deserve to get burned out of their holes, but I fear the actions will be more like a Russian missile strike laying waste to city blocks far away from their intended targets rather than a US pin point attack.

DeSantis will be far more effective at cleaning house, setting the Federal government into its proper place, and flogging a media that is co-dependent upon Trump.

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People are complaining about how DeSantis announced his candidacy. I think it was novel. Shows to me that DeSantis is not main stream like all the other candidates.

Tha media is mad about his announcement on Twitter because the networks lost revenue. It's all about money not unbiased fair reporting. Unless DeSantis steps in it big time, he has my support and vote. We need backbone in our leaders. Trump again is the spoiled little rich kid. That we do not need.

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President Trump could have had a reboot by keeping is mouth shut unfortunately he has perfected the art of loud mouth bully. Reminds me of AOC. Neither one are worthy of a vote and neither is Biden.

DeSantis will be the leader .

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Wow, the gloves didn't come off yesterday. They were never on. Pass the popcorn. This is going to be interesting, assuming DeSantis has a good response.

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I’m afraid that the citizenry is so low information voter, that they will be more influenced by a childish meme more that a full hour of 100% policy discussion that Trump could never do. Trumps really good at dumbing down the message for a reason.

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The sudden and vicious attacks on Desantis all but prove my point. It doesn’t matter who runs or who is the nominee. The media will trash and excoriate the republican.

My point was that the claim that trump endorsed candidates were the problem. While that is true to a factor. It’s not the only reason. If voters can be fooled that much to hate a candidate simply because of their endorsement then voters can be fooled into anything.

That’s the problem. Not just trump.

Trump should not be the nominee.

Can we please move away from the nursing home candidates and on to someone new. Next thing you know bernie sanders will jump in the ring. Oye.

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I think Trump attacking DeSantis is possibly going to be one of the single largest selling points for DeSantis on the disaffected GOP voter. Time will tell, but I hope so. This might be a case of "give him enough rope." Again, only time will tell.

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Stop the hitler nazi crap! We're better than that!

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I honestly believe that Trump has become so predictable that he is now boring and uninteresting. He has absolutely nothing new to offer and spouts the same phrases that sound good but don’t translate into anything that would make me invest in him as a candidate. DeSantis has authentic conviction, a track record of strong leadership and sound policy ideas where Trump just makes louder noises than anybody else. DeSantis is going to be a formidable candidate.

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Starting to think something is really wrong with Donald Trump. His act is really tired at this point. Am I the only one who wonders if he is in league with the Dems at this point? Because he certainly seems content to trash the Republican party. A country that chooses Biden vs. Trump a 2nd time around has a bad future.

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Trump was not a republican or a conservative until he was convinced to run for president. He conformed for awhile but in reality Trump is all in for Trump.

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If trump treated democrats this harshly instead of folks on his own side, i would consider him again. I'll vote for anyone other than a Democrat.

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DeSantis '24. That's all I have to say.

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Trump did a lot for this Nation in those four years, BUT, his way of treating people and the names he uses and the way he uses them against his rivals, it more than I can take. He is a nobody as far as I think of him now. I hope DeSantis passes him in less than the next two months in the poles. The interview with Trey Gowdy will shoot him a long way down the trail of success.

Blessings to him and all his staff.

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